View Full Version : Dubai

AndyP & Lenore
17th September 2010, 04:58 PM
We've put a last minute deal together and are heading off to Dubai next week for 5 days for our hols. Will still be back in time for Mikey's show too - brucie bonus!:thumbs up:

We've been humming and haawing over Dubai for ages, and have finally decided to take the plunge.

A couple of questions for the one's in the know (Knoxy and Sheilz in particular)...

1. Are there any restrictions to what we can/should wear anywhere, like in the malls and so on? Are we both OK in shorts?

2. What's the prices like for eating and drinking? We don't drink alcohol, so no issue there. But what about bottles of water and decent restaurants - again we're not into the foi gras and asparagus jus drizzled over salmon compote, I'm taking burger and chips here.

I'm sure there will be more Q's but I can't think of any just now.

Cheers in advance for any help.:thumbs up:


Mini Ecosse
17th September 2010, 07:11 PM
Lenore OK with shorts:thumbs up:

You on the other hand NEVER:argh::argh::laugh::laugh:

17th September 2010, 07:12 PM
I did a quick PS last year when her friends wanted to see her Pic's

My sister loves it, she is heading back there for five days in December and a friend is flying out to meet her on her return from a Aus. As far as I remember she was fine around the hotel and on the beach but covered up when out and about.

She’s stayed in the Atlantis and the Jumeirah Beach Hotel. One thing she does rave about is the service.

Sounds good enjoy.

18th September 2010, 12:35 AM
Shoulders covered in public places such as malls etc. Sleeveless or halter is perfectly acceptable but have a pashmina around shoulders. Short sleeves are ok. No short-shorts in the mall either though smart shorts are ok on nights out and long shorts anywhere in public - seems bizarre doesn't it. Anything goes on the beach but not topless - for women that is! Drinking alcohol is fine too but not to get rat-arsed in public. A Friday brunch is the place where ex-pats seem to do their drinking. I can always give you Danni's number in Dubai so she can give you best advice on how to make the best of your time there and any 'no nos' I've forgotten about. Hope you have a fab time.

AndyP & Lenore
18th September 2010, 10:19 AM
Lenore OK with shorts:thumbs up:

You on the other hand NEVER:argh::argh::laugh::laugh:

You don't know the half of it.:laugh:


AndyP & Lenore
18th September 2010, 10:23 AM
Shoulders covered in public places such as malls etc. Sleeveless or halter is perfectly acceptable but have a pashmina around shoulders. Short sleeves are ok. No short-shorts in the mall either though smart shorts are ok on nights out and long shorts anywhere in public - seems bizarre doesn't it. Anything goes on the beach but not topless - for women that is! Drinking alcohol is fine too but not to get rat-arsed in public. A Friday brunch is the place where ex-pats seem to do their drinking. I can always give you Danni's number in Dubai so she can give you best advice on how to make the best of your time there and any 'no nos' I've forgotten about. Hope you have a fab time.

Many thanks Sheilz. We did a bit of looking through Tripadvisor.com last night and afterwards Lenore started hauling a load of clothes out her bag mumping and moaning that this was no good and that was no good and the usual female retort... "I've nothing to wear!" I think I've convinced her that as long as her shoulders are covered she should be fine, and to be honest she's not one for showing off her cleavage anyway so that should be OK. She had bought a pair of shorts for our next Orlando trip and she was going to take them, but because they stop (just) above the knee they've been cast aside.

Cheers for the advice.

A.:thumbs up:

18th September 2010, 03:34 PM
It will still be very hot in dubai next week. We were there in October and temp never dipped below 30. Took a cardi with me which came back unworn. If you do need insider info coz of course tourists tend to be directed to the most expensive tho not always best experience at their chosen destination. When you go shopping away from the main outlets (designer, m&s etc type venues) always ask for their 'best price' and let them know you know its not the same as the asked price. Haggling is good fun, Danni is an expert at it, but defo alien to us stay at home Scots. If you are buying jewellery would recommend Cara which is owned by a friend of Danni's. This shop is not in the gold souk, its much more upmarket than that. Very good quality pieces which Kieran will make for you. Danni again is the jewellery expert in our family, does the ordering, the haggling, etc etc. Defo recommend afternoon tea at the various posh hotels though tends to be pricy. Dinner on the glass river boat is also a lovely experience. Good food but again expensive. A trip to the Haiti Pools is quite memorable really awesome scenery. Road to it are mostly good until you break off into the mountains. Defo worth it. The desert safari is great fun and defo would be on my list of things to do. It ends at a camp in the desert with a BBQ and lots of nice food to eat. Catriona won a baby camel in the belly dancing competition last time we were there which luckily was too young to be taken from its mother. Standards of food preparation is very good.
Also highly recommend a trip to Oman for dolphin watching but that would need an overnight trip to the north of the country which is not that long a drive really. Its a more basic country in the north, very arid but defo worth the visit.

AndyP & Lenore
18th September 2010, 08:15 PM
Many thanks for all the tips Sheilz. It's our first trip and we're only there for 5 days so I'm not sure we'll be particularly adventurous, probably sticking to the touristy stuff at first anyway. But in return visits the lure of dolphin's may well appeal.

Where is the shop Cara based?

I sort of fancy the dune bashing in 4X4's but I'm a bit worried I'd hurl in the back of the car.:blush:


18th September 2010, 10:17 PM
It does get bumpy for sure but the jeeps are all filled so not much room to get thrown about too much. its all 4x4s as you can imagine and at least its a fine smooth surface. Bits of the safari the jeeps are almost vertical, its ace fun. I'll get the details for Kieran's shop for you from Danni. Which hotel have you booked into?

AndyP & Lenore
18th September 2010, 11:17 PM
"Vertical"!!!??? Yikes.:blush::frown:

Booked into the Movenpick on Jumeirah Beach.


19th September 2010, 12:10 AM
"Vertical"!!!??? Yikes.:blush::frown:

Booked into the Movenpick on Jumeirah Beach.


Yes ........... vertical...................all you can see is sand as the jeeps race round and round and up and down and zigzag over the top of the dune. LOL when we were on our return journey our driver took us out onto the dunes and switched off the lights for us to see the Arabian sky without any light pollution. It was rather special. Admit to having been a bit scared though when he gave us a crazy driving in total darkness experience before heading back to the city. Jumeriah is very nice but it was the Palm we were used to. The apartment beach looks over to the Burj. Sea is so salty you can float in it without as much as twitching a toe. Sand's a bit gritty though so jelly shoes or something similar is advisable for walking on the beach, hot gritty sand isn't nice to walk on. OMG I so wish it was me that was heading out. Am planning on going there next October.

AndyP & Lenore
19th September 2010, 08:38 AM
Really not sure the dune bashing is gonna be for us. Will side step that one I think.

We've got wet shoes for the beach - got them at a water park in Orlando in June.

The sea - any nasties to watch out for? Jelly fish, eels, JAWS?


The Dogfather
19th September 2010, 09:13 AM
They have sea snakes, but they don't usually strike as long as you stay away from them. There's quite a few other nasties though including some sea snails. Full details of all the bitey stuff here


AndyP & Lenore
19th September 2010, 08:17 PM
They have sea snakes, but they don't usually strike as long as you stay away from them. There's quite a few other nasties though including some sea snails. Full details of all the bitey stuff here


OK. I guess we'll be staying on the beach then. Wearing a full duffel coat and making sure we don't point the soles of our feet at anyone, lest they take offence. HHmmmm.:frown:


AndyP & Lenore
19th September 2010, 08:18 PM
On the upside, we've just booked to go up this...


A.:thumbs up:

19th September 2010, 10:17 PM
Thats brave, I hate lifts............but what a view

AndyP & Lenore
19th September 2010, 10:29 PM
Thats brave, I hate lifts............but what a view

Very brave. I'm not good with heights.:laugh:


19th September 2010, 10:41 PM
Same here I had to get dragged up Ben Nevis (ridge walk), slight exageration but lets just say I went really quiet and felt sick a few times till I got to the top.

Jumped out a plane in 96 at strathallan at 2200 feet static line myself, and I loved every minute of it and was even first out the door but put me six feet up a ladder and I'm in panic mode.....

But great thing to say you've been up and the tallest man-made structure (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_and_structures_in_the_wo rld) ever built, at 828 m (2,717 ft).[

19th September 2010, 10:48 PM
Haven't been up this but was fascinated with the fact that the crane driver at the top of the structure has been up there for twelve months without a break, may be longer (going by aging memory). He had to stay up there for that long due to length of time it took to get up and down, I may be gibbering but I'm sure Danni said it was counted in weeks.
The shallow water on the beaches are home to tiny little translucent fish and have regular fly bys from flying fish. We went swimming off the boat into the sea in Oman amongst thousands of small colourful fish I've only ever seen in an aquarium. Didn't come across anything nasty, though maybe we were just lucky. I think the safe swimming areas on the beaches are all marked off, was at the palm so would imagine Jumeriah is the same.

AndyP & Lenore
19th September 2010, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the news on the swimming Sheilz. Some fo those snails venom looks pretty potent. I'd hate to go swimming and my last words in this life be... "Hey Lenore, isn't that one of those sn......":lol:


20th September 2010, 05:48 PM
From Danni

Tell them to get taxi to the gold and diamond park, near mall of emirates. The shop is called Cara, tell them to ask for Vijay and that they are Dani's mum's friend - mentioning my name is most important bit. Vijay's work is excellent.

(Danni used to tutor Vijay's little boy with his English and school work)

AndyP & Lenore
20th September 2010, 06:33 PM
Cheers again Sheilz.:thumbs up:


AndyP & Lenore
29th September 2010, 09:23 PM
Just home, jet lagged as usual after a long(ish) haul, but not as bad as usual because I managed to get some sleep on both legs.

We flew from Manchester to Zurich to Dubai with Swiss Air. Swiss are a decent carrier (although they have managed to lose our checked luggage on the way home:frown:) but the Swiss.... Hope there aren't any on here to be offended, but what an arrogant nation. No concept of "form an orderly queue", no "ladies first", no "please, after you." It's every man for themselves, you snooze you loose.

Dubai is HOT! 42 daytime, 32 night time. Lovely!

Spent the first couple of mornings at the beach but found it just too hot. I went in the sea both days but the second day a group of 3 brits were stood rock solid still, pointing at the sea around them and saying "don't move, they'll swim off." Nuff said for me, I was out of there like a bullet out a barrel, throwing small children behind me and pushing grannies into the path of whatever was roaming the sea. Refused point-blank to go back in.

Next 3 mornings and afternoons we spent around the hotel pool and actually found it much more relaxing - sand gets everywhere! - much more comfortable heat at the elevated pool too with a nice breeze off the sea.

Numerous trips to Malls which all kind of blend into one. But it's fair to say when Dubai do Malls, they do Malls like no one else on earth. Dubai Mall in particular has a huge Aquarium and underwater zoo in the middle of it, one thousand two hundred stores and the tallest building in the world attached on the side.

Burj Khalifa - tallest building in the world - 2715 feet! We could 'have' the owners of the tourist trip to the tower though.... They call it "At the top, the Burj Khalifa (http://www.burjkhalifa.ae/observation-deck/at-the-top-experience.aspx)". But it only goes to the 124th (of 160) floors, so it's more like "Nearly at the top", or "77.5% towards the top", but I guess they don't quite market as well. The lift is ultra quick, taking you up 124 floors in 60 seconds - quick enough to make your ears pop. Although that may be the altitude - Burj Khalifa is about a tenth of the height of Mt Everest.

Anyways, the view is (as you would expect from such a height), stunning. And they have some real cool viewing machines where you can zoom in on area's and structures in the distance, chose to view basic information on them and you can switch between a range of views; "live" as you would expect is exactly what the camera is seeing as you point it, "day" is a previously recorded clear view of what it looks like in the day time, "Night" is the same but at night time so you can see all the building's lit up, and the final view is what Dubai looked like before ANY development - quite how they got that view is beyond me but it's great to look at. The observation level wraps around the entire building with an open air balcony as well as an indoor room with floor to ceiling glass walls.

Dubai itself is still a building lot. Huge amount of building going on around out hotel, but I have to admit we didn't notice any noise.

We used the metro for getting around. The Dubai Marina station was only a 15 minute walk from the hotel - nice during the day, but very humid at night. The Metro itself is excellent - basically a fully automated elevated tram system that worryingly, has no driver and relies on an "Automated Train Protection System". The trams run every 5 mins or so, just over half the stations were open when we were there and the rest are due to open in a few days time. Very cheap too - a tram into the city centre for the two of us was about 30AED (£5.55) return fare. So just over a quid each, each way. It got pretty busy at rush hour but other than that it was pretty quiet. It runs from Jabel Ali in the south and runs right up to Rashidiya in the north, servicing all the major malls as well as the airport terminals in between.

What seems to have been a missed opportunity is the Dubai Metro is not linked to the Monorail that runs from the base of Palm Jumeirah up to Atlantis. When you're building a city from the ground up and are relying on 'Joe Tourist' being able to easily get from the Metro to the Monorial they need to get a Taxi (more on these later). This just seems daft and a huge oversight which hopefully they'll sort out some time in the future.

Went out to Atlantis one day. Didn't bother with the Water Park this time round but we had a wee walk around the base of the hotel and paid for entry to the underground aquarium which was so-so (Dubai mall's efforts are better). We weren't there for more than an hour because of you don't do the waterpark (or if you're not staying at the hotel) there's really not much to see or do.

We stayed at the Movenpick - one of what seems like three hundred thousand 5* hotels in Dubai. Ours was located in the Jumeirah Beach Residences area. It was a really nice hotel, only open a year so everything was brand new. All the staff were first class - and even though many of them were (cough, cough) Swiss, they were very accommodating and helpfull, as you'd expect from a 5* hotel.

Our problem was the Jumeraih Beach Area - the hotel is set in the middle of what is called "The Walk" - a 1.5 mile strip of hotels restaurants and plaza level shopping. I would say a good 60% is still unoccupied (mostly at plaza level), but there seems to be an abundance of 5* restaurants and a couple of Subway's, but little in between. Lenore and I walk away from foi gras and salmon compote with artichoke coulée on a bed of almond..... ARRGGHH Enough! We're happily at home with a Hard Rock Cafe, Planet Hollywood, type of restaurant but these were for the most part lacking from the Walk area. We did find a Fuddrockers and had a good meal there, but a Nando's, Frankie & Bennies, Perkin's etc would have gone down well.

Everyone says the taxis are cheap as chips and all over the place. All very true. but no-one mentioned that all absolutely stink of the weird sh!t they all smoke out there, the seats are all stained with Allah-only-knows and they all drive like they've nothing to live for. Sorry, but we're not ready to die yet. So when possible we avoided taxis and walked to Metro stations.

We also found the attitude of the 'locals' a bit strange and one time absolutely down right rude. It's really difficult to put into words, but Lenore always stuck to their preferred dress code (shoulders and knee's covered away from the pool area's, in the malls, on the metro etc.), but yet she was treated like a second class citizen, and for the most part almost completely ignored - one time we were looking over a nice Versace watch and having a good think about it and I was offered a drink - nothing for Lenore, when the crunch time came the guy said to ME; "would the lady like to see something else?" WTF? She was sat right next to me. Now that may be the way they treat their own women, but they are spending $Bn's developing a "tourist" city... Alienating half the population isn't the way to do that.

One time we were standing at the ticket machine in one of the Metro stations (anyone who's used the ticket machines in the London underground - they work very similar), entering our ticket details and a "local" guy walked up, nudged me to the side slightly, stuck his credit card in the machine and just took over the machine, cancelled our half-entered details and started his own. I was so shocked I just walked away. I couldn't believe someone could be so rude. Afterwards I just wished I'd grabbed his card out and threw it on the ground - but I just don't have it in me to be that aggressive. Lenore said we should have said "Oh, that's nice, are you buying our tickets for us?" Tainted our experience somewhat.

The cost. A few folk had said that everything is quite expensive out there. To be honest we didn't find it any more expensive than Orlando.

Overall, we loved Dubai. 5 days was just enough for the first time. Would we go back? Yes, but next time 3 or 4 days to "top up the tan" might be just right. And we may chose a different hotel - not because of the service but just to chose a different location.

The future seems bright. They have long term plans for Dubai, with more hotels going up in the next year or so including an MGM Grand a Belagio, a Versace as well as more entertainment in the form of Dubailand incorporating several theme parks including a Universal Studio's park, a Dreamworks Animation Studio's park and several other parks. On Palm Jabel Ali they have a Sea World, Aquatica, Discovery Cove and Busch gardens planned. Whether all of these or only some of these become a reality, it will certainly create a much stronger draw for Lenore and I - coupled with cheap(er than the USA) flights and some hotel bargains to be had, all added together with the stunning climate, it will make for an amazing package.

When Swiss Air finally locate our checked luggage and deliver it to our house, I'll get my camera out and stick some pics up.

Sheilz, Sorry, we didn't make it to Cara. Didn't even go to any of the Souk's. Maybe next time.:thumbs up:

A & L.:yes nod:

29th September 2010, 11:05 PM
Interesting wee right up of the place. Bit of a cop out with the highest building not letting you to the top, I’d have been disappointed as well. I seriously don’t think I could stand that heat, hottest I’ve been in was just over 100f in Palma many years ago (hated the heat)When I was in Orlando it was start of November and it was more or less like our best summer days here in Scotland around 70-80 that suited me as we walked round the many theme parks.

looking forward to the pic's

29th September 2010, 11:10 PM
Sounds like you enjoyed your holiday (well most of it anyway)

Enjoyed reading about it had a wee smile to myself at some of your comments :yes nod: Very Funny. Looking forward to seeing your pics (when they finally return your luggage) :D

Mini Ecosse
30th September 2010, 07:28 AM
Great holiday report:thumbs up:

With regards to your comments on the Swiss we have always found them helpful and courteous. We prefer to go for our ski holiday to Switzerland.
If you want to learn about bad manners and how not to queue try skiing in France:argh::argh:

30th September 2010, 09:31 AM
Very nice write up Andy, sounds like you guys had a not too bad time overall, but the biggest shock for me is that you let you CAMERA go in the hold!!:thud: mine always has and always will go in my hand luggage, that way I know exactly where it is at all times just in case my hold luggage goes walkies and does not return! :rolleyes: (dont mind losing clothes, but NOT my camera..)

Glad you and Lenore had a good trip mate. :thumbs up: Cant wait to see your pics eventually.

30th September 2010, 10:52 AM
Did you ride in gold class on the metro?? its quiet and has leather recaro's LOL

I had a nando's built onto our hotel = win!!!

Glad you enjoyed it!

I had to hold back alot of times in dubai with ignorant people. I would be in jail right now lol

AndyP & Lenore
30th September 2010, 03:25 PM
Great holiday report:thumbs up:

With regards to your comments on the Swiss we have always found them helpful and courteous. We prefer to go for our ski holiday to Switzerland.
If you want to learn about bad manners and how not to queue try skiing in France:argh::argh:

I guess they could have been Germans.:confused:


AndyP & Lenore
30th September 2010, 03:26 PM
Very nice write up Andy, sounds like you guys had a not too bad time overall, but the biggest shock for me is that you let you CAMERA go in the hold!!:thud: mine always has and always will go in my hand luggage, that way I know exactly where it is at all times just in case my hold luggage goes walkies and does not return! :rolleyes: (dont mind losing clothes, but NOT my camera..)

Glad you and Lenore had a good trip mate. :thumbs up: Cant wait to see your pics eventually.

It was just Lenore's wee compact, not my biggie.:thumbs up:


AndyP & Lenore
30th September 2010, 03:28 PM
Did you ride in gold class on the metro?? its quiet and has leather recaro's LOL

I had a nando's built onto our hotel = win!!!

Glad you enjoyed it!

I had to hold back alot of times in dubai with ignorant people. I would be in jail right now lol

We didn't go for the Gold class, I guess we should have for one of the trips just to see what it's like. lol

Which hotel were you at? And was it this Nandos (http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/nando039s-dubai-uae-the-greens-branch-c136697.html)?:frown:


30th September 2010, 11:19 PM
Shame that the holiday was blighted a wee bit by rude people. As far as asking Andy on behalf of Lenore, well I guess you just have to remember that the Arab community have been brought up with different more traditional standards to ours. Sometimes we're not much better ourselves. i mean if you have a conversation with two coppers, one male, one female, check out which one you treat as if they were in charge. We've all done it!

1st October 2010, 11:20 AM
We didn't go for the Gold class, I guess we should have for one of the trips just to see what it's like. lol

Which hotel were you at? And was it this Nandos (http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/nando039s-dubai-uae-the-greens-branch-c136697.html)?:frown:


not sure, there is a few nando's, our one was ok actually

you need a gold card for the gold class lol :P its not that more expensive. Chris Eubank was on it one day lol

AndyP & Lenore
1st October 2010, 11:47 AM
Shame that the holiday was blighted a wee bit by rude people. As far as asking Andy on behalf of Lenore, well I guess you just have to remember that the Arab community have been brought up with different more traditional standards to ours. Sometimes we're not much better ourselves. i mean if you have a conversation with two coppers, one male, one female, check out which one you treat as if they were in charge. We've all done it!

Holiday wasn't "blighted" really, we just found it a bit strange. I realise it's their standards and I guess that's all part of international travel - to see different cultures and embrace them. So we weren't offended really, apart from that ass at the metro terminal - he needed a good seeing to.


AndyP & Lenore
3rd October 2010, 11:35 PM
Piccies as promised.

View from our room to the Dubai Marina area.

Main road in the Jumeirah Beach area looking towards the elevated Metro rail and station.

Burj Khalifa - tallest building in the world!

Views from "At the top" of the Burj Khalifa - actually onle 3/4 of the way up, but we'll let that one slide.



The fountains display at the Dubai Mall / Burj Khalifa area.


View of The Atlantis on Palm Jumeirah from the beach near our hotel.

On the monorail heading towards Atlantis



Our hotel.


Arabian Gulf and beach view from our room.

4th October 2010, 12:00 AM
Stunning views

4th October 2010, 12:22 AM
Lovely pics.

4th October 2010, 09:42 AM
Great photos - looks awesome :thumbs up:.

4th October 2010, 10:03 AM
Brilliant pics Andy, did you get any of the exotic cars that frequent the malls? its said to be an exotic car spotters haven :Whistle: That Atlantis Hotel looks massive. The photos from the observation deck 3/4 of the way up are awesome gives you a good idea of the scale of things out there!! even the smaller buildings look HUGE :thud:

AndyP & Lenore
4th October 2010, 10:09 AM
Didn't really get any pics of exotic cars Zimbo. Didn't go in the malls car parks really. But what I can say is that there are a lot of exotic cars out there, and every second car seems to be a black Range Rover Sport with blacked out windows or a white Range Rover Sport with blacked out windows. And when I say blacked out, I really mean BLACKED OUT, including the windscreen - it's crazy.


Mini Ecosse
4th October 2010, 01:30 PM
Great photos :thumbs up:

4th October 2010, 11:03 PM
Great pics :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
6th October 2010, 11:43 PM
Something we did notice about the hotel was the windows were pretty dirty. I went to a local hardware store and got myself a squeegie and a bucket and decided to get stuck in myself - fed up waiting for housekeeping to clean them.

Turns out I was spotted by someone in a nearby hotel. OOOps.:blush:

Sky News Clicky Linky. (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-News/Dubai-Window-Cleaners-High-Rise-Job-At-34th-Floor-Flat-With-No-Safety-Equipment/Article/201009415748576?lid=ARTICLE_15748576_DubaiWindowCl eanersHighRiseJobAt34thFloorFlatWithNoSafetyEquipm ent&lpos=searchresults)


Mini Ecosse
7th October 2010, 07:38 AM
Something we did notice about the hotel was the windows were pretty dirty. I went to a local hardware store and got myself a squeegie and a bucket and decided to get stuck in myself - fed up waiting for housekeeping to clean them.

Turns out I was spotted by someone in a nearby hotel. OOOps.:blush:A.:D

I saw that clip, thought of you, and was sure it was you when I saw the shorts:laugh::laugh:

7th October 2010, 10:45 AM
Looks really smart.

Its another place to add to my 'do more research' before I add it to the shortlist for a honeymoon.