View Full Version : eBay

1st November 2010, 09:48 AM
Some of you know I tend to have a bit of luck when it comes to eBay. Well I had the best one yet last week.

About 3 weeks ago I wanted to cheer myself up so I popped into the local guitar store. There I saw a reissue guitar of my favorite guitarist Richie Sambora (from Bon Jovi). Anyway I bought it for £450.

After getting it home I thought it kinda wasn't me so I took some photos and eBayed it. Now I knew it was rare but not that expensive (£600 new and only made for 2 years) and I'd seen one go last year for £720. So I held up hope of it going for a wee bit more than I paid.

Well, night before the auction ended I checked it out. £620, Great I thought, profit. Just before I went to bed £1040!!! So you can imagine I was excited. Next day I told everyone at work. They were like "You jammy B@*!%$".

Night the auction ended I was glued to the Mac :popcorn:, kept hitting refresh but still £1040. 3mins to go and £1500!!! That was it I was like Wooo Hooo. Sarah's saying you better buy me something nice (Take that tickets in case you wondered). Then I remembered the auction hadn't finished, hit refresh.... Final sale price.... £1700 :thud:

I thought about posting about it there and then but didn't want to jinx it before I got paid.

Next night another guitar I was selling made £160 of a profit.

Can't believe someone paid that much for that guitar, but hey that's eBay for ya.

Oh and here's the link:


1st November 2010, 10:00 AM
Nice one and all above board.......................for a change :lol:

1st November 2010, 12:15 PM
Wow well done. :thumbs up:

1st November 2010, 03:00 PM
Thats a free Works bodykit and tyres in my book even with the Take that tickets. :thumbs up:

Well done............

I have about 1K worth of original boxed and mostly mint Star wars toys you could have a go with.:smilewinkgrin:

1st November 2010, 03:36 PM
I have about 1K worth of original boxed and mostly mint Star wars toys you could have a go with.:smilewinkgrin:

Original as in 1977 ???

1st November 2010, 04:48 PM
fantastic mate well done

1st November 2010, 07:39 PM
Original as in 1977 ???

Yes, never played with, like the Boxed snow speeder that does not even have its stickers on...lol.

I take them out ever six months and go "Whooooooooooooooo" and then put them all back into stroage boxes. All the figures are 99% mint.


There is more boxes of figures:blush:

Parting with them is another thing;)

1st November 2010, 08:26 PM
O'hhh my my my, thats totally fantastic, am very happy having seen that picture, thank you....

1st November 2010, 08:27 PM
Yes, never played with, like the Boxed snow speeder that does not even have its stickers on...lol.

I take them out ever six months and go "Whooooooooooooooo" and then put them all back into stroage boxes. All the figures are 99% mint.


There is more boxes of figures:blush:

Parting with them is another thing;)

That's like the most awesomest thing I've seen in ages!!! I had some of those, brings back memories...

In addition to my good fortune I had bought another guitar a month ago. It arrived as described except for a break in the case. It was about the size of a 5p but right, only to the accessories pocket though. So it didn't harm the protection of the guitar in anyway. The seller got in touch to see how I was doing. I said fine except for the above. He asked for photos and.... Got the cash to replace the case from the courier company.... £150!!!

Not only this the local guitar shop have heard about all this and I'm now going to be selling stuff for them online. Got £136 for a broken guitar they only wanted £50 for. For doing this I get money on a shop account and in store discount. I'm a happy man just now.

AndyP & Lenore
2nd November 2010, 12:18 AM
Not only this the local guitar shop have heard about all this and I'm now going to be selling stuff for them online. Got £136 for a broken guitar they only wanted £50 for. For doing this I get money on a shop account and in store discount. I'm a happy man just now.

You have to wonder why the shop don't want to take this on themselves. A wee two-man-band PC shop in Gala ventured into eBay-ing about 3 years ago. Now 90% of their trade is on eBay and they haven't looked back.


AndyP & Lenore
2nd November 2010, 12:19 AM
Yes, never played with, like the Boxed snow speeder that does not even have its stickers on...lol.

I take them out ever six months and go "Whooooooooooooooo" and then put them all back into stroage boxes. All the figures are 99% mint.


There is more boxes of figures:blush:

Parting with them is another thing;)

Stewart, even if you were thinking of selling these, I'd hold on to them another couple of years. All 6 Star Wars movies are being re-rendered in 3D. Bound to increase in popularity when they start coming out.:thumbs up:


Big Gordy
3rd November 2010, 09:34 PM
Stewart, even if you were thinking of selling these, I'd hold on to them another couple of years. All 6 Star Wars movies are being re-rendered in 3D. Bound to increase in popularity when they start coming out.:thumbs up:


Good heads up there Andy :thumbs up:

3rd November 2010, 09:59 PM
Cheers Andy....:thumbs up:

Not that fussed about the last three films but the originals in 3D:drool::drool::drool:

So that Big ass 3DTV might be worth it in five years:smilewinkgrin: