View Full Version : JCW fuel economy.

1st September 2010, 09:33 AM
I know we have discussed fuel economy recently but can't remember discussion on the JCW side.

When I had my R56 MCS MPG varied from as low as 34 on mini runs:smilewinkgrin: to anything upto mid fifties when driving to Aberdeen. Generally though it sat about 36-38 mpg whilst scooting about on the island.

Since I have had this it has averaged 30mpg (according to the trip computer) but it does seem to be quite thirsty.

Yesterday I decided to go for a wee drive into brodick, round trip of 30 miles approx. I drove like it was the last gallon of fuel left on the planet and besides being extremely bored and nearly falling asleep at the wheel twice I returned home to find the trip computer reading 52.1 mpg.:thud:

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, what I would also say though why?, why would you have a car like this and drive like that. :idunno:

So reset it again and went for a let's call it a....spirited drive, much more fun indeed and 26mpg returned:yes nod:, so in conclusion

mpg < 30= fun.
mpg > 30= bored.

:thumbs up:

The Dogfather
1st September 2010, 09:41 AM
I drive my car like its on fire everyday - my last set of front tyres only lasted 5k - over the last 2000 miles my Clubbie S has averaged 34.1mpg

1st September 2010, 09:58 AM
I drive my car like its on fire everyday - my last set of front tyres only lasted 5k - over the last 2000 miles my Clubbie S has averaged 34.1mpg

love it :yes nod:

1st September 2010, 10:16 AM
Funnily enough I have just worked out my latest mpg, the whole tank has been used just on little local trips, only 2 fast runs and it averaged 45.6!!!!! Shocked, mine is the R53 MCS JCW, normal "drive it like you stole it" driving is about 25mpg.

I dont use the trip computer as they can be very inaccurate so always work it out once filled up.

1st September 2010, 10:27 AM
Funnily enough I have just worked out my latest mpg, the whole tank has been used just on little local trips, only 2 fast runs and it averaged 45.6!!!!! Shocked, mine is the R53 MCS JCW, normal "drive it like you stole it" driving is about 25mpg.

I dont use the trip computer as they can be very inaccurate so always work it out once filled up.

"drive it like you stole it" great quote.

Very surprised at that fuel figure seems very high. Like you say though the trip computer figures can be inaccurate.

1st September 2010, 10:53 AM
Funnily enough I have just worked out my latest mpg, the whole tank has been used just on little local trips, only 2 fast runs and it averaged 45.6!!!!! Shocked, mine is the R53 MCS JCW, normal "drive it like you stole it" driving is about 25mpg.

I dont use the trip computer as they can be very inaccurate so always work it out once filled up.

I think that is the largest mpg I think I have seen for any R50/R53!

My R50 ONE averages only about 35mpg and that was driven gently.

My R56S averages 39mpg.

1st September 2010, 10:58 AM
I think that is the largest mpg I think I have seen for any R50/R53!

My R50 ONE averages only about 35mpg and that was driven gently.

My R56S averages 39mpg.

Agreed Ken I never knew they even got above 35mpg. Your R50 one figure is very close to my old R50 coop too.

1st September 2010, 12:02 PM
I average 29mpg but I only go by my trip.

Mon the fish
1st September 2010, 01:49 PM
17mpg when I'm booting it, 30mpg when not, best ever was 38mpg. I have no idea how you can make an R53 do over 40mpg...

I once got through a whole tank in 220 miles, boy that was a fun morning on the A93 :-)

1st September 2010, 01:55 PM
In my r53 On a canny canny run on a good road i can average 45 but general consuption is 34. Dont think its too bad :)

1st September 2010, 02:07 PM
I must be driving mine wrong ( or right ;) ) as my average at the moment is 24.5 :rolleyes: never had better than 32 so god knows how you get over 40.... :frown:

1st September 2010, 02:22 PM
There’s hope left, I’ve never been one for driving Spirited and I guess that’s what I get form years of driving my Honda and the big 940 Turbo Volvo’s before. But I like the idea that you can get good MPG on the works.

What your really telling me is I could do the Highland Tour in a Works and get mid forties MPG. :thumbs up:

I think you have the best of both worlds with the new Engines. Yes you can tear around and enjoy the car as that’s what buying a works is all about but it’s also refined enough to get good consumption when you want to sit back and relax.

Going up to Oban then over the Connel Bridge round the coast road to Ballachulish then back through Glen Coe tomorrow and I’ll probably be sitting on 54-56 MPG but then thats just my wee Cooper.

1st September 2010, 05:17 PM
17mpg when I'm booting it, 30mpg when not, best ever was 38mpg. I have no idea how you can make an R53 do over 40mpg...

I once got through a whole tank in 220 miles, boy that was a fun morning on the A93 :-)

:laugh: sounds more like it.

In my r53 On a canny canny run on a good road i can average 45 but general consuption is 34. Dont think its too bad :)

Sounds quite good TBH.

I must be driving mine wrong ( or right ;) ) as my average at the moment is 24.5 :rolleyes: never had better than 32 so god knows how you get over 40.... :frown:

I have been in a car with you I am surprised you get above 20 if I am honest:Whistle:

1st September 2010, 06:10 PM
driving my car in a hurray 58.8mpg driving it going to work (when I don't want to) 65mpg

1st September 2010, 11:02 PM
The beast averaged 39mpg over the 3 days of the Northern run earlier this year. That included slow drive up to Fort William, spirted from then on and a tad fast through Glenshee. Motorway back home. I didn't use the "sports" mode too much, but managed to keep up. I was well pleased.

1st September 2010, 11:10 PM
The beast averaged 39mpg over the 3 days of the Northern run earlier this year. That included slow drive up to Fort William, spirted from then on and a tad fast through Glenshee. Motorway back home. I didn't use the "sports" mode too much, but managed to keep up. I was well pleased.

That sounds decent Malcolm.

1st September 2010, 11:26 PM
I always think its an added bonus to the runs like the HT that although your doing a good few hundred miles, your also getting better mileage and I think I was on 54 MPG over the run.

The reality is all the same I’d gladly drop the 15 miles extra to be in a works.

Here Malcolm is the WC sports mode O.T.T as my Cooper is fantastic with it on with heavier steering and a touch better throttle response. In fact I did not rate the sport button till I did the TW-Run and found it so much better a drive.

1st September 2010, 11:39 PM
I always think its an added bonus to the runs like the HT that although your doing a good few hundred miles, your also getting better mileage and I think I was on 54 MPG over the run.

The reality is all the same I&rsquo;d gladly drop the 15 miles extra to be in a works.

Here Malcolm is the WC sports mode O.T.T as my Cooper is fantastic with it on with heavier steering and a touch better throttle response. In fact I did not rate the sport button till I did the TW-Run and found it so much better a drive.

Stewart I don't think the wc50 would be too different to the factory works engine/performance wise and the sport button makes a massive difference, way more than it did on the S. It will no doubt bring economy down too, but who cares. :lol:

2nd September 2010, 08:06 PM
worst was 22 and that was with iming all overplace due to tesioner. 32 average and best is 48 mpg. thats cooper s with jcw engine upgrade

4th September 2010, 10:19 AM
I must admit, I thought I had done the sums wrong first time so re-checked it and it was right, I have to say though normally I am in the 32-35 range for having fun, and when really on things 25 is tops!!

5th September 2010, 05:52 PM
Sport button on the Works makes a huge difference....it can be scary at times. Revs happen faster and the steering is heavier. It's hard to explain, but I just prefer the normal mode with the lighter steering and the power coming through in the end, in a bit more controlled fashion. I would defo use the sports button on a track day, where you need a much more positive response all the time. Don't know if all that makes sense? :confused:

5th September 2010, 06:04 PM
See it makes a nice difference on my Cooper but I presume as its just a Cooper that is why its not scary. There is a definite quicker response to the throttle but I’d still say it a very controlled little change. I liked the steering that wee bit heavier especially when I was following you round the Coast Road from Applecross. :smilewinkgrin:

5th September 2010, 06:09 PM
Sport button on the Works makes a huge difference....it can be scary at times. Revs happen faster and the steering is heavier. It's hard to explain, but I just prefer the normal mode with the lighter steering and the power coming through in the end, in a bit more controlled fashion. I would defo use the sports button on a track day, where you need a much more positive response all the time. Don't know if all that makes sense? :confused:

I actually agree Malcolm I always had the sport button on before now hardly at all. When you press it the car becomes an animal I actually find it hard to tame it on the Arran roads it just kinda snarls at you with the button on:lol: Lots of fun just running normal.:yes nod:

5th September 2010, 06:09 PM
well i just have a had core car no sport button just nice direct stering and good throtle reponce 24/7 :;):

5th September 2010, 06:13 PM
well i just have a had core car no sport button just nice direct stering and good throtle reponce 24/7 :;):

The thing is yours is a wee bit slower stoney :Whistle: :lol:

5th September 2010, 06:49 PM
Not the way Stoney handles that GP !!:Whistle:

5th September 2010, 07:03 PM
Not the way Stoney handles that GP !!:Whistle:

Actually u have a valid point, I think even in a cooper we'd still struggle.;)

5th September 2010, 07:12 PM
The thing is yours is a wee bit slower stoney :Whistle: :lol:

you say that but it will go round the corner a hell of a lot better and im happy to comprimise a bit of speed for a better cornering speed and i bet on power to whight im not that much difrent:p:p:p:moonie::moonie::moonie:

5th September 2010, 07:13 PM
Not the way Stoney handles that GP !!:Whistle:

i will take that as a compliment :rolleyes:

5th September 2010, 07:14 PM
Actually u have a valid point, I think even in a cooper we'd still struggle.;)

a cooper will be just as quick on the twisty bits of road just not to good in a straight line :lol: but yep o would give it a good go :)