View Full Version : Urgent - Sign the petition the fuel tax petition - Ends Saturday 12th March 2010

Fartin Martin
12th March 2010, 08:08 PM
Found this on another forum so thought I would post to see if anyone wanted to sign it and we may get a fairer price for our fuel! Sign the fuel duty petition on the Prime Minister's website to reverse the sneaky 2p fuel tax rise that came in January



12th March 2010, 08:52 PM
The shell I go to is up to 112p you see the pounds race up with the liters lagging behind.

Fartin Martin
12th March 2010, 08:53 PM
I know..it makes me so sad!!..and when you use V-Power its even worse! :sad:

12th March 2010, 09:40 PM
See I did that twice and thought "what was the point" I'm not doing timed laps to the shops.:smilewinkgrin:

I appreciate that some like every bit of performance they can get, but the price of the old jungle juice is high enough.

Fartin Martin
12th March 2010, 10:02 PM
See I did that twice and thought "what was the point" I'm not doing timed laps to the shops.:smilewinkgrin:

I appreciate that some like every bit of performance they can get, but the price of the old jungle juice is high enough.

see i was like that but i find i go to the petrol station less with v power..used a tank of tesco 99 and got less miles out of a tank! so back to v power i go! ha and i like the smoother ride :D

12th March 2010, 10:41 PM
done and i use v power cos my car is maped for 99 ron also when you have a works kit it also tells you to use 97-99 ron and the car runs better on v power than normal

12th March 2010, 11:17 PM
I signed this a couple of weeks back. Price at the pumps s'enough to make you weep. But you know we shouldn't grudge being robbed blind by the government, since the poltiicians do need their expense accounts and the bankers must have their bonuses. Govt needs all the tax it can thieve from the public for the next bank bailout which is not that far away. Watch the space marked 'mature debt'.

13th March 2010, 05:40 PM
Even though I only get 270 miles from £70 of super in the M3, high fuel prices keep me in work so i’d better not sign.