View Full Version : Ryan

11th April 2010, 07:46 PM
Saw ya Ryan "Tunnel Vision" Kennedy on Friday about 3.50 just away to head under the bridge at Stonehaven
Saw the flashings lights on your works van a mile of so moved across into the outside lane and was flashing my lights at ya for ages!!! U were completely oblivious to me! Although the guy in other Kennedy van at the back was checking oot the MINI - aye :yes nod:

Hope John clark Aberdeen isn't messing you about to much - have you got your hands on the other GP yet? Hope you've got it in time for Oxford :thumbs up:

11th April 2010, 10:56 PM

Yeh my uncle who owned the GP (and still misses it :D) who was at the back said he saw a GP! I thought it would of been you ha after he said. Sorry I honestly never saw you whatsoever lol!

I've pretty much secured a car down south, just waiting for the all clear :)

Yes hopefully have it for Friday, can't wait if so. 2 GP convoy from the North ;)

12th April 2010, 11:54 AM
Hope you get your GP in time Ryan, would be a fab drive for your first few days owning the car :thumbs up: