View Full Version : Any knitters about... The Yarn Cake

26th October 2010, 11:27 AM
Hope no one minds a wee bit of free advertising for a friend and her new business.

The Yarn Cake, is a new knitting shop and German baking cafe opening this week in Glasgow's West End near the Botanical Gardens.

The premises used to be a Post Office, so just look out for the bright red pillar box opposite the front door of the shop.

The Yarn Cake website is here. (http://theyarncake.posterous.com/)

The address is

148 Queen Margaret Drive
G20 8NY

…Antje is hoping to have the shop open from this weekend as long as the all-important kitchen is ready, because she will be baking the cakes on the premises (http://theyarncake.posterous.com/a-cake-update), wait until you smell the coffee – freshly roasted in Glasgow by Artisan Roast. If that wasn’t enough, I have it on good authority that the tea is proper loose leaf too.

She'll also be running lessons and regular 'stich & bitch' and knitting nights...spread the word to any knitters and before you ask I doubt there'll be a NewMiniScotland discount on yarn, maybe on coffee if you ask very nicely and leave a big tip :yes nod:

Ta, Matthew

26th October 2010, 06:07 PM
always good to know. Look forward to seeing what yarn your friend has on offer as I am always on the look out. Wool is so expensive now I generally buy either from ebay, knitwell or strand wools.