View Full Version : Mini with Winter tyres v 4x4

Neil - TXJ
29th November 2010, 06:24 PM
Thoughts appreciated.

I have a MCS with winter tyres and a Peugeot 4007 (like a Mitsubishi Outlander) with standard tyres. Which would be best for driving in several inches of snow?

I think the mini would be better at stopping but the 4x4 better at going. What does everybody think.

Mini would get my vote as lighter and more controllable but would be interested in peoples views.


The Dogfather
29th November 2010, 06:27 PM
MINI with winters would pee all over the 4007 with standard tyres, I've been out today in 20" and never had a problem.

29th November 2010, 07:25 PM
Agree with Dog man ;). My Mini has been out in the snow most of today and had no problems ;)

29th November 2010, 07:30 PM
well has the 4007 got any 4x4 buttons like you put it in auto or lock the 4x4? the 4007 with winter tyres fitted and it's height I think would go further than the mini in the current snow conditions.

While I used my mini today with no real problems I can tell you trying to drive it in 22inch depth of snow where no other cars had gone was just one big NO NO

29th November 2010, 07:45 PM
I always see it as it depends on the driver and the type of Vehicle.
I’d have to say there is a point were Winter tyres and the car will gave way to the right 4x4 with the right tyres and set up. I know from personal experience with Land Rovers just how far you can push it, a good few years back we crossed the Eaglesham Moors in silly conditions only to find out the road had been closed and the police amazed we had come that way.
No car would have made it that’s for sure, but I don’t think any of the soft 4x4’s would have as well. I’d have loved to put winter tyres on but I have the luxury that I don’t have to drive the car for the very small amount of days and we are probably talking 4-5 days last year that I felt it was not worth the effort.
But it’s nice to know you’re in the right kit if you do have to travel or get caught by the white stuff.


The Dogfather
29th November 2010, 08:07 PM
well has the 4007 got any 4x4 buttons like you put it in auto or lock the 4x4? the 4007 with winter tyres fitted and it's height I think would go further than the mini in the current snow conditions.

While I used my mini today with no real problems I can tell you trying to drive it in 22inch depth of snow where no other cars had gone was just one big NO NO

Really? I've been through that much today and got through, admittedly I wasn't stopping or slowing, snow actually came up onto the bonnet at one point.

29th November 2010, 08:43 PM
MINI with winters would pee all over the 4007 with standard tyres, I've been out today in 20" and never had a problem.

I don't really understand this:confused:

The main problem for me last winter in the MINI is that it grounded in the snow when you were on an un-ploughed road. This is the main reason I have not moved it since Friday night.

The Dogfather
29th November 2010, 09:26 PM
I don't really understand this:confused:

Simple I drove through snow 20 inches deep without a problem on a few occasions. Sometimes I had little choice, like when the central channel was being taken up by someone in another car. I just kept the power on and carried on through.

Snow is mainly air so you can shift an awful lot of it without it causing a problem as long as you have traction.

29th November 2010, 10:21 PM
well when I was doing it, it was from a standing start... I had to use all my years of snow driving experience to get the job done. never took of the traction control either, I'm not afraid of my car slipping about but no I can't say it ploughed through without any slipping so I take my hat off to you.

Really? I've been through that much today and got through, admittedly I wasn't stopping or slowing, snow actually came up onto the bonnet at one point.

Neil - TXJ
29th November 2010, 10:44 PM
Thanks everyone but looking out the window it looks like another day working from home tomorrow so neither car will be leaving the garage.

The 4007 does have a 4 wheel lock mode but is a big heavy beast. Don't intend driving either through 20"!

30th November 2010, 12:36 AM
Well snow looks to be coming in again and if you can work from home thats the way to go. They are saying it's to get better in Glasgow so we will see. its that ice that is now there that I hate.


Neil - TXJ
30th November 2010, 12:48 AM
Well snow looks to be coming in again and if you can work from home thats the way to go. They are saying it's to get better in Glasgow so we will see. its that ice that is now there that I hate.


I don't trust the forecasters. Experience has proven to just look out the window and go with that. not snowing at moment but who knows what will happen overnight.

AndyP & Lenore
30th November 2010, 01:02 AM
Well snow looks to be coming in again and if you can work from home thats the way to go. They are saying it's to get better in Glasgow so we will see. its that ice that is now there that I hate.


I don't trust the forecasters. Experience has proven to just look out the window and go with that. not snowing at moment but who knows what will happen overnight.

Trigger, Raintoday is an excellent site. Even the free version allows you to view a "precipitation" radar for the past 2 hours. It doesn't predict ahead, therefore no "forecasters" to blame when it all goes wrong, you just look-see where the precipitation had been falling and follow the clouds. There's a paid for version that shows you the type of precipitation (rain, snow, hail etc), but at this time of year, it's all SNOW SNOW SNOW anyway.


The Dogfather
30th November 2010, 05:03 AM
This is better than rain today http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/pws/invent/weathermap/ its got everything you could want although it does also have forecasts.

30th November 2010, 11:17 AM
Great for info but I find the metoffice one clunky when it comes to movement, and that refresh to that of "will it rain" but the rain forecast is a great feature on the met one. The Met office App has been spot on so far.

Thats the worst its been today in my area with the snow and right now its on heavy ( that I cant see anything stuff). Not as bad as your in Paul as I can still see the wheels on both Mini's.

30th November 2010, 03:36 PM
Since the mad snow last year and the snow with week, my trust in the MetOffice has since declined! Yesterday was forecast rain showers, instead we got about a foot of snow...today, rain showers, instead we've so far received about 8 inches of snow lol!

The Dogfather
30th November 2010, 05:02 PM
The met office's site is good for nowcasting (i.e. within the next few hours), I don't tend to look at their forecasts as I like to make my own mind up based upon the data. However, www.theweatheroutlook.com is great for longer term forecasts. They correctly predicted this cold snap a few weeks back.

Neil - TXJ
30th November 2010, 07:00 PM
Worked from home today but took both cars round the block. I live at the bottom of a slight hill and although the mini made it, it struggled in the deeper stuff (c7"). Stopped on the incline and got going after turning off traction and started in 2nd gear - standard stuff. The 4007, I put in 4 wheel lock and it had no issues at all - it is also a auto but still ok.

It was however a different story on the flat and stopping where the mini was the most effective. My conclusion is that if the snow is very deep, its the 4007 otherwise its the mini. Best would be the 4007 with winter tyres but not buying yet another set of tyres!


30th November 2010, 07:08 PM
do you have flappy paddles for the auto use them or take it out of d and shift manual these are the best options to use when trying to stop a big heavy 4x4.

Neil - TXJ
30th November 2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks, do have paddles but did not go far enough to give it try. Will have a go next time out.
