View Full Version : Hey lnl!

Big Col
13th July 2004, 09:19 PM
<tags lnl> You're it! <runs away>

13th July 2004, 10:18 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
<tags lnl> You're it! <runs away>


Oh Bwiiiiiiaaaaaaannn!!!!!

<tags Bwoken Bwian> You're it! <legs it round the corner>:D

13th July 2004, 11:05 PM
oi thats not fair :mad:

<sneaks up on zimbo and tags him round the ear with a kipper> you,re it

<and zooms off into the distance on new toy> ;)

14th July 2004, 06:09 AM
Zzzz zzz 'huh' ...what the $*%^ who... wot... wots that SMELL:dead: doh!!!

Ohhh Willie....:)
<points to sky then tags Willie and shouts out "YOU'RE IT", then quickly runs off laughing...>:D

Willie M
14th July 2004, 03:47 PM
Drops 'special interest' magazine that he'd borrowed from GAJ, looks around in a bewildered fashion :eek: See's an apparition (not really sure if he's real or not) up to his knees in Meguirs products, frantically and maniacally polishing a black MCS with an ostrich feather mitt. Runs over, slaps him on the back of the coupon and yells......
'Haw!! Wul. You're het ya dobber!!' :blackeye::p

<Legs it off to the park to sit round the duckpond drinkin' Buckie with his Jakey neebors.....>

Willie M
15th July 2004, 03:25 PM
I doubt Wul's finishing off his polishing before he finds someone to tag 8)

15th July 2004, 07:13 PM
Wul carefully finishes off "polishing" his pride and joy :eek:;) put his MASSIVE collection of meguiars products in their specially designed airtight safe, spins the tumbler and triple locks the shed. Turns around to see a pair of beady eyes peering over the neighbours fence, initially suspecting it was Bonnie Scotland due to the aroma of "Burberry for men" then realises it was none other than Big Col hiding from a kids birthday party!! But Wul then spots Big Gordy keeping Big Col company.

Wul sneaks around the fence and tags Big Gordy and nashes back into the hoose to watch more "polishing" videos conveniently also aquired from GAJ - source of all specialist interest materials :D

16th July 2004, 03:20 AM

16th July 2004, 05:12 AM
quote:Originally posted by Wul

.... then realises it was none other than Big Col hiding from a kids birthday party!!


16th July 2004, 06:15 AM
Walking along - minding my own business, when I see a carelesly discarded "special interest" magazine with GAJs name and home address on the sleeve. Decide to pick it up to stop it falling into the hands of poor innocent kids. Find that Willie M has already done the crossword. I hope that is a meguiars wax product sticking the centrefold together!!!!!! :cool:

Big Col
16th July 2004, 03:44 PM
quote:then realises it was none other than Big Col hiding from a kids birthday party!!

:eek::eek::eek: WUL!!!!

After all the nice things I've said about you on here! :(


"Polishing" mags? What exactly is it you're polishing:question: :eek:;):D

16th July 2004, 03:53 PM
Sorry Big C - couldnae resist that one!:D

Can you ever forgive me :question::)

What do you think i was polishing......my shiney handle (Door of course!) :eek::D

Big Gordy
16th July 2004, 04:18 PM
Sheesh there I was minding my own business keeping Big C company when I get this feeling someone is behind me. I spin round quickly but no-one is there :eek: strange........but wait what is this :eek: some strange feathery polishing thingy 8) It could only be that elusive stealth bomber Wul :D I leg it round the corner to give chase but he's off........:p Hotwire a green astra and try to catch him but run into Kirsty instead :dead: Tag her 'your it' :clown: She so shocked she doesn't notice I've taken her mini to give to Big C in exchange for vast amounts of beer.............:p:D:approve:

Big Col
16th July 2004, 05:42 PM
YAAAAAY!!!!! <hands Big G the key to the Belhaven Best Brewery and wheelspins off into the distance in Kirsty's COL'S funky Yellow 'S> :D:D:D

17th July 2004, 12:06 AM

23rd July 2004, 07:32 PM
Stands back and expects pelters for this one :I anyway.....
BS removes his Kirsty disguise :blackeye: since she obviously ain't seen this thread 8), searches high and low for her yellow peril to give chase but can only see a green astra, jumps into the green beast and sets off at a very sedate pace searching the streets, finally, in the red light area of Leith i see this tall man, with a dubious magazine hanging oot his back pooch and looking rather shifty, i get out, whistling nonchalantly, sidles up besdie the big man and looks him in the knee cap and says, hoi big man, you looking for a treat, well, you're it :eek:
BS runs off quicker than a green astra into the murky night

Big Col
24th July 2004, 09:20 PM
HEEEYYY! <looks down at the floor> See tiny footprints! Dammit!!! <spots Julz carrying a big box into her new house> <creeps up behind her> TAG!!! You're it ickle girly mod! <legs it a little into the distance> <stops by BabyB> Mmmmmmm! Nice! <continues legging it>

28th July 2004, 05:19 PM
<drops box> Oiiiiii, WTF??????? <turns round and sees BFG type shadow disappearing into the distance> Keep your mucky paws off my mini you, you, you big person that has to duck to get through doors.

<gets in BabyB and gives chase, but has to stop at petrol station in passing, again> Hears noise like tornado jet coming in to land as a silver cooper appears, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Morning Mr. Barrie, TAG, you're it!!! (runs away and hides as there ain't no point in just running!!;))

3rd August 2004, 01:51 AM
and then.....?

3rd August 2004, 02:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by sleepyrascal
and then.....?
Obviously John doesn't realise he is IT :evil: Someone could pretend ;)

5th September 2004, 03:13 AM
Maybe I could pretend since I missed my shot!?? :) (If I've got the right John) Turns round surprised as he didn't notice Julz sneeking up and now can't see her!! :eek: Damn those ickle feet can move fast!! Decides to carry on his journey and after leaving the petrol station negotiates a hairpin bend in true "John Style"!! :cool: Suddenly without warning a woman and her dog suddenly appear to put a kybosh on the manouver but NO it's actually Linda M!!! :D TAG your it!!!! :p

Big Col
5th September 2004, 07:56 PM
<wanders into Willie and Linda's house in his Linda M disguise (since she cannie really make it onto the forum these days, tags Willie M as he leans forward to give his "wife" a big welcome home smooch. Takes off the Linda M mask in a Mission Impossible 2 stylee and legs it into the distance in Kirsty's Col's Yellow/black 'S>

Big Gordy
6th September 2004, 07:58 PM
:eek:There seems to be a few cross dressers coming out of the closet for this thread :D Very worrying:eek:very worrying indeed :p:D:approve:

9th September 2004, 02:11 AM
Lots of cross dressers and thiefs!!!! HEE HEE!!!