View Full Version : Herbertshire Highland Games - Sat 18th Sept

10th August 2010, 10:42 AM
We have been invited along to my local Junior Highland Games. This is for a the local primary schools to compete in and there is also various other activities for the kids.

We have been invited to join the parade thro the town and then show our cars at the event. I am looking for 5 cars (plus my own) to take part. You need to be in Denny for 11.30 and the games finish at 4.30. You don't need to stay all day but the longer you stay the better ;). I hope to have our new flags by then to help publicise ourselves :thumbs up:

if you can help, please let me know.


1. Craig
3. Colin

Big Gordy
10th August 2010, 11:51 AM
I should be able to make this Craig :thumbs up: I'll check tho when I get home :rolleyes:

10th August 2010, 12:26 PM
Cheers Gordy ;)

10th August 2010, 01:21 PM
I should be able to make this Craig :thumbs up: I'll check tho when I get home :rolleyes:

Big Gordy to attend a meet shocker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs up:

10th August 2010, 04:40 PM
I should be OK for this Craig, will give me an excuse to put my spots back on!!

10th August 2010, 05:32 PM
I should be OK for this Craig, will give me an excuse to put my spots back on!!

Good man Colin... Cheers ;)

Big Gordy
10th August 2010, 07:21 PM
Big Gordy to attend a meet shocker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs up:

I'll have you know a select band of us 'meet' on a regular basis at Knockhill :moonie::p

Big Gordy
11th August 2010, 07:25 PM
Heavy bummer man......gonna have to pull out as it appears I'm going to some event at Falkland palace on that date......sorry dude:sad:

13th August 2010, 10:14 AM
I'll have you know a select band of us 'meet' on a regular basis at Knockhill :moonie::p
Yeah, see you next Sunday :thumbs up:

13th August 2010, 10:16 AM
Craig, let me check my rota & I'll see if I can pop along

13th August 2010, 10:16 AM
Heavy bummer man......gonna have to pull out as it appears I'm going to some event at Falkland palace on that date......sorry dude:sad:

No probs Gordy - can't be helped .. ;)

13th August 2010, 10:17 AM
Yeah, see you next Sunday :thumbs up:

It's Sat next weekend ;)

13th August 2010, 10:18 AM
Craig, let me check my rota & I'll see if I can pop along

Thanks mate. Appreciate it ;)

Big Gordy
13th August 2010, 10:31 AM
Yeah, see you next Sunday :thumbs up:

Cool :cool: Is that Sunday the 22nd :confused:

Racing is on Saturday 21st and Scottish Tuning Show is on Sunday 22nd.

13th August 2010, 01:12 PM

Next Sat then :blush:

16th August 2010, 09:21 AM
Come on folks, I just need a few more cars to give us a good showing.... It's for the kids afterall ;)

27th August 2010, 01:51 PM
Got my next Commitee Meeting on Monday and would love to say I have at least another couple of cars.. :thumbs up:

you don't have to stay the whole day, even just come for the parade which is only about 45 mins max ;)

Mini Ecosse
27th August 2010, 03:31 PM
Sorry, cannae help

27th August 2010, 03:38 PM
im doing my zip side that day so i can not make it

27th August 2010, 06:09 PM
Sorry, cannae help

im doing my zip side that day so i can not make it

Thanks for the replies anyway guys ;)

27th August 2010, 06:58 PM
Offshore Craig or I defo would have helped out sorry.

27th August 2010, 07:36 PM
Offshore Craig or I defo would have helped out sorry.

Nae worries Greig.. I thought more of the locals would have helped out even for just an hour... ;)

13th September 2010, 09:34 AM
Come on folks only a week to go. With so few cars is this still going ahead Craig?

13th September 2010, 10:17 AM
Come on folks only a week to go. With so few cars is this still going ahead Craig?

Yes Colin, I have no option as it's in the programme and we are being thanked for our attendance..... If you can still make it that would be great :thumbs up:

Really disappointed by the turnout at the moment, but what can you do. If people are worried about their car being pawed or scratched then just do the parade ;)

13th September 2010, 10:47 AM
Yes Colin, I have no option as it's in the programme and we are being thanked for our attendance..... If you can still make it that would be great :thumbs up:

Really disappointed by the turnout at the moment, but what can you do. If people are worried about their car being pawed or scratched then just do the parade ;)

Yep I can still make it that's not a problem. Just would be nice to have one or two more cars, but hey what can you do? :confused:

Big Gordy
13th September 2010, 11:45 AM
Feeling bad now seeing as I can't make it and your seriously short on numbers :sad:

13th September 2010, 11:55 AM
Feeling bad now seeing as I can't make it and your seriously short on numbers :sad:

Ditto, but as I have advised Craig I'm nightshift on Friday night & won't get to bed until after 7 on Saturday morning. If I wasn't working I'd be there as Craig does a LOT for many of us on here & deserves a big helping hand here. C,MON FOLKS!!

13th September 2010, 11:05 PM
Thanks guys, appreciate the comments... If I cancelled the Perthshire Run, do u think they would all come to this ?? :lol:

14th September 2010, 04:58 PM
I'm now at the begging stage...:frown:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I get at least 2 other cars to come along on Sat.... If only 2 cars show up (and 1 of them HAS to show up as I'm on the committee!!) what does that say about NMS? I've got 20 cars listed for the day after for the Perthshire Run, so does that mean we have time to enjoy ourselves, but no time to help out the kids and a not for profit local organisation? :thud: :frown:

As I've said before, if you just want to do the parade, then it will take 1 hour out of your day, if you want to stay for a couple of hours, even better.. ANYTHING is better than nothing, as is the motto in the voluntary sector :yes nod:

So please lets help out the kids and make sure NMS doesn't get a bad name .... :thumbs up:

14th September 2010, 05:15 PM
CMON FOLKS, if I'm now at the 'swayed' stage & will only get about 3 hours kip then surely some of you guys 'n' gals can manage along too, .......................... ar$e , gear, in !!! :yes nod:

Mini Ecosse
14th September 2010, 05:29 PM
Sorry cannae help:sad:
We would have come along if we were not away for weekend.

16th September 2010, 11:09 PM
Looks like this is gonna break the record for the smallest MINI gathering ever :frown:

16th September 2010, 11:19 PM
Your right Colin, although Crombers looks like he will turn up with 3 hours sleep after a night shift;). I kinda feel very let down by the hundreds of "live" users on nms :frown:

You can't make people do things for others :argh: :frown:

We will have fun if nothing else :thumbs up:

17th September 2010, 07:44 AM
Your right Colin, although Crombers looks like he will turn up with 3 hours sleep after a night shift;). I kinda feel very let down by the hundreds of "live" users on nms :frown:

You can't make people do things for others :argh: :frown:

We will have fun if nothing else :thumbs up:

you know i would have come if possable but got to work sunday will be my first day off in over 2 weeks

Big Gordy
17th September 2010, 07:45 AM
It's the times that screw it up for me:frown: If it started later I could have gone to Falkland and been back in time for the parade:argh:

17th September 2010, 08:13 AM
No worries guys, I know people have other things on, just didn't know the rest of nms had something on tomorrow ! :lol:

Just keeping my fingers crossed for the weather to be ok ;)

17th September 2010, 11:33 AM
Time to start cleaning my car me thinks.

17th September 2010, 01:17 PM
Time to start cleaning my car me thinks.

3 hours kip & a clean car !!!!!!! ............. this doesn't get any better :rolleyes:

17th September 2010, 01:40 PM
Sorry to see your numbers are low for this event, would have helped out but work every Saturday... :argh:

I have tried to arrange something through one of my contacts at Peter Vardy and know it’s short notice by contacting them but thought it might be worth a shot as all would love this... :yes nod:


Fingers Crossed that all works out well for you... Will contact you if they get back to me... :thumbs up:

Big Gordy
17th September 2010, 03:25 PM
Send the missus thro with your mini Rob.....:laugh::laugh::laugh::moonie::thumbs up:

17th September 2010, 04:25 PM
Send the missus thro with your mini Rob.....:laugh::laugh::laugh::moonie::thumbs up:

:lol: that will be right it needs whased before it gos any where :lol: not got to it for about 3 weeks now :thud:

17th September 2010, 04:32 PM
Sorry to see your numbers are low for this event, would have helped out but work every Saturday... :argh:

I have tried to arrange something through one of my contacts at Peter Vardy and know it’s short notice by contacting them but thought it might be worth a shot as all would love this... :yes nod:


Fingers Crossed that all works out well for you... Will contact you if they get back to me... :thumbs up:

Thank you sir :yes nod:

17th September 2010, 09:04 PM
Craig, sorry I hadn't looked at this thread since before my hols, as I had other long-standing arrangements for tomorrow. If I'd seen the situation, I'd have sorted something sooner. Just one of these things with folks having prior commitments I guess.

Just off the phone and I've managed to 'alter' my schedule for Saturday (with a bit of flak and lots of bribery), so hopefully I'll see you tomorrow at the Primary School. What time are you going? I'll get up early and try to give the car a bit of a clean - just stuck it in the garage last Sunday after a high-speed blast down to Blyth Bridge, intended to clean it during tomorrow for Sunday's Run - so it might not be 'minted'... same goes for me! Let me know times etc.

17th September 2010, 09:24 PM
Thanks Euan, much appreciated ;). Texted you back ;)

17th September 2010, 11:06 PM
Sorted Craig, see you at yours at 11.00am. I'll phone if I get lost!!!

18th September 2010, 08:37 AM
I have tried to arrange something through one of my contacts at Peter Vardy and know it’s short notice by contacting them but thought it might be worth a shot as all would love this... :yes nod:

Hi Craig... No contact has been made to me from Peter Vardy so he must be on Holiday or out of the building at the moment, knew it was short notice but was worth a try...

Hope all works out today,,, :thumbs up:

18th September 2010, 08:43 AM
Send the missus thro with your mini Rob.....:laugh::laugh::laugh::moonie::thumbs up:

Are you trying to give her a Heart Attack - She won't do that as long as I'm here to chauffeur her around, but she should be... :laugh: :thumbs up:

18th September 2010, 10:00 AM
Thanks guys ;)

That's most of the setup done at the site... Just got signs to go up now ;)

See you all around 11 :thumbs up:

18th September 2010, 07:34 PM
Most pleasant day out today - and blessed with fine weather for the kids (big and small). Nice to see a traditional family day out (the home baking was well-tasty) and folks having simple fun in the sun. Also good practice for getting out of my kip tomorrow - AND the car's still CLEAN! The new NMS Flags looked great too.

Thanks for the run in the fab wee red machine Colin - very enjoyable - my car felt far too much like a Limo on the way home though, despite my efforts to the contrary. I'll have to make it louder! Managed to miss the M73 turn off in the road works (well it all looks different...), too busy watching Crombers in the rear-view mirror. Got home via M8 and not much later than I would've on the dug-up 40mph bit of the M73...

See y'all tomorrow.

18th September 2010, 08:11 PM
Id just like to say a HUGE thanks to all that turned out today.. I have a bit of sun burn but it was worth it as the kids seemed to have a ball !

The tombola did well with NMS coming away with a lot of drink !! :lol: well except Elfman ;)

See you all tomorrow :yes nod:

21st September 2010, 10:22 PM
Eventually got round to posting up some pics of the day.







21st September 2010, 10:34 PM
Nice pics Colin .... Flags look great ;)

22nd September 2010, 08:49 AM
Nice one Colin - pity the wee baldy guy in the background wasted the photo of my car though.....

22nd September 2010, 09:18 AM
Nice one Colin - pity the wee baldy guy in the background wasted the photo of my car though.....

Would'nt that be the very chappy who was day dreamin on his way home :rolleyes: