View Full Version : Fifth Gear New Series

9th October 2010, 02:48 AM
Well gotta say, good to see a car program back on the TV, although I was left feeling a bit disappointed at the fact they chose to mock TG so badly. I always thought of Fifth Gear being the sensible ones and not getting involved with the name calling!! Fair enough the guy used to be the Stig, but there was no need for the back chat about being a storm trooper etc etc. I'm sorry mate but you were a cult hero until you opened your mouth! Kinda wish I still didn't know who the Stig was!

On to the cars, well the Bentley was gorgeous, and the BMW was awsome! As much fun as it was to watch Tiff light up the Merc, the BMW just looks so good to drive, and what a slide too!

9th October 2010, 06:11 AM
Damn missed it need to watch the re-run on Dave then. Anyway neil what the heck you doin up at 2.48 in the morning mate, cannae sleep :lol:

9th October 2010, 03:12 PM
Damn missed it need to watch the re-run on Dave then. Anyway neil what the heck you doin up at 2.48 in the morning mate, cannae sleep :lol:

Yes and no, was late in getting in from work, and couldn't sleep as I was kinda passed the tired feeling, so watched some TV and came on here to catch up!! Watched Fifth Gear and a new favourite, Eddie Stobart Trucks and Trailers!!

9th October 2010, 05:41 PM
Saw that bit with ben colins...
Also didnt like the storm trooper shout
He has had an awesome job for numerous years, driving the best/most exotic cars in the world then has a moan about it...
Needs a slap, but he can drive!!! Lol

9th October 2010, 05:57 PM
I had it on as well, its watchable again as they got rid of the two guys that just acted like prats on the sofa’s. Collins must be smarting that’s all, there is no way he’s going to get close to what he had at TG and he knows it.

You’d think if you had a job like that even for the sake of a book you’d have sense to realise just to be happy and go with it.

6th November 2010, 01:26 AM
Anyone see Fifth Gear tonight? Thought the first feature with Johnny Herbert and Chandock was brilliant. Just 4 guys all having a massive laugh, and better yet, is it just me, or does Johnny Herbert not look like your next door neighbor who will drive to the shops to get his Sunday paper with his slippers on, yet he's a silent assassin behind the wheel?

6th November 2010, 05:35 AM
Sound just like me Neil :Whistle:

6th November 2010, 09:18 PM
Sound just like me Neil :Whistle:

Are you claiming to be a silent assassin behind the wheel now Greig, or do you go get your Sunday papers in your slippers :D

6th November 2010, 09:22 PM
Are you claiming to be a silent assassin behind the wheel now Greig, or do you go get your Sunday papers in your slippers :D

Papers and slippers mate. I cannae boast about the driving or It wouldn't be silent :lol: