View Full Version : Imperial War Museum Duxford 16th - 18th Sept 2011

22nd September 2010, 08:58 AM
Following on from the Battle of Britain thread, this idea of mine is just to gauge any interest of a NMS group visit to Duxford some time next year.

I have visited on many a trip down to see my little sis who lives 15 or so miles away from the WW1 built aerodrome and every time I go I'm blown away with the place.

Please see the link below to the website :


As you can see there is all you need for a day visit with their 'summer' opening times of 10am to 6pm from March to October. We could opt to visit on an airshow weekend but that may detract from the museum itself which does need at least 4 hours to get round at pace that can take everything in. The plan is now to set off on Friday 16th September, visit the museum Saturday 17th and head for home on Sunday 18th September

I've also posted up on NM to see if some of our English cousins fancy this one :yes nod:

Now gonna have a look at where we can stay, most probably a Travel Lodge or Premier Inn, but I 'll have a good look 'troops'

Showing an interest are :

Big Gordy
Flash Amber aka Scott & Yvonne
Black Jack
Mini Ecosse
AndyP & Lenore
Neil & Lorna

22nd September 2010, 09:27 AM
Entirely dependant on dates... but hell yes! Me and Fi please!!

:thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:

22nd September 2010, 09:59 AM
I'd be interested in this one Crombers.

Only caveat I'd put on it is that there's the Highland Tour in May, and I've already booked Holidays for June and the end of August and therefore have to watch how much time I can take off.

Don't know if I would agree that an Airshow would 'detract' from the museum, as I would probably, given an 'either/or' situation, rather see a Duxford Airshow than the Museum - fab as it is. (There's the 'Flight' Museum, with all the British aircraft, which has lots of interactive stuff and other exhibits too, and there's the American Airforce Museum too, and I'm sure there's more as well). Maybe 'detract' is the wrong word. I Missed being able to walk down the 'Flight Line' at Duxford Autumn Show last time I was down 2 years ago, as I was going around the Museum and the Line was closed for the Airshow to start by the time I came out.... What I would say is that you certainly CAN'T do justice to BOTH on the same day. The 'Autumn Airshow' at Duxford is in October (this year it's the week BEFORE I go to Norwich - rats! - as I usually try to tie in both things, so it's probably on Sat 9th OCT THIS YEAR). Of course there are airshows during the year like 'Flying Legends' which I've never been to, but is one of the top UK (if not world) shows on the calendar.

I don't know if folks would be more interested in attending an actual Show, or just going down to the Museum(s). The plus points are pretty obvious for the Show - brilliant aircraft and plenty of them - but that would mean a very busy Duxford and parking with all the other spectators. However, going down at a 'quiet' time MIGHT raise the possibility of arranging something a bit 'special' with the powers that be at Duxford, which we could do if we give them enough notice and put forward a good case for a bit of a "Factory Tour" a la Oxford MINI Plant? There are lots of 'Warbirds' kept at Duxford and a lot of maintenance goes on there in the 'off-season' or between shows, so it might be possible to get a 'behind the scenes' look, or even just a great photo-opportunity, who knows? We could also maybe even have a wee Collection for one of the worthy Charities associated with Duxford to show our respects. I think there's also (at certain times) a Walking Tour of all the Wartime buildings which are across the main road from the actual Base - like the Officers' Mess etc - which might be interesting too from an 'echoes of the past' point of view. I think it might be included in the entry price to the IWM.

Going to a Show AND paying for accomodation, petrol, food etc might make the price a bit steep, whereas the 'Museum' option would be a bit more affordable.

Certainly worth collecting NMS thoughts on the subject. Come on folks, what do YOU think?

Big Gordy
22nd September 2010, 10:06 AM
Alan stick me plus one down for this :thumbs up:
If it's a weekday I might struggle as, like Craig, my missus works in a school so days off outwith the holidays is difficult:frown:

22nd September 2010, 12:41 PM
We'd be interested (Scott & Yvonne) but depends on Scott's shift rota for next year

22nd September 2010, 12:55 PM
Certainly very interested, like most things joining a run to Duxford would give me an excuse to actually go, instead of saying I must go there one day. You know what with regards to the air show that’s probably fantastic I’d rather leisurely take in the Museums and just take in all the History.

I’m actually happy to do either, although at the air show I’d still come away thinking I really need to get back here to see the Museums.

22nd September 2010, 04:39 PM
The 'Non-Airshow' option would certainly be more flexible and probably more relaxing... although the Duxford Airshows really are something else! There's also the Weather aspect, shows have been known to be drastically curtailed due to adverse weather - that would just be our luck, whereas the weather obviously wouldn't be a factor in the Museum visit.

SAV - If you do the museums, you realise you'll still have to come back for an airshow - Ye canny win!

22nd September 2010, 04:57 PM
The museum trip options gets the vote from me!! I can't imagine trying to sort out several Minis through Airshow traffic, and there's always the chance to go back there 'as a punter' to see that..

However if there were any teeny tiny remote chance of us getting a bit more intimate with some Warbird p0rn.... pass the wipe-clean trousers and sign me up!

Totally agree with what Euan says about quiet times! we just have to turn on the NMS charm :D

Might be a great plan as was mentioned, to invite our 'Northern' chums too! :thumbs up:

22nd September 2010, 05:58 PM
SAV - If you do the museums, you realise you'll still have to come back for an airshow - Ye canny win!

Totally right. :smilewinkgrin:

22nd September 2010, 05:59 PM
I'm a maybe depending on date and cash ;)

22nd September 2010, 06:15 PM
We would like to do the trip...... it's a long time off but with our old westie any long trip is a no for us at the moment but this might be possible next year we will see what happens

Duncan Stewart
22nd September 2010, 08:40 PM
Great idea :thumbs up:
been to duxford many times before at airshows and the museums but always worth another visit, constantly changing and always something you missed the last time, there is so much to see

we are up for it :D

22nd September 2010, 08:47 PM
Duncan never been but god it looks great just from the web. Are you allowed near the planes outside near the runway? I take it this is an active runway with flight school etc but just to the side you can see what looks like older military planes sitting.

Duncan Stewart
22nd September 2010, 09:03 PM
It is a active airfield so you cannot go onto the runway. there are warbirds being restored and operated from the airfield so you can always see something inside or outside the hangars, and if youre lucky they can be flying.
one time I visited there was a hawker fury beating up the airfield in an amazing display of flying that I don't think would be allowed at an airshow these days

22nd September 2010, 11:29 PM
So two weeks before an air show might be a good call for a visit....:smilewinkgrin:

23rd September 2010, 09:12 AM
I'm a maybe depending on date and cash ;)

Acht you've got plenty of cash & plenty of time to save up ya dobber :rolleyes:

23rd September 2010, 09:25 AM
Are you allowed near the planes outside near the runway? I take it this is an active runway with flight school etc but just to the side you can see what looks like older military planes sitting.

There is a hanger that you have full access to where they do all the resoration projects. On one of my visits a few years back I stood and watched a chap working on a Spitfire & I was within touching distance of the plane. The roped off pathway through the hangar is actually designed to let you see as much possible.

As for outside, you can practically walk underneath the aircraft. The B-52 used to be outside before they built the American museum & what a monster that is to be underneath :yes nod:

23rd September 2010, 09:41 AM
List of interested parties updated on Page 1 :thumbs up:

My general thoughts on this one at present are to organise a museum tour as the logistics & cost of organising an airshow weekend is prohibative. Local hotels bump up their prices, hotels are booked up way in advance and the traffic is just manic (I've been to the Leuchars airshow & if thats on a smaller scale then nope, it just ain't gonna happen).

If we go as a 'club' group to the museum then we get reduced entry fees & maybe the chance to get 'up close' to some aircraft :yes nod:

Big Gordy
23rd September 2010, 12:19 PM
If we go as a 'club' group to the museum then we get reduced entry fees & maybe the chance to get 'up close' to some aircraft :yes nod:

Sounds like a plan is formulating :thumbs up:

23rd September 2010, 05:08 PM
Chocks away! Tallyho!!!

Mini Ecosse
23rd September 2010, 05:18 PM
We would be interested :thumbs up:, depending on shift rota :argh:

23rd September 2010, 08:13 PM
Sounds really interesting and different. Yes please depending on when etc. Poss Jossr too dif cars tho. I think?

24th September 2010, 10:53 AM
List of 'interestees' updated on first post :thumbs up:

Could one of the admins make this a 'sticky' please ta :p

24th September 2010, 11:08 AM
Could one of the admins make this a 'sticky' please ta :pNormally would need a confirmed date, but, appreciate that this is highly likely to go ahead, so, stickied for you

24th September 2010, 11:16 AM
Cheers boss :thumbs up:

29th September 2010, 11:40 AM
Updated list of 'interestees' on page 1 :smilewinkgrin:

AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2010, 06:09 PM
Put us down as maybe's, depending on hols and work and so on.:thumbs up:


29th September 2010, 09:37 PM
Would love to go but doubt I'd make it... Was down there last year in the Mini...:smilewinkgrin: Fantastic place to see, the American hanger is awesome...!!! :thumbs up:

14th October 2010, 11:03 AM
Updated list of interest on first post :thumbs up:

No word yet on my 2011 rota but will keep you posted as soon as I know anything :yes nod:

14th October 2010, 11:35 AM
I may well be up for this.

18th December 2010, 04:38 PM
2011 rota has finally been published.

How does Friday 16 or Saturday 17th October sound?

18th December 2010, 04:43 PM
The plan was to go down the day before and enjoy the place the next day? Dates are fine with me and looking forward to it.

18th December 2010, 04:50 PM
Can't do it then mate, sorry, that's school holiday week for us :frown:

Duncan Stewart
19th December 2010, 01:02 PM
Dates good for us (assume you mean 14th / 15th) :thumbs up:

19th December 2010, 02:11 PM
I prob could manage these dates

20th December 2010, 01:41 AM
Duxford Autumn Air Show is on 16th October 2011 -
this might alter opening times etc in the days before as they'll be setting up for the big show on the Sunday

From the IWM Duxford website:
Autumn Air Show
(http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/conEvent.3564)16th October 2011
Location: IWM Duxford
Remembering the Korean War
Imperial War Museum Duxford is delighted to announce that tickets for IWM Duxford 2011 air shows are now on sale. An Early Bird offer of 15% is available until 31 January 2011.

Neil and Lorna
20th December 2010, 11:17 AM
Stick our names down as a maybe for just now.:thumbs up:

Neil and Lorna.:D:D

23rd December 2010, 12:43 PM
2011 rota has finally been published.

How does Friday 16 or Saturday 17th October sound?

In true fud like fashion I have totally ****ed this one up :hand:

The dates should read 16/17 September, I was looking at the wrong blinkin month!!

Senility & all that!!

Let's start again folks :blush:

23rd December 2010, 02:51 PM
I was thinking why not sept as you still have not too bad weather, but then I thought must be Mr C rota.

That must be better!:thumbs up:

23rd December 2010, 08:20 PM
Just checked the dates and it's a fri/sat so it's a no from us as Jude will be at work on the fri :frown:

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24th December 2010, 12:03 AM
Just checked the dates and it's a fri/sat so it's a no from us as Jude will be at work on the fri :frown:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Steady on now tiger, we may do a Sat departure with a Sunday visit to the IWM. In doing so the folks that need to be at work on the Monday can sill join in (& let's face it we want as many folk on board as possible). It would mean leaving Duxford around 3ish to get back up the road for say 9/10ish, very do'able I'd say. This also means that folk can stay another night on the Sunday should they wish to take the Monday off work

Duncan Stewart
24th December 2010, 08:48 PM
We can't do these dates, sorry :sad:

28th December 2010, 03:27 PM
Crombers, I'm off to Kinloch Rannoch for a week in September 2011 with friends, 2 God-Daughters and 2 huge black Labradors. Pals get a shot of a time-share up there every 2nd year, and 2011's their year. I always get to go, so now I'd unfortunately be very doubtful if I can make Duxford too... I'll check their dates ASAP.

UPDATED 6.1.11
My trip with the gang to Kinloch Rannoch is ...wait for it - 17th September, :argh: so I'm afraid Duxford's 'bombed out' for me :sad:

12th January 2011, 12:51 AM
Can I ask as I've got the offer of a trip in Sept, I can dictate near enough the date so just wishing to know so I can work it with this?
12 September 2011 (Monday)
That September weekend for the scottish schools could help a few out, if it fits Mr C that is.

13th January 2011, 04:17 PM
Can I ask as I've got the offer of a trip in Sept, I can dictate near enough the date so just wishing to know so I can work it with this?
12 September 2011 (Monday)
That September weekend for the scottish schools could help a few out, if it fits Mr C that is.

Let me check out Stewart & I'll come back as soon as.

Q: when is the Sept weekend &

Q: are you suggesting Sat 10/9 to Mon 12/9


13th January 2011, 04:38 PM
I’m absolutely not missing this (touch wood) as I've been wanting to go for years, any date is fine for me but if its locked down to a date then I can plan around it sort of thing.

13th January 2011, 05:00 PM
Those dates sound kewl for us as far as I know... Early Birthday bash for me??
That would be pretty awesome... think I could blag a shot in a Spit (Or the BBMF Lanc?) for my birthday?? ;);):laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I'd settle for a back seat ride in the 2-seater!! haha :laugh:

23rd January 2011, 07:02 PM
Made sure any date works in September, I'm going to be Craig neighbor come the end of the year up in Lochaber Lodges switched the dates to work.

23rd January 2011, 07:26 PM
Made sure any date works in September, I'm going to be Craig neighbor come the end of the year up in Lochaber Lodges switched the dates to work.

eh?? you going up to the lodges Stewart? (sorry that sentence didn't make sense to me... :confused:)

23rd January 2011, 07:37 PM
Yeah just for a week, Just to Chill and drive about and possibly hire a bike and take it along the canal. Booked a Monach.

There are a good few places I want to drive too as I know the area well but I've always done the day trip thing and it would be nice not to rush about and needing to head back down home.

Just getting a few things planned as last year I lost out on the dates I wanted and even gave a trip like this up due to availability late on.

23rd January 2011, 07:47 PM
Yeah just for a week, Just to Chill and drive about and possibly hire a bike and take it along the canal. Booked a Monach.

There are a good few places I want to drive too as I know the area well but I've always done the day trip thing and it would be nice not to rush about and needing to head back down home.

Just getting a few things planned as last year I lost out on the dates I wanted and even gave a trip like this up due to availability late on.

Maybe see you up there Stewart then ;)

8th February 2011, 06:33 PM
Update on page 1 'troops' :thumbs up:

8th February 2011, 07:03 PM
depending on the dates, I'd probably be up for this! Duxford is fantastic!

8th February 2011, 11:01 PM
"The plan is now to set off on Friday 16th September, visit the museum Saturday 17th and head for home on Sunday 18th September"

:thumbs up:

Group rates apply to groups of 10 or more paying visitors. For more information see Group visits section (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.621). could be worth a shout! every little bit help as the say even if its only £3.

9th February 2011, 08:27 AM
Double checked the dates and Jude is off the Monday of that week not the fri so we defo can't make it :frown:

Enjoy! ;)

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9th February 2011, 09:59 AM
If it's def. 16th Sept, I'm def. out. Can't win 'em all...

It'll be a great trip/visit - Duxford's got so much to see, even if there's no Air Show on at the time. (The Air Shows down there are just awesome though!) The place is steeped in history and I know there are Guided Tours of the old wartime buildings etc, so it might be worthwhile checking that aspect out before you go.

9th February 2011, 02:52 PM
A quick Email.....as far as I can work out its just a case of names on a form and no upfront payment or anything like a deposit....There is if its an Air Show but not for a normal Admision day as they call it. I see a few cant do the 16th but that Bus thing kills the Sunday.....

Thank you for your enquiry.

The 17 September is a normal admission day at Duxford so group rates
for 10 or more in a party will apply. Please see
http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.129 (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.129) for categories and
information on group bookings. (n.b. This is not just for coach or bus
Our group registration form can be seen at
http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf)

Please note that on 18 September Duxford will be hosting the
"Showbus"event, and there will be hundreds of single and double decker
buses on site for the worlds biggest bus rally.

For your information, there are no car parking charges at Duxford, and
we can accomodate a large number of visitors and their vehicles on site.
Your club should not have any problem gaining access.

I hope that this detail helps you and that you are able to come and
enjoy a visit to Duxford with your group this year.

Kind regards

9th February 2011, 06:07 PM
A quick Email.....as far as I can work out its just a case of names on a form and no upfront payment or anything like a deposit....There is if its an Air Show but not for a normal Admision day as they call it. I see a few cant do the 16th but that Bus thing kills the Sunday.....

Thank you for your enquiry.

The 17 September is a normal admission day at Duxford so group rates
for 10 or more in a party will apply. Please see
http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.129 (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/nav.129) for categories and
information on group bookings. (n.b. This is not just for coach or bus
Our group registration form can be seen at
http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf)

Please note that on 18 September Duxford will be hosting the
"Showbus"event, and there will be hundreds of single and double decker
buses on site for the worlds biggest bus rally.

For your information, there are no car parking charges at Duxford, and
we can accomodate a large number of visitors and their vehicles on site.
Your club should not have any problem gaining access.

I hope that this detail helps you and that you are able to come and
enjoy a visit to Duxford with your group this year.

Kind regards

Well done that man :thumbs up: , your now 'the wingman' :yes nod:

I really wish I could pick a date that would suit Duncan & Elfmeister (oh & that Craig one who we've practically forgotten about anyway :moonie:) but we could never all settle on a date that would suit everyone & just feel it is fair to set a date now so that people can plan ahead for this 'wee' run. Great pity but hey ho, there's always another year.

9th February 2011, 06:10 PM
Double checked the dates and Jude is off the Monday of that week not the fri so we defo can't make it :frown:

Enjoy! ;)

Without a MINI you were always gonna be kept a mile behind us anyway, admiring the scenery in yer Hummer :hand:

9th February 2011, 06:46 PM
Without a MINI you were always gonna be kept a mile behind us anyway, admiring the scenery in yer Hummer :hand:

I had a mini arranged for that weekend :moonie: ;)

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9th February 2011, 10:06 PM
I had a mini arranged for that weekend :moonie: ;)

Your gonna end up payin more for rental than you were on monthly payments :rolleyes:

9th February 2011, 10:16 PM
Your gonna end up payin more for rental than you were on monthly payments :rolleyes:

highly unlikely Mr C.... ;)

10th February 2011, 12:15 AM
No probs Mr C happy to help.
I did not even get round to reading the PDF. Its easier than I thought no need for names on a sheet just one sheet by an organiser with the numbers for the visit printed out and presented on the day. So basically you can fill it out in the car park and take it in and get a few quid off.
http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf (http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/upload/pdf/Group_Registration_Form_Current.pdf)

I hope that it’s far enough off that a few people that might not make it due to work dates might get a break or opportunity to join in the trip.

10th February 2011, 07:59 AM
Has this event got an official date? if so i'll change the thread to include it :thumbs up:

10th February 2011, 05:59 PM
Has this event got an official date? if so i'll change the thread to include it :thumbs up:

Depart 16/9, IWM Duxford 17/9, Home 18/9

Cheers gaffer :thumbs up:

12th February 2011, 04:32 PM
I really wish I could pick a date that would suit Duncan & Elfmeister (oh & that Craig one who we've practically forgotten about anyway :moonie:) but we could never all settle on a date that would suit everyone & just feel it is fair to set a date now so that people can plan ahead for this 'wee' run. Great pity but hey ho, there's always another year.

No problem Crombers, you can't please all of the people all of the time! At least I'll be away somewhere nice, instead of missing the trip due to work etc. Hope you all have a great run and an unforgettable visit.

During your visit, take a few quiet minutes and look out across the grass. If you listen very hard, you can hear the sound of distant Merlins and catch a glimpse in your mind's eye of bygone Heroes... (If you don't believe me, just give it a try)

24th May 2011, 09:21 PM
OK folks time to get this moving again now that the LEGENDARY Highland Tour has passed :thumbs up:

Looking at accomodation for the two nights I have found the following http://www.hiexpresscambridgeduxford.co.uk/

Now this is by no means a goer as I would like to open this up to all who are interested in attending. If you wanna spend a little time 'browsing' around then please do so & if any of you uncover any potential 'gems' then hats off to you.

My remit with the HI Express is that A) It's dam close to the Aerodrome & B) We would all fit under the same roof (& bar :hand:) but as I say have a browse if you want & we will see where we are in a weeks time :cool:

24th May 2011, 09:48 PM
I took a look on friday I think it was, but that looks spot on. it was on the list.
Holiday Inn Express Cambridge


I was going to say the Travel lodge at four miles. Even as a group its only a short five minute drive to meet up at say one of the hotels, to eat and chat but and its a big But it gets absolutely panned in reviews for just being depressing and down right dirty….

Are we set in stone for this date?

A few more site with info

24th May 2011, 10:01 PM

:thumbs up: good find sir :yes nod:

24th May 2011, 10:32 PM
Looks a very basic route of over to Scotch Corner and right down the A1 for us.

24th May 2011, 10:41 PM
have a word with Paul (Dogfather) he knows some awesome roads for your drive down mate

24th May 2011, 10:48 PM
That was not a criticism :smilewinkgrin:

24th May 2011, 11:00 PM
That was not a criticism :smilewinkgrin:

Wouldn't matter if it was Stewart, I'm a Lancashire lad so know nowt about the roads in the North east except for the awesome one Paul sent is up on the way to the Jim Clark Museum :thumbs up:

Mini Ecosse
25th May 2011, 07:52 AM
Sorry, change of plans for us not going to make this run:sad:

Alex from NM
24th July 2011, 09:24 PM
bonjourno, anyone got anywhere booked to stay down there yet?

edit - for anyone on a budget the Travelodge at Baldock was doing rooms for £20 per night.

24th July 2011, 10:19 PM
Nothing booked Alex or worked out. Yer main Man Mr C was getting hitched so he had a lot on his plate so it would have been unfair to ask him to chase this up.

I think we would have to gauge interest in this again.

Alex from NM
25th July 2011, 01:50 PM
I'm still up ferret. Got rooms booked so no backing out from me now or the Mrs will kill me :p

25th July 2011, 03:19 PM
Where did you Book?

Good for you, I'd still be up for it as well as when I started looking into Dux it looked a place to tick off on the old - its a place that needs a visit!

Alex from NM
25th July 2011, 08:09 PM
Gill booked it but it was a travelodge and Baldock. Very cheap rooms. As we're going camping the week after we need to look after the pennies that week

26th July 2011, 10:25 AM
Looks a very basic route of over to Scotch Corner and right down the A1 for us.

That was my plan, a wee change from the M6

As for Baldock, why not. I know it very well as that it where my wee sis teaches & where she used to live. Where the hotel is means a very short drive/taxi ride into the town & plenty of eateries & bars to choose from. Happy to go with Baldock folks.

I'll PM everyone on the original list to re gauge interest but if it's just the three/four of us then happy as.

26th July 2011, 08:32 PM
Mr C was even giving the wee car a run out today, passed you on the Ayr Road about half three.....Baldock on the A1 dam i have points for free nights at the Holiday Inn (CAMBRIDGE-DUXFORD), in saying that if i did go Holiday Inn its a short dtive to meet up at night.

Alex from NM
26th July 2011, 08:50 PM
Holiday Inn? Bit plush isn't it? :Whistle:

26th July 2011, 09:02 PM
Holiday Inn? Bit plush isn't it? :Whistle:

£40 per night(Baldock) or Free Holiday Inn with a wee drive to meet the Mini lot.

26th July 2011, 10:02 PM
Holiday Inn? Bit plush isn't it? :Whistle:

Toffs from the Sooth side, don't ya know lol

26th July 2011, 10:03 PM
Mr C was even giving the wee car a run out today, passed you on the Ayr Road about half three.....Baldock on the A1 dam i have points for free nights at the Holiday Inn (CAMBRIDGE-DUXFORD), in saying that if i did go Holiday Inn its a short dtive to meet up at night.

What were you driving? Never noticed you

27th July 2011, 11:00 AM
I was in my Coop, in fairness it was more or less at that wee roundabout at the back end of Parklands. I just turned on to the Ayr road and seen you fly past in a most un punto fashion.

Even after all these years of mini ownership and lets face it the silly number of them about I still have the old Mini Radar……

27th July 2011, 01:36 PM
I was in my Coop, in fairness it was more or less at that wee roundabout at the back end of Parklands. I just turned on to the Ayr road and seen you fly past in a most un punto fashion.

Even after all these years of mini ownership and lets face it the silly number of them about I still have the old Mini Radar……

Most un Punto fashion.....................like it

23rd August 2011, 10:45 PM
Down in Manc'hacienda on a course this week, Mon to Fri.
When I'm back I'll see where we with this wee visit

Promise !!

2nd September 2011, 03:21 PM
Down in Manc'hacienda on a course this week, Mon to Fri.
When I'm back I'll see where we with this wee visit

Promise !!


What's happening??


Alex from NM
10th September 2011, 10:56 AM
any news? Only a week til I'm off work :D

Big Gordy
13th September 2011, 08:02 AM
This seems to have gone very quiet :frown:
Don't think I can make it now anyway :sad: My back has been killing me this past week so doupt it would survive the drive down :argh: The joys of mountain biking and old age :p

13th September 2011, 10:49 AM
Yeah think its one for another time, I think most would need a good few weeks notice, I know with days to go there is no way I can make it.

13th September 2011, 01:57 PM
thats a shame

you lot that where going to this could come to liverpool then :lol:

Alex from NM
13th September 2011, 09:19 PM
so is anyone actually coming along then? Just for confirmation myself and my good lady Gill are both still going :D