View Full Version : Taking a rest

10th January 2011, 02:19 PM
Just thought I would let you all know that I won't be running any events/runs this year as I fancy a year off. I've organised quite a few events since joining 8 years ago and after the last year or so, I've decided to enjoy a year or so of events without putting the work in.

I'm happy to give any advice to anyone wishing to organise a run/event, plus if anyone wants to do any of my old runs, just let me know and I'll send you the notes ;)

I hope you all understand :yes nod:


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10th January 2011, 02:34 PM
Perfectly understandable Craig, i'm sure, like everyone else whoever attended one of your runs would concur, your time spent organising for the benefit of others gave everyone a great day out in the pursuit of MINI madness, take a well earned rest :thumbs up:

10th January 2011, 04:44 PM
A well earned rest indeed, I know first hand how much time runs take to organise.

10th January 2011, 05:16 PM
Craig, you've MORE THAN earned a break. :beer: I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU :thumbs up: for all your runs/events I've enjoyed. :clap::clap::clap:

Due to terrible timing :frown: (and being useless), :argh: I haven't managed to organise anything, so I really appreciate the effort put in by the folks who do take the time and trouble to allow me to enjoy my MINI to the MAX. :yes nod: :motoring:

10th January 2011, 06:32 PM
no problem totaly understand i will be doing 2/3 this year at the most due to costs of petrol :thud:

10th January 2011, 07:29 PM
No harm at all in taking a rest.

I was thinking about doing my run again this year, maybe in July if folks are interested.

10th January 2011, 07:30 PM
Understand fully. You have certainly done some of the best runs I've been on.:thumbs up:

However your a born organiser and you will miss it.;)

10th January 2011, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the kind comments folks....:thumbs up: If I'm honest, the missing my dad thing is kinda hitting home now more than ever and wanting to look after the family and spend more time doing the things we want to... And Fi, your right, I love doing some organising, and I will miss it a bit.... ;)

10th January 2011, 08:26 PM
You've got your priorities right Craig - well done mate :thumbs up:.

The first run I went on was your Argyll & Bute run in 2009 and it was sensational!

10th January 2011, 09:35 PM
your doing the right thing. I was younger than you when I lost my Dad and not only did it have a profound effect on me but my whole family spend time and do as much as you can with your loved ones .

Thanks for the kind comments folks....:thumbs up: If I'm honest, the missing my dad thing is kinda hitting home now more than ever and wanting to look after the family and spend more time doing the things we want to... And Fi, your right, I love doing some organising, and I will miss it a bit.... ;)

11th January 2011, 08:33 AM
Sorry to hear you have lost your dad. I lost my mum 10yrs ago and it was the most traumatic time of my life. You are doing the right thing in taking some time out to look after yourself and spending more time with your family x

11th January 2011, 10:42 AM
Your work on the runs was appreciated, its takes someone to organise a run to get most off our arses to clean our cars and attend. Hope you take a break and come back with a few new ideas on the run front although I’ve still to catch that Perth run that looks a great run.

Got my name down for two runs so far and looking forward to them, but hope to add one or two of the shorter runs as well.

Highland Tour III - 14th May 2011 - The Highlands and Island Tour (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?20416-Highland-Tour-III-14th-May-2011-The-Highlands-and-Island-Tour)
Imperial War Museum Duxford 2011 (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?21127-Imperial-War-Museum-Duxford-2011)

11th January 2011, 11:49 AM
Craig, losing a parent is such a traumatic event. Losing Mum suddenly in April 2009 was terrible, but it's when the 'Have To's', legal and otherwise, are all done and you have to get on with life that I reckon it really hits home. Strangely, I've found this year even harder than last year, when reality has kicked in - like a big turbo with lots of lag!. After all the emotional turmoil, I often feel quite 'numb' about things these days - like I've had an 'Enthusiasm-ectomy' - sounds daft, but that's the way it is. Gets you in lots of different ways...

You have to look after yourself and your family, try to recharge the batteries when you can, and prioritize things. But don't forget to enjoy life too - it's an easily overlooked necessity!

Mini Ecosse
11th January 2011, 05:13 PM
Enjoy a well deserved rest big man.:thumbs up:

Once Ally is home and a mobile we might just manage a run your way for a coffee.

11th January 2011, 06:34 PM
Enjoy a well deserved rest big man.:thumbs up:

Once Ally is home and a mobile we might just manage a run your way for a coffee.

Your very welcome ;) or we should be up at the lodge around the 18th Feb :yes nod: