View Full Version : Leanne

26th January 2010, 06:36 PM
coming out of Stirling, just passing the 1314 Inn in Whins of Milton at lunchtime. :thumbs up:

I was in a Silver Polo with nearly the exact same plate as mine (my sisters car). gave you a big :hand::hand: and got a big custard pie for may troubles... :rolleyes: :lol:

Car was manky girl - get it washed !! :yes nod:

26th January 2010, 07:01 PM
who is Leanne.?? I saw a mini the other week on the Alloa road that had a number plate almost the same reg as yours.

26th January 2010, 09:21 PM
Im Leanne :) lol. Aw yeah i was going shopping with a friend had just come from Eastern Mini. Had to get my alloys looked at. They have decided to replace them under warrenty as they are corroded :(

26th January 2010, 10:38 PM
Im Leanne :) lol. Aw yeah i was going shopping with a friend had just come from Eastern Mini. Had to get my alloys looked at. They have decided to replace them under warrenty as they are corroded :(

that doesn't excuse you from not waving..!! :lol:

aye, Jason had that problem with his crown spokes... they were replaced under warranty aswell... :D

26th January 2010, 10:39 PM
who is Leanne.?? I saw a mini the other week on the Alloa road that had a number plate almost the same reg as yours.

aye, what was that?

Fartin Martin
27th January 2010, 01:58 AM
Leeanne, you dont happen to know Scott Ritchie do you??

27th January 2010, 06:16 PM
Leanne, you dont happen to know Scott Ritchie do you??

Sorry had to correct my name their! Lol and yeah he went out with my little sis ages ago when i had my first mini. You know him?

27th January 2010, 06:19 PM
that doesn't excuse you from not waving..!! :lol:

aye, Jason had that problem with his crown spokes... they were replaced under warranty aswell... :D

Oh im sorry Craig lol i shall wave next time :) PS i need to get a new mini scotland sticker off you..

27th January 2010, 06:22 PM
Oh im sorry Craig lol i shall wave next time :) PS i need to get a new mini scotland sticker off you..

no probs, just give me a shout sometime. :D

Fartin Martin
27th January 2010, 07:45 PM
Sorry had to correct my name their! Lol and yeah he went out with my little sis ages ago when i had my first mini. You know him?

Oops..sorry habit..one of my friends spell it with double E..yeah just through the cars..and I think I seen you slagging him on bebo!:p..your pic of the car look familiar! Lol

31st January 2010, 02:00 PM
Oops..sorry habit..one of my friends spell it with double E..yeah just through the cars..and I think I seen you slagging him on bebo!:p..your pic of the car look familiar! Lol

Lol i prob was! I always do when i see him just because its funny its a joke of course. Do you come through this way?

Just Jade
31st January 2010, 02:46 PM
Leanne, I think I passed you yesterday just outside Linlithgow about half 2-3 ish? I thought I recognised the reg from here, and have been searching on here to see if I could find who's car it is :smilewinkgrin:

1st February 2010, 06:47 PM
Leanne, I think I passed you yesterday just outside Linlithgow about half 2-3 ish? I thought I recognised the reg from here, and have been searching on here to see if I could find who's car it is :smilewinkgrin:

Yeah i saw you i was like that car is lovely i wonder if its on here but couldnt remember the reg!

Nice car you have :)

Just Jade
3rd February 2010, 01:25 AM
My mum was driving, we had been up at the palace - my cousin was a bridesmaid at a wedding. We were giving a couple of the guests a lift and I thought it would be easier if I squeezed in the back and let mum drive :)

Your car is lovely, mines is looking a bit sorry for itself atm. I had to put my standard wheels back on because it was hopeless in the snow :( I'll look out for you and give you a flash next time I see you ;)

3rd February 2010, 06:43 PM
Aw i curbed 2 of my wheels in the winter but luck as it may they cooroded so bmw replaced all 4 under warrenty today yeey :)

Yeah give me a little flash :) Whats your regy?

Just Jade
5th February 2010, 07:59 PM
Thats good that they replaced them under warranty.

My reg is J77 DEJ. It was J77DE J until the cops pulled me in Falkirk the week before Christmas. :( I got away with it for nearly 2 years, so guess I can't complain LOL !

8th February 2010, 05:54 PM
Aw 2 years thats well good. I got pulled 3 times with my writting and kept getting away with it till the same cop got me again and remembered me :( ha!