View Full Version : Knockhill track night, Thursday 12th May

Big Gordy
10th May 2010, 09:33 PM
I know its a bit short notice but the guys from Dreadnaught Garage in Callendar are holding one of their Knockhill track nights this Thursday :yes nod:
If anyone's interested in going can you PM Ross...aka...madmaxxer :thumbs up:

10th May 2010, 09:44 PM
Damn! Unlimited funds :(

Would love to come through, I'll let you know if I can scrounde some notes together. Any ideas on costs?


Big Gordy
10th May 2010, 09:51 PM
Well if it's the same as last year it was 60 quid for 2 hours of open pit mayhem:thumbs up: But I'll check :smilewinkgrin: