View Full Version : Bit Torrent

16th June 2004, 02:42 AM
Does anyone use it, and if so, is there any good links?

Just downloaded it, and getting used to it, any advice gratefully received!

16th June 2004, 03:17 AM
Have tried it and got pretty good speeds sometimes - up to 1Mb. The main worry is that the IP addresses of everyone downloading are open and if you are downloading anything that is copyrighted then it is very easy to track you down. Although I am sure that like me, you never would.
A lot of the sites i used to use are down or past there best but have a look at /http://suprnova.org or http://music.torrentskickass.com/index.html.:)

16th June 2004, 03:28 AM
Cheers GAJ, i'll give them a try.
I wasn't getting too fast a speed with one download i tried, i'm only on ADSL at 500dl/250ul but it's much quicker than Kazza Lite

16th June 2004, 04:45 AM
I normally use Limewire these days. It works pretty well.

16th June 2004, 05:42 AM
Very dangerous to open up your PC to these file sharing sites, i'm hoping that you don't store any sensitive info.
If it's music your after i could maybe save you hours of download time ;) let me know your e-mail address and i could send you my list :)

16th June 2004, 05:48 AM
Yeah, i do try to take care, 2 firewalls and 2 Anti-virus programs up to date, but i'm still aware of bad things out there.

Thanks for the offer, once i'm done downloading <cough>South Park episodes<cough>, i'll let you know ;)

16th June 2004, 10:24 PM
Couple of guys here use BitTorrent..they've reported some very good speeds..
well we *do* have a 1Gig connection... ;)

as far as here is concerned it's good for us, cos they can't trace the packets, so can't track down if any of us are using it ;)
But beware of opening up you PC to the world tho!!

p.s... they use suprnova too...