View Full Version : Gran Turismo 5 x 3

12th August 2010, 01:57 PM
Well Gran Turismo 5 will be available in 3 different variations,

1) Standard version = £30-40

2) Collectors Edition = £60-70

3) Special Edition = £150


12th August 2010, 02:51 PM
so can't wait, think it will be the standard one though.

12th August 2010, 03:18 PM
Yeah I saw that one. The special edition has some sort of GT competition that you can go to and could win a car, but crazy price for pixels on a screen.

12th August 2010, 05:50 PM
standard one if i get it at all

12th August 2010, 06:27 PM
Yeah the special edition has a Model of the new mercedes SLS in orange with GT logos on it in 1:43 scale. And you get the chance to enter the competition to win a real Mercedes SLS.

The US collectors edition has a model of the Nissan GTR in black with the GT logos on it, which I quite fancy, might have to talk nicely a certain member in here about getting one for me... :clap:

I cant wait for this game, 1st time its gonna have online play as well, hopefully no more tea boy for me :lol:

16th August 2010, 09:53 AM
Yeah the special edition has a Model of the new mercedes SLS in orange with GT logos on it in 1:43 scale. And you get the chance to enter the competition to win a real Mercedes SLS.

The US collectors edition has a model of the Nissan GTR in black with the GT logos on it, which I quite fancy, might have to talk nicely a certain member in here about getting one for me... :clap:

I cant wait for this game, 1st time its gonna have online play as well, hopefully no more tea boy for me :lol:

I dunno Zimbo. I went online in the prologue and won every race I entered. I accept your challenge and will see you on the track:thumbs up:

16th August 2010, 05:25 PM
:lol: wot were you racing kids were you? at least there wont be any claymores or grenade launchers heading my way... :laugh:

MINI William
16th August 2010, 07:29 PM
Ive got signiture edition preorded cant ait for the 2nd of November

16th August 2010, 09:52 PM
:lol: wot were you racing kids were you? at least there wont be any claymores or grenade launchers heading my way... :laugh:

Don't worry Zimbo, I'll make sure I look in my rear view mirror just to see you cry :p

17th August 2010, 09:23 AM
Don't worry Zimbo, I'll make sure I look in my rear view mirror just to see you cry :p


17th August 2010, 09:27 AM
Ive got signiture edition preorded cant ait for the 2nd of November

WOW!! I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive William, not heard or seen you in here or on COD for AGES :thud:but then I keep forgetting your under the thumb now apparently aren't you? :rolleyes:

So where did you order SE from/through?

MINI William
17th August 2010, 09:53 AM
Ive not been playing COD of late as ive got slightly obsessed with forza. Ive still been lurking in the background on here though. Ive ordered my copy from game as im sure you said the UK version come with the SLS and the US version with the GTR

17th August 2010, 11:16 AM
Ive not been playing COD of late as ive got slightly obsessed with forza. Ive still been lurking in the background on here though. Ive ordered my copy from game as im sure you said the UK version come with the SLS and the US version with the GTR

Good man... Forza is pretty awesome :thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up:
That remionds me.. I've gotta go make a PW JCW as well!! :D

I hated the 'rewind' thingy at the start.. but now.. well it's actually pretty useful to help you learn the lines into corners :D

17th August 2010, 11:51 AM

17th August 2010, 06:00 PM


19th August 2010, 03:48 PM

Well we'll see Mr Zimbo, We'll see :p