View Full Version : Argyll & Bute Run

21st January 2010, 09:01 AM
After last years run, I said I would never run it again... :frown: I got incredibly frustrated with the traffic (and some comments about it) and although I know I couldn't do anything about it, it as I said, frustrated me and took the shine off, what was a great day out.

My question is, do people still want the Argyll & Bute Run to be on this year (I am sure recently in a thread someone said they were looking forward to it? :confused:)

Anyway, if it was going to be on, I was going to try and make it June this year, rather than Aug... Hopefully the roads would be a bit quieter. :rolleyes:

21st January 2010, 09:51 AM
It was my first run last year and even although I only joined the group at Oban I thoroughly enjoyed it :thumbs up:.

The roads and scenery in this area are (IMHO) about as good as you get anywhere in the UK. So what about the traffic - it doesn't always have to be about gunning the cars down deserted country roads at high speed.

I certainly would make every effort to attend this run :yes nod:.

21st January 2010, 10:16 AM
Craig i'd be up for this too. I might very well be moving in around June but would still make the effort, like Del says not always about quiet roads and all. Middle 2 weeks in june would suit me, but obviously it's what everyone else wants too. I think you'll get a good show for this Craig.

21st January 2010, 11:39 AM
I really enjoyed it, that B8074 road was great fun to the Walkway Bridge and enjoyed the drive into Oban in the sun as I’d not been in Oban for about ten years. Memories of Mr Elf mans car looking great driving down Loch Awe along with the rest.

The only thing I’d have tweaked was one of the very last roads over to Loch Lomond, you had to crawl and keep your distance with the road surface or lack of it as Scottie will remember. After the days driving it was the one point I was thinking I was wanting onto a main road again. The new Military Road further down just off the Fastlane (Glen fruin Road) it’s a high sweeping dual carriageway that gives you some great views and has a first rate road surface.

21st January 2010, 12:24 PM
Myself and Carol loved it and would do it again :thumbs up:

21st January 2010, 12:28 PM
just do it i enjoy the run was not on it last year cos of the wedding and i am doing the picnic run last weekend in july as away to glasto the last week end in june so please dont pinch my date

21st January 2010, 01:17 PM
Can't do June but no worries. I'll catch next years run

21st January 2010, 01:21 PM
After last years run, I said I would never run it again... :frown: I got incredibly frustrated with the traffic (and some comments about it) and although I know I couldn't do anything about it, it as I said, frustrated me and took the shine off, what was a great day out.

... Hopefully the roads would be a bit quieter. :rolleyes:

Don't do it mate, your hairline is receding fast enough as it is :p

It is & always will be a 'FRUSTRATING' route, end of...........:yes nod:

(& the roads would be a bit quieter ....................... aye right :Whistle:)

Ally S
21st January 2010, 02:17 PM
I'd be up for it again

Mini Ecosse
21st January 2010, 06:00 PM
Depending on the date/shifts/hols we would be interested. :thumbs up:

21st January 2010, 06:24 PM
I enjoyed it too. Not sure if I could manage June a bit soon after the Highland Tour but would defo try to go on it. The scenery is pretty good and as someone else said its not just about bombing along roads otherwise we'd all just as well bomb around a track and not risk going off the road because some spectacular view has distracted us. It was a really good well organsied run so hopefully you wont let thoughtless comments and traffic spoil 'Craig's Run' :thumbs up::thumbs up:

21st January 2010, 09:18 PM
Thanks for all the kind words folks. :clap:

I think this will go ahead.:thumbs up:

21st January 2010, 10:17 PM
Thanks for all the kind words folks. :clap:

I think this will go ahead.:thumbs up:

Well somebody had better be on hand to give you a big cuddle when you arrive back in Balloch mate :rolleyes:

I tried & failed last year so someone else can have a wee shot this time round :yes nod: