View Full Version : See that Obama

14th June 2010, 10:03 PM
I dinnae like him.:hand::hand:

14th June 2010, 10:09 PM
His approval rate is lower than Bush's was at the same time I think. Less than 35%. He's been involved in some pretty hefty changes though, health care reform for one. Apparently a lot of Americans think he's a Communist or Socialist because of his politics and as we all know the Americans don't like Communism...

At the end of the day I think he'll leave a good legacy. Great leaders always seem to be remembered more fondly down the years than the immediate aftermath, once the dust has settled I think he'll prove to be a good leader for the US.

14th June 2010, 10:18 PM
I do not approve of his handling re this oil spill.

14th June 2010, 10:43 PM
Watch this space he will be the downfall of the United States. Like you I think there is something I don't like about him, can't put my finger on it yet.

14th June 2010, 11:11 PM
I do not approve of his handling re this oil spill.

Too harsh or not harsh enough?

14th June 2010, 11:20 PM
Well. Before I go on to that....... the first thing that p1ssed me off was him sending back the bust of Winston Churchill what kinda statement was he trying to make to us.

as for the oil spill........ too harsh. Was it not a american company operating the site... I just can't take to man..

Too harsh or not harsh enough?

14th June 2010, 11:25 PM
Aye. I'm not a Tory but it was good to see Cameron meeting with Obama to tell him to calm down on the anti-British corporate rhetoric. We'll see what happens with that. Obama is under extreme pressure not to be seen making the same mistake that Bush did during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Sometimes I can't help but think Obama puts himself under pressure needlessly.

At the end of the day though BP did not handle the fallout well at all. Not even the media appearances did nothing to quell the anger the American public were directing at BP.

Didn't BP change their name from British Petroleum to just BP over 10 years ago? Obama was intentionally making a statement when he referred to BP as British Petroleum a couple of weeks back. That was a bit underhanded.

15th June 2010, 07:47 AM
aye and the biggest mistake in my opinion was the day and night BP bought Amaco

15th June 2010, 11:18 AM
I couldn't believe when I heard Obama yesterday compare the oil spill to the 9/11 terrorist attack :frown:. Did thousands die and I missed that? What a stupid comparison.

15th June 2010, 11:23 AM
I couldn't believe when I heard Obama yesterday compare the oil spill to the 9/11 terrorist attack :frown:. Did thousands die and I missed that? What a stupid comparison.

:frown: What's he like, well maybe the comparison is they were both orchestrated by the government. I'm sure there's a conspiracy out by now.

15th June 2010, 12:06 PM
It's been a mess, but he's being driven by what the media advisors are telling him people want to hear and not what he should be doing.

At the end of the day, something like this was bound to happen eventually, but for it to happen just off the coast of the US makes them a lot more aware of the oil dependency and the mess it makes. As people try and get oil from harder and deeper places, the complexity goes up.

15th June 2010, 12:49 PM
Shame really .............................. he speaks highly of NMS :saltireflag: