View Full Version : jail breaking iphones

25th May 2010, 07:22 PM
I was contemplating doing this to my iphone, anybody done it, know of anyone who's done it and their thoughts etc.

It is pretty straight forward but would be interested in others thoughts on the matter.

25th May 2010, 07:46 PM
My best mates done it to his, but its been going a bit wonky recently, and he obviously now has no warranty, so if your gonna do it, make sure its for a good reason, otherwise I wouldn't bother mate.

25th May 2010, 07:53 PM
My best mates done it to his, but its been going a bit wonky recently, and he obviously now has no warranty, so if your gonna do it, make sure its for a good reason, otherwise I wouldn't bother mate.

Yeh I was gonna then started reading a bit into it, it would appear that it's not all rosy when you do it.

25th May 2010, 08:16 PM
i JB my old 2G Iphone, thing gave up the ghost after a while and blew up so i would personally leave it to your own decision before doing it, certainly read more detail into it, but be careful

25th May 2010, 09:45 PM
I have 16gb 3gs and its been jailbroken for 6mnths with no probz, it makes the iphone what it should b, i would defo recommend it. Go on to youtube an search for D7, his page has all the info you need, really really helpful. And if you dont like it or want to take it to apple just plug it in an do full reset, job done.

Hope this helps, Fraser.

26th May 2010, 05:59 AM
I have 16gb 3gs and its been jailbroken for 6mnths with no probz, it makes the iphone what it should b, i would defo recommend it. Go on to youtube an search for D7, his page has all the info you need, really really helpful. And if you dont like it or want to take it to apple just plug it in an do full reset, job done.

Hope this helps, Fraser.

Will have a look at that cheers.

Mon the fish
26th May 2010, 08:18 AM
Yep, it's the best thing I've ever done. I used Blackra1n, no issues after 8 months or so. Once you've jailbroken it, Cydia offers you access to loads of apps that aren't on the appstore (they're all checked for compatibility), Springboard gives you loads of tweak options, and Installous offers you apps that are on the appstore, for less than the cost on the appstore (if you know what I mean...)

26th May 2010, 08:34 AM
Yep, it's the best thing I've ever done. I used Blackra1n, no issues after 8 months or so. Once you've jailbroken it, Cydia offers you access to loads of apps that aren't on the appstore (they're all checked for compatibility), Springboard gives you loads of tweak options, and Installous offers you apps that are on the appstore, for less than the cost on the appstore (if you know what I mean...)

Cheers. :thumbs up:

26th May 2010, 09:05 AM
i have created a work doc on how to jail break the iphone, i had mine jailbroken for 4 months with no problems

how can i send you that? pm, email?

26th May 2010, 10:13 AM
I have an iphone and have no feckin idea what you are going on about, am I the only one?

26th May 2010, 10:21 AM
i have created a work doc on how to jail break the iphone, i had mine jailbroken for 4 months with no problems

how can i send you that? pm, email?

excellent yeh pm me or email: greigallan73@gmail.com


26th May 2010, 11:56 AM
just had a look at the word doc, its a bit outdated, as its for 3.1.2 version and presume you have updated it to 3.1.3. im not to sure if the it works on 3.1.3.

sorry about that

26th May 2010, 12:05 PM
just had a look at the word doc, its a bit outdated, as its for 3.1.2 version and presume you have updated it to 3.1.3. im not to sure if the it works on 3.1.3.

sorry about that

No bother mate. Ta anyway.

28th May 2010, 10:00 AM
my mate at work has just jailbroken his phone with sofrtware 3.1.3. if you google 'spirit jail break' and it should come up

28th May 2010, 12:05 PM
my mate at work has just jailbroken his phone with sofrtware 3.1.3. if you google 'spirit jail break' and it should come up

Nice one :thumbs up: