View Full Version : Netbook...any advice out there?

9th March 2010, 06:13 PM
I am thinking of buying a netbook and am looking for any good advice / recommendations of where I should be parting with my hard earned cash:yes nod:

Have a budget of sub £300:computer:


PS. still MINI-less:sad:

9th March 2010, 06:48 PM
I've been using a Samsung NC10 for the last 15 months when I've been working away from home and have been highly delighted with it.

It's excellent for internet use (NMS & iPlayer) and storing/using my music via a bluetooth speaker. The 6 cell battery lasts about six hours when using the speaker.

Would thoroughly reccomend it

9th March 2010, 07:55 PM
mine is currently from canada, so the keyboard for a start is all muddled up :lol:

Its an Asus EEEpc notebook running 2gb with 170HDD

think we seen it here for about 250

9th March 2010, 08:19 PM
Samsung all the way - I have the N140 and it has great battery life, bluetooth and great wireless. :yes nod:

9th March 2010, 09:44 PM
We re-open on friday after refit... come see us we have tons of new netbooks in we can surely find you something! ;)

10th March 2010, 01:23 PM
We re-open on friday after refit... come see us we have tons of new netbooks in we can surely find you something! ;)

Baz, maybe thinking along the lines of the SAMSUNG N150, an external drive and a case. No doubt you can offer a healthy discount if I pop in in the next week or so:smilewinkgrin: think of all the commission:thumbs up:


10th March 2010, 01:54 PM
got wife a Dell mini for crimbo, she loves it but I hate it.
to wee, to slow and the mouse doofer is crap.

stick my toshiba laptop.......touch wood it has been great

10th March 2010, 04:29 PM
Haha Andrew your funny! I don't sell anymore but i can get you a decent sales person that knows what they are talking about lol ;)

The samsung range you really can't go wrong with. Acer are also quite good and EEE pc ;)