View Full Version : New Car.

11th June 2004, 10:43 PM
My new car (VW Golf mkV 1.6FSi SE) is at the dealer's and I collect it on Wednesday.

I'll post pics when it arrives and will stick around here if still welcome :)

Big Col
11th June 2004, 10:47 PM
Who care's about the pics! It's a Golf. We've seen millions of 'em. :p:);)

11th June 2004, 10:57 PM
cool KenL , hope you enjoy it :D

11th June 2004, 11:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by KenL
My new car (VW Golf mkV 1.6FSi SE) is at the dealer's and I collect it on Wednesday.I'll post pics when it arrives and will stick around here if still welcome :)Don't waste your time posting pics of a golf here :evil: nobody's interested anyway ;):p Hope you make it to the end of the road before having to phone golf assistance :eek:

12th June 2004, 05:00 AM
Don't listen to these trouble makers ken - you'll at least get home before it needs a new ECU! :p

Don't be a stranger! :)

12th June 2004, 05:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Who care's about the pics! It's a Golf. We've seen millions of 'em. :p:);)

:DI think there are more MINIs on the road than anything these days.

Not many mkV Golfs around YET ;)

12th June 2004, 05:44 AM
Dropped into the dealer today to check out the car which looks great.

Will enjoy the MINI for the next few days and give it a nice wash before I hand it over on Wednesday.

12th June 2004, 04:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

quote:Originally posted by KenL
My new car (VW Golf mkV 1.6FSi SE) is at the dealer's and I collect it on Wednesday.I'll post pics when it arrives and will stick around here if still welcome :) Hope you make it to the end of the road before having to phone golf assistance :eek:

It it requires less than 10 visits to the dealer in two years then it will be an improvement on the MINI :disapprove:

Willie M
12th June 2004, 05:36 PM
Congrats Ken, and do please stick around. We still let Macblob hang around here after all ;):D Despite Bonnie's obvious bigotry towards Golf (you just can't mention that word to him after Largs last weekend ;):p) I'd certainly be interested to hear how you get on with the new car.

12th June 2004, 06:10 PM
Thanks Willie.

Glad there are still some nice people on NMS :p:D

12th June 2004, 06:49 PM
Aye theres na getting rid of me hehehee

15th June 2004, 12:32 AM
Welldone on a Golf. I have just ordered a Touareg 3.2 v6 sport but I am still keeping my Mini.

15th June 2004, 02:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by thornef

Welldone on a Golf. I have just ordered a Touareg 3.2 v6 sport but I am still keeping my Mini.

Now thats a good choice :).
If I could pick one car apart from the MINI it would be the Touareg 2.5 TDI. Something about it that I really like in the styling.

15th June 2004, 03:35 AM
Had a look at the Touareg & Phaeton in the dealers, both very impressive vehicles. The built quality inside both seems outstanding.

15th June 2004, 08:13 PM
I agree both are probably very good cars, but VW and Seat are quite frankly boring fat cars with very little else going for them other than reliability :p, and given the BMW MINI track record the MINI has that as well.:cool::cool:

So why on earth change :question::question::question::question::question: :question::question:

I really dont get it :evil:


15th June 2004, 08:59 PM
Why change, a few reasons:

1) With the number of niggling faults and quite frankly pathetic build quality of my MINI I just did not have enough confidence to put my cash into another. I know from driving two recent courtesy cars that they are much better built nowadays but even so I just didn't have the confidence to go for another. 10 visits to the dealer totalling 16 days just gave me too much pain. It still rattles like f*ck sometimes, which is annoying :disapprove:

2) Size. Although 90% of the time the MINI is great, sometimes it is good to have a bit more space for people and luggage.

3) Ride quality. I know it sounds a bit boring but even my ONE with the softest suspension/tyres the MINI is a drag to drive around town with the state of the roads. I find myself avoiding even the tiniest bump in the road.

4) For me the MINI has lost some of it's magic. When I first got mine it felt really special. Most people waved and everybody was interested in what it was like. Now MINI is just any old car.

Having said all this, I have definitely not ruled out getting another in the future. In 2 or 3 years when changing cars again I will certainly consider another MINI :)

16th June 2004, 01:58 AM
Like Ken all the wee faults and countless trips to BMW over the 2 and half yrs of owning my MINI put me off owning it outside warranty and also put doubts in my mind about owning another one.
Also price and size were an issue too, the MINI is fine size wise most of the time, but sometimes its just a pain in the arse. Fine if you have a second more practical car or the use of one but a bit of a nightmare otherwise.

On the price front the standard specs on the MINI are just to low, i mean a tape deck as standard is a jk

They were my reasons......from a pure driving point of view and socially , runs etc I absolutely loved my MINI , but unfortunately 15k is a lot of cash so other things had to be considered.

16th June 2004, 05:36 AM
The mini is not a practical every day "family" car. Hard to fit in the shopping plus kids never mind four dogs. It's a cool second car that you can make look individual and have a lot of fun driving. Reliabilty and build quality well I think most cars have there problems not just Mini.
1.My Range Rover 3.0 td6 hse had its problems and some were never fixed.
2.Lexus Rx300 squeaky trim.
3. Merc ML320 kept discharging the battery.
4. Jeep Cherokee was in the garage for 2 months and still came home with the fault.

I think a lot of the problems are made worse by the level of service you can receive from the dealer. It can make a small problem into a huge problem.

16th June 2004, 06:14 AM
I'm sure MINIs are thinking beings who have feelings :eek:

Tonight when I got home from work I cleaned out all my bits & bobs from the car in preparation for handing it over tomorrow.

Then at 7pm I jumped in the car to go play squash. Guess what? The freakin' airbag light is on :mad: The vindictive wee sh*t :evil: must have realised I was moving it on to is trying to get me back :dead:

Well, it wont' grind me down as it goes tomorrow. Will be very sad to say goodbye even with it's personality :)