View Full Version : Sad day for me today.....

18th May 2010, 06:50 PM
Yup thats right it is a very sad day for me today... I had to get rid of my pride and joy today, because I have still not managed to find a job yet and the money I had has now been used up trying to keep my MINI but has now all gone...

And I can all hear you thinking now, ...well what are you going to be driving now then? WELL... this is what I am now going to be seen in!!! :frown: :sad:

It's an 'L' reg clio 1.2 with 62000 on the clock...

And I hope none of you are laughing because I sadly am not!! But in the long run I WILL get another one when I can get back on my feet! :yes nod:

18th May 2010, 06:54 PM
That is gutting mate, really really a nightmare, I hope that things look up for you soon. Very sorry ;0(

ps If i win the lottery I'll bet her back for you.

Fartin Martin
18th May 2010, 06:54 PM
aw man! really really sorry to hear that! :sad:..i don't imagine anyone is laughin, I'm sure we all sympathise with you!

good luck with the job hunt! :D

18th May 2010, 06:55 PM
Sorry to read that you had to give the Mini up, better to do that than get in debt over car. Actually I don't think your Clio looks bad for a L reg and with 62k on the clock not that bad..... it's a classic. Your a mechanic are you not so I would imagine it will be no hassle to keep the old bird on the road.

Hopefully you get a job soon any idea what you want to do??

18th May 2010, 06:55 PM
sorry to here that zimbo i take it u will not just hide and will still post on here and of course i will still kick your ass at COD ::): :LOL:

well if christine is working and you can get a lift to a run then your more than welcome in my GP

18th May 2010, 06:57 PM
BTW i'm RALMAO :lol: :lol:

18th May 2010, 07:00 PM
Thanks guys, yes Fi I am able to look after the old girl so to speak, she needed a little TLC to get her through her MOT but wasnt a problem, am now all road taxed and MOTd up, so look out Scotland... :p

18th May 2010, 08:11 PM
Am sorry to hear that Zimbo. Hope the mini goes to a good home and that job turns up for you soon. When you do find yourself back in work and up and running again and get another mini, you'll appreciate it all the more. Best of luck with the job hunting. Have you got a name for your wee Clio? A mean its not its fault its not a mini and am sure it will run all the better for being made part of the family.

18th May 2010, 09:15 PM
Hope your back in a Mini soon.

18th May 2010, 09:44 PM
Bad news Ali..... I have my fingers crossed for you that you find something soon ;)

18th May 2010, 09:44 PM
Gutted for you Ali, fingers crossed there is something round the corner.
I was unemployed for 1 month and felt hellish, can't even begin to think how you feel, i can only say chin up mate

18th May 2010, 10:05 PM
Ali, life can be a bummer, but keep focussed and you will get a new S soon. :thumbs up:

Think of it as "your on the peak of a trough" and the direction headed is up :yes nod:

18th May 2010, 10:11 PM
Sorry to hear this :sad:

Hope you are back to work and back in a mini soon :D

Mini Ecosse
18th May 2010, 10:23 PM
Hope you find a new job soon :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
18th May 2010, 10:34 PM
Gutted for you Ali... Fingers crossed something turns up very soon for you.


19th May 2010, 09:28 AM
Thank you for all the kind comments guys, yes it is sad seeing the driveway without my mini in it but I am unfortunately old enough to know that in the end it is just a car and I can and get another one again at some point. :rolleyes:

19th May 2010, 09:42 AM
Chin up bawbag.. :thumbs up: there'll be something out there for you!
I might even have a spare seat on a few runs for ya... maybe...

...In other news.. is Zimbo to be changing his name to "Nicole"???? :laugh::laugh:

19th May 2010, 09:57 AM
...In other news.. is Zimbo to be changing his name to "Nicole"???? :laugh::laugh:

:moonie: SHUT IT beeatch!!! :ragin: ya wee fud... :D

MINI William
19th May 2010, 10:32 AM
Gutted for you Zimbo. Hopefully things pick up for you soon

19th May 2010, 10:35 AM
bad enough having to part with your mini mate but even worse having to find new job,best of luck to you in job hunt and am sure you will be in a cracking wee mini soon

19th May 2010, 11:34 AM
Chin up bawbag.. :thumbs up: there'll be something out there for you!
I might even have a spare seat on a few runs for ya... maybe...

...In other news.. is Zimbo to be changing his name to "Nicole"???? :laugh::laugh:

:moonie: SHUT IT beeatch!!! :ragin: ya wee fud... :D

Sorry Ali.... I had to lol....


19th May 2010, 12:19 PM
:moonie: :rolleyes:

19th May 2010, 03:13 PM
Hope it all goes well with job seeking! Couldn't imagine what your going through...

Duncan Stewart
21st May 2010, 09:58 PM
Sorry to hear you mini has gone :sad:
Hope you get a new Job and another Mini soon