View Full Version : GP Owners do you fancy a photo shoot

4th May 2010, 03:55 PM
dont know a date just yet but i would say some time in june would be good to get all the NMS GP in one place

what do the rest of you think ??

4th May 2010, 04:15 PM
some time in april

???? Take it you mean May? :cool:
Sounds good to me Stoney - can't manage the 15th or 23rd or 29th + 30th :frown:
Lets see what others can manage :thumbs up:

Chuffed for ya that you've got a GP btw...you sneaky git!!! :smilewinkgrin::yes nod::hand: Where did u get it from and how many miles on it?

4th May 2010, 04:34 PM
ment june whoops sorted now

i got it from carlisle and it s got 39500 m

4th May 2010, 08:43 PM
June would work for me =)

9th May 2010, 09:42 PM
Am up for this stoney as long as I have no other plans
on the day:thumbs up: or if you and the other
GPs are doing the thistle run we could do it there ( just a thought)

p.s. Sitting in the hotel in derby after being at himleyhall
mini day today, we had 23 GPs on the club stand:yes nod: got
plenty of pic but will have to wIt till I am back home to upload
them. Was absalutely amazing to see all the GPs together.

10th May 2010, 07:10 AM
right ok can a mod please clean this thread up as its way :off topic: and i will start a new one for should you mod a GP or not !!!!!!!

10th May 2010, 07:13 AM
Am up for this stoney as long as I have no other plans
on the day:thumbs up: or if you and the other
GPs are doing the thistle run we could do it there ( just a thought)

p.s. Sitting in the hotel in derby after being at himleyhall
mini day today, we had 23 GPs on the club stand:yes nod: got
plenty of pic but will have to wIt till I am back home to upload
them. Was absalutely amazing to see all the GPs together.

good stuff i just had a we idea we could try and do a Arbroth GP stand if peeps are going
to that one ???

10th May 2010, 07:53 AM
right ok can a mod please clean this thread up as its way :off topic: and i will start a new one for should you mod a GP or not !!!!!!!

Done Rob :thumbs up:

24th May 2010, 12:35 PM
got my GP dropped off on friday, absolutely loving it!!

i will be up for a photo shoot like