View Full Version : PS3 Problem

20th October 2010, 10:52 PM
Hey guys looking for some pointers or help regarding this problem.

I went to start my PS3 last night and as I switched it on the usual screens came up but when i was waiting for the screen to bring up the menus to access the servers for music and pictures and to log onto the playstation network, well it never came up, all that was on screen was the background screensaver coloured in orange with nothing on it. It seems to me that when the hard drive tries to kick in instead if powering up it sounds like its shutting down.

If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.

21st October 2010, 06:59 AM
what colour is the on light, am I not right in saying if that has gone from red to orange( instead of green) that's it PS3 is dead.

21st October 2010, 09:26 AM
Was speaking with one of the guys here and he said if the light has gone from red to orange (instead of green) its the PS3 version of the XBOX red ring of death

21st October 2010, 10:04 AM
I'm shure it can be fixed I know a guy that has had his fixed before if it is this

Big Gordy
21st October 2010, 01:11 PM
I'm sure Ross has fixed a couple of dead PS3 :confused:

21st October 2010, 05:59 PM
the light isnt red or orange its green, i checked as i have read this but it stays green but the hardrive just doesnt seem to load up the main screen, its like the playstation operating system to start the ps3 works but it just doesnt load up the main menus, very bizarre and confusing

21st October 2010, 07:06 PM
The hard drive isn't used when a PS3 boots up, everything is in the ROM of the PS3 itself, remove the hard drive from the side and check it on a PC

MINI William
30th October 2010, 01:51 PM
My PS3 packed in last night with error code 80010514 which means that the blueray reader is no longer working :argh::ragin:. Think it will have to be a new one :ragin::ragin:

30th October 2010, 02:17 PM
My PS3 packed in last night with error code 80010514 which means that the blueray reader is no longer working :argh::ragin:. Think it will have to be a new one :ragin::ragin:A common fault and well worth phoning customer support, you may get lucky and they'll repalce it for you, if not, buy a new exchange one direct from them, free delivery and pick up of the old PS3

30th October 2010, 03:15 PM
This is so bizarre I started my PS3 up yesterday and it went all weird, switched off and on and it's come back to life. Hey maybe sony are struggling and needing us all to get new ones ;) Maybe sending a virus through the air:laugh:

MINI William
30th October 2010, 04:31 PM
A common fault and well worth phoning customer support, you may get lucky and they'll repalce it for you, if not, buy a new exchange one direct from them, free delivery and pick up of the old PS3

This looks like what is going to happen. Its a 3year old machine so doubt ill get a free replacment but you never know