View Full Version : Finally fallen victim

12th February 2010, 02:02 PM
to the curse of a chipped window...

Was on the way back from Liverpool at the weekend (In a very good mood having watched the redmen beat the bitter boys in blue from across the park), when a Lorry kicked up some grit leaving me with a wee chip on the passenger side.

Got it 'repaired' by Autoglass on Tuesday. To be honest it looks awful. I actually wish it had done more damage so I could justify replacing the whole screen. For now I have to drive around knowing it's there. Bizzarely I'm now hoping I get another one so I can get the thing properly sorted. First time I've ever had a chipped windscreen in 13 years of motoring. I guess I was due...

12th February 2010, 02:30 PM
Funny you should mention this - I got a small chip on the drivers side a few days ago, its not in my view but annoying knowing its there. Steven reckons I should get autoglass to repair it but after your comment I'm not so sure...have they made a bad job of yours or summit?

12th February 2010, 04:02 PM
The repair filled the chip, but the nature of the chip (the guy called it a 'halo' chip) meant that he was never going to be able to completely remove the mark. I don't think he did a bad job, I think it was more of me expecting much better after seeing all their fancy ads lately on the TV. It probably depends on the chip if they can make it 'invisible' or not. Mine's is deffo in the 'or not' category. :(

12th February 2010, 04:13 PM
I had two done couple of weeks back and both are terrible. One is a small crack only about 3-4mm so it's classed as a repair. THe guy was ok but when he finished he took a stanley knife blade to the glass, so now when I wash the car there is a horrible smudge on the two repairs. I asked the guy about getting a repalcement and apparently you can insist on a replacement. He went on to say that you have to be careful though when you do this as autoglass might become suspicious if you insist on replacement everytime.

I'm in 2 minds now and when I get back to the mainland in June (hopefully) i will be contacting autoglass for a replacement.

....oh and sorry to hear your news.

and one other thing the autoglass guy said he replaces and repairs more Mini windscreens than any other car.

12th February 2010, 05:52 PM
Don't feel guilty I felt the same way, I made sure before the attempted repair that I could come back no problems and get a new screen. My chip was borderline that it was just under the size and where it was. I said to the guy I’d rather it had just been a case of – thats a new screen needed than we could repair it.

But all I could do was look at the repair that was just near the rear view mirror and think “That just looks crap”

Took the £70 hit but it was worth it not to annoy me every time I got in.