View Full Version : Countryman’s Optional Aerokit

23rd June 2010, 01:35 PM

This thing might actually look alright. That’s a bit more beefed up looking.

http://www.motoringfile.com/2010/06/19/first-look-countrymans-optional-aerokit/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Motoringfile+%28MotoringFile% 29

23rd June 2010, 01:55 PM

can't agree there mate, very fugly.

Fartin Martin
23rd June 2010, 01:57 PM
like the side of it there..not the front! its a No No from me!

23rd June 2010, 02:09 PM
The aerokit itself is what you'd expect but I think the Countryman has a weird "nose". It's a bit too squared-off for my liking :frown:.

23rd June 2010, 02:09 PM
I am kinda hoping the Countryman turns out to be:thumbs up: as I am hoping to get one for a company car ...in a couple of years though:yawn:

So I like it:yes nod:

Fartin Martin
23rd June 2010, 02:27 PM
The aerokit itself is what you'd expect but I think the Countryman has a weird "nose". It's a bit too squared-off for my liking :frown:.

It reminds me of that Boxy car thats going about(Nissan poss??)

23rd June 2010, 02:30 PM
something like this martin

Fartin Martin
23rd June 2010, 02:49 PM
aye that THING there!!! Worst.Car.Ever!

23rd June 2010, 02:58 PM
Still not sure about it myself but I think that’s the best I’ve seen it look so far.

I have to hold my hands up and say I did not fancy the Clubman but they now to me look just as great going round the bends on the runs as the Hatch.

Will it just look Too darn big and awkward going round the bends.

23rd June 2010, 04:13 PM
Aye, you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear!

23rd June 2010, 04:58 PM
Think it has an ugly resemblance of the Porsche cayenne at the front...
So that's not good :lol:

Duncan Stewart
25th June 2010, 08:42 PM
I like it :cool:

26th June 2010, 06:13 PM
I was very outspoken when I first seen it at it being pretty horrid. But the more I see it, the more I like it (talk about a u-turn) Can't wait to see one in the flesh though to properly judge!

26th June 2010, 07:50 PM
Not a fan of the car or kit TBH

26th June 2010, 09:01 PM
I think though over time I'll grow to like it though. As others have said I hated the look of the clubman at first now I like it, it defo grows on you. In the right colour with the right extras it could look good.

The Dogfather
26th June 2010, 09:21 PM
Lower that on a set of coilovers and it will look really mean, its not a MINI but its a good looking car

27th June 2010, 10:20 PM
I reckon it would look pretty awesome in all white with black rims and slammed a little. It's pretty aggressive looking that's for sure.

28th June 2010, 07:54 AM
If this car was not a MINI, would people on here still like it and consider buying one?

The Dogfather
28th June 2010, 08:26 AM
If this car was not a MINI, would people on here still like it and consider buying one?

Yes, if it has the performance, handling and the bit of extra space that you'd expect. It's a bonus that it is a Mini (even though it isn't really)

28th June 2010, 08:42 AM
I thought the Countryman was meant to be a 4x4 vehicle so should look chunkier and sit high up. Why would you buy one and then lower it, thus reducing its off-road capability? Would be rather embarrassing to have a car like that and then get stuck in a field!

28th June 2010, 08:48 AM
I thought the Countryman was meant to be a 4x4 vehicle so should look chunkier and sit high up. Why would you buy one and then lower it, thus reducing its off-road capability? Would be rather embarrassing to have a car like that and then get stuck in a field!

This is true del however is anyone who wants to go off-road going to buy this anyway. I am trying to work out the kinda Market this is aimed at.

28th June 2010, 08:55 AM
This is true del however is anyone who wants to go off-road going to buy this anyway. I am trying to work out the kinda Market this is aimed at.

Is it not aimed at people who drop their kids off at school?

28th June 2010, 09:10 AM
This is true del however is anyone who wants to go off-road going to buy this anyway. I am trying to work out the kinda Market this is aimed at.

I know it probably won't be used as a serious off-roader but if you're going to pay for the 4x4 option then presumably you need or want that capability. I actually forgot you can buy it in 2-wheel drive guise - maybe these cars should be lowered :Whistle: :smilewinkgrin:.

28th June 2010, 09:35 AM
I personally think that this monstrosity will end up being the new "Chelsea Tractor" for all those mums who cant afford a Q7 or RR Sports or X5s and 6s.

I know myself for a fact that my sister in law has always fancied a Q7 but could never afford one and she has always liked minis (my influence I think...) and when I told her that there was a five door mini coming out she was kinda happy to hear that and is now just waiting to see what they actually look like in the flesh and to see what the prices are going to be ranging from :Whistle:

So YES this is going to be the new school run bus for a lot of people.

The Dogfather
28th June 2010, 12:07 PM
I thought the Countryman was meant to be a 4x4 vehicle so should look chunkier and sit high up. Why would you buy one and then lower it, thus reducing its off-road capability? Would be rather embarrassing to have a car like that and then get stuck in a field!

I wouldn't go in a field, and I don't want to sit up high, I just want the extra space and doors. The 4wd would help eliminate the torque steer and give a little bit of extra traction in snow (with the right tyres). Also if you want to boost the power then the 4wd would help put that down

28th June 2010, 02:36 PM

Great article on the new facelift cars including the Countryman. The Cooper S has 10 more HP and better MPG, very nice. Still not sure about the Works if it comes with a red roof.



28th June 2010, 08:49 PM
This is true del however is anyone who wants to go off-road going to buy this anyway. I am trying to work out the kinda Market this is aimed at.

Me!...farming types...I work trading potatoes and a MINI with good clearance and the option of 4WD, would be an ideal work car:drool: :thumbs up:

28th June 2010, 11:18 PM
I think it will soon be clogging the streets around schools and that's a shame because the whole mini range could end up being tarred with the same derogatory brush. The Cayenne is the most vandalised car in UK so defo hope this isn't seen as a junior kind of version. I wouldn't see it as a cheap alternative to a Nissan though. Minis are not cheap, not in my world anyway.
I think the mini badge is all wrong on this. A mini on steroids. I still don't like it. Why not just buy a landrover instead of something that spells 'status symbol just like all the other chelsea tractors?

3rd July 2010, 10:27 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs081.snc4/35418_405131241639_285423841639_4991866_1499285_n. jpg

Thank god the other new Mini's dont have those lfront lights, I dont think I'd ever grow to like them.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs101.snc4/35418_405131246639_285423841639_4991867_5808111_n. jpg

4th July 2010, 05:55 AM
Got to agree Stu, what were BMW thinking about when they designed these.