View Full Version : At the risk of being shot down in flames...

9th September 2010, 05:30 PM
...but to answer AndyP's direct question - if you had sold on my Mac as you suggested, I would have been annoyed, but probably not enough to actually do anything about it. If I had felt more strongly I would have contacted you and expressed my feelings to you. The hypothetical is always dangerous because the obvious and indefensible response is "you think you would do that, but in reality you would behave differently". I would say though that this has happened to me in the past with a guitar - and I decided not to contact the guy. Emotionally, it was very annoying, but realistically - so what, when I sold it it became his! That's life!

Now the bit where I will be shot down in flames - what has happened here kinda backs up my original fear. When Antihero asked for the thread to be closed, his request was ignored. When a couple of comments appear questioning the rational of the thread, Andy decides it should be closed and it is closed. Call me simplistic but that doesn't seem it right. It's either being discussed or it's not. You can't close a discussion because it might get heated - this isn't Minority Report!

And to say that the two parties should continue the discussion misses the point of the thread and my problem with it. The two parties to the thread are AndyP and the forum members. If any discussion was necessary it should have been between AndyP & AntiHero.

To cut a long story short - I think that it was unfair to start a thread on a public forum without giving the guy a chance to explain, apologise or rectify in private. That should have been the first, if not the only step. However once the thread had been started, and there were pages of comments, you can't put the genie back in the bottle - the discussion should have been allowed to end naturally, like they always do. IMO. :-)

I wanted to add, this is by no means taking sides - I have absolutely no idea who Antihero is and I have always found AndyP a thoroughly decent chap. :cool:

9th September 2010, 05:44 PM
Now the bit where I will be shot down in flames - what has happened here kinda backs up my original fear. When Antihero asked for the thread to be closed, his request was ignored. When a couple of comments appear questioning the rational of the thread, Andy decides it should be closed and it is closed. Call me simplistic but that doesn't seem it right. It's either being discussed or it's not. You can't close a discussion because it might get heated - this isn't Minority Report!I closed the thread and didn't delete it totally so that it would still be visible, no more posts would make either sides account be better or worse.
Both sides had their say and were supported, for me the thread had run its course without danger of falling into a serious fall out.

I've always maintained that if an original poster wants their thread closed then i will comply.

Perhaps you might have replied to AndyP direcly as your post suggested you would have done :Whistle:

9th September 2010, 07:25 PM
How could I? His thread was closed.

9th September 2010, 07:29 PM
How could I? His thread was closed.Via PM as your post suggests, direct contact??

9th September 2010, 07:48 PM
Via PM as your post suggests, direct contact??

You've misunderstood again. I said that if I had a problem with a transaction that needed ironed out, I would do so directly. I would always answer a question posed directly to me in a public forum in the same manner, unless the answer was something I had reason to hide! :-) hope this clears that up.

10th September 2010, 01:02 PM
I agree with Gismo. Both sides had their say. You made it clear where you stand. Why drag it out?