View Full Version : Odeon Voucher..

9th June 2010, 11:50 AM
We'v just had this passed round our unit at work.. so I thought I'd share!
(Sorry andy and Neil! ;):p)

Odeon voucher for 1/3 off the price of a ticket:


AndyP & Lenore
9th June 2010, 01:30 PM
Absolutely no apologies necessary, anything that helps get more folk into the cinema is a good thing for us in the long term, regardless of which cinema they go to. Besides, there's really only one Odeon anywhere near us and that's at Hermiston Gait in Edinburgh - and you only park there if you're not interested in your alloys still being attached to the car when you get out.:frown:


9th June 2010, 01:37 PM
Absolutely no apologies necessary, anything that helps get more folk into the cinema is a good thing for us in the long term, regardless of which cinema they go to. Besides, there's really only one Odeon anywhere near us and that's at Hermiston Gait in Edinburgh - and you only park there if you're not interested in your alloys still being attached to the car when you get out.:frown:


You should get a advert put up there saying that

AndyP & Lenore
10th June 2010, 04:08 AM
You should get a advert put up there saying that

Ben it's far enough away that I don't see anyone travelling to Wester Hailes to see a film. There are a couple of other cinemas between them and us which are better (than the Odeon Wester Hailes) but they're not Odeons.


MINI William
10th June 2010, 07:05 AM
I would never leave my car at wester hailes