View Full Version : Amfibus?

The Dogfather
9th February 2010, 10:13 PM
Anyone seen this?


Blimey :clap:

9th February 2010, 11:23 PM
Yeah, saw this on the local news and in the papers. I love boats (I own one) but I really don't fancy crossing the River Clyde in this contraption :frown:. Just seems a bit too top-heavy and under-powered for my liking!

9th February 2010, 11:35 PM
There was something on Top Gear about this years ago and the guy had spent all his money on it but couldn't get anyone to back him... maybe Stagecoach has stepped in... TBH seems more of a gimmick than anything else...;)

10th February 2010, 03:48 PM
There are a fw guys in here (my work) that aren't too happy about it. They've been using the Renfrew Ferry for years, to get across the river to get to work. Now Stagecoach is running the service, it'll take a different route, and instead of a short walk to the ferry, then a short walk to the office, they have to get a bus to the amphibious bus, then another bus when they get of it to get to the office.

I reckon they should all stop moaning and buy cars, but that's just me.

Wonder what the fare will be like, given how much each vehicle costs to buy, and will have much higher upkeep costs than a regular bus.