View Full Version : Thomas - The Pup some recent pics..... only for our fellow dog lovers...

2nd May 2010, 08:56 PM
Thomas today @ 10 weeks plus our other guys just had to muscle in to the pics.

Take a good fews months before he will catch Molly as you can see the diff in speed where Molly is a blur and Tom'o is in focus.:smilewinkgrin:











Mini Ecosse
2nd May 2010, 09:03 PM
Nice photos :thumbs up::thumbs up:

The Dogfather
2nd May 2010, 09:27 PM
Has he fitted in well with the rest of the pack?

2nd May 2010, 09:58 PM
Has he fitted in well with the rest of the pack?

yip took about 1 week with Molly and only recently with the Terriers, Fergus the Westie was the worse he can't be bothered @ 12 with pups but last night he allowed Thomas to share his bed and Allan and I both noticed today how protective the Terriers are of him on their walk.
Two weeks and Thomas will start his Puppy Classes we intend to take him right up to Gold. Pointers like to be worked and at 9 weeks we have him sitting, giving a paw and over the past two days walking to heel, but we want it all to be fun for him so we don't push to much but he will be trained as all our dogs have been we like our dogs to behave and come back to heel straight away.

Do you have pet insurance? we have not had this in the past but starting to think it to be a good idea nowadays in case our dogs cause any accidents etc etc

2nd May 2010, 10:11 PM
Very nice dogs, and great pics too :thumbs up:. I know how hard it is to get a good photo of your dog.

Do you fancy training my Lab to come back to heel straight away?! He does it pretty well most of the time, just not when there is something more interesting to do like play with another dog or take off after a deer or cat :thud:.

2nd May 2010, 11:22 PM
Lovely Dogs glad to hear Thomas has fitted in well :thumbs up:

Looks a nice place for walks.Good luck with the training I have always been far too soft with my dog he is so well behaved in the house but walks are a total nightmare :frown:

I had pet insurance with Direct Line always paid between £6-£8 which I thought was reasonable then 2 years ago they increased this to £14 per month considering (luckily) I had never made any sort of claim I cancelled it always meant to insure him with someone else but never got round to it

2nd May 2010, 11:24 PM
Very nice dogs, and great pics too :thumbs up:. I know how hard it is to get a good photo of your dog.

Do you fancy training my Lab to come back to heel straight away?! He does it pretty well most of the time, just not when there is something more interesting to do like play with another dog or take off after a deer or cat :thud:.

thats harry all over so it is i have been told to use good sweeteys ie a bit of c0cktail sausage or cheese and that should help

The Dogfather
3rd May 2010, 02:13 AM
Fi, we have insurance for both dogs, more for vet bills than anything else. We've just moved to LV, very reasonable especially the excess.

3rd May 2010, 06:14 AM
Excellent Fi and great pics too.:clap:

We have pet insurance for our 2 year old labradoodle and it's £20 a month, (apparently they get stolen to order) I will need to check this out though as we haven't had any quotes recently.

The Dogfather
3rd May 2010, 08:29 AM
Fi, Freya costs £12 per month and Elliott who is 9yo costs £16. The excess on the policy is £60 and it doesn't restart every renewal.

This happened with Elliott when he was insured with 'More Than' he had some treatment that spanned the renewal date and as a result we had to pay the excess twice on the same treatment. I would stay as far as way as possible from 'More Than' they are a money grabbing barstewards.

3rd May 2010, 11:00 AM
Best friends got out dog insurance on there Boxer Pup as they had done with his wifes older Boxer. So the Pup stated to limp something like a year later and the Vet wanted to operate costing a few grand to get the leg sorted and to cut a long story short the insurance said they would not pay out as the original injury was before the policy start.

Guess its like all insurance you don’t know how good it is till you need it.

The Vet did a Price is right deal and the dogs fine, but he really wanted to send the dog to a specialist in Stirling.

Like the pic's....

3rd May 2010, 06:03 PM
I currently have 4 weeks free cover from petplan was thinking about just staying with them I am sure my mother is with Tesco's so might try them

3rd May 2010, 06:15 PM
We've got pet insurance with MandS - very good cover.

3rd May 2010, 07:05 PM
We have cooper with Tesco... Petplan were a nightmare to deal with :(

The Dogfather
3rd May 2010, 09:27 PM
I shopped around (a hell of a lot) and ended up with LV, they have the best level of cover compared to all the others. The devil is in the detail with most policies, read the small print very carefully.

3rd May 2010, 09:47 PM
I have just signed up with LV Paul £13.46 a month for Thomas seems not to bad.

The Dogfather
4th May 2010, 06:15 AM
Fi, that seems like a fair price. Lets hope Thomas never needs you to claim :D