View Full Version : Poor Dougall

14th January 2010, 06:02 PM
.........is now off the road for a couple of weeks at least. Proper scrutiny of my xrays taken yesterday showed a fracture somewhere in my ankle so now in plaster. From conversations with colleagues today it seems quite a few of them have also almost come to grief on the stairs I fell down. Perhaps I should write to head office of WH Smith to complain about it ? LOL while I'm not bothered about compensation for myself I think Dougall will need something, maybe nice shiny black alloys, to make up for being abandoned ;)

14th January 2010, 06:07 PM
Sorry to hear that. A wee claim for dougal sounds like a gr8 idea lol

14th January 2010, 06:12 PM
not great news Sheilz, although some time off to chill is always good :clap: not when your stuck in the house tho... :argh:

14th January 2010, 06:36 PM
Not great Sheilz – take care.

14th January 2010, 08:02 PM
What a shame for Dougall, ........and you of course :D!

Hope you have a speedy and full recovery.

AndyP & Lenore
15th January 2010, 01:31 AM
So the "old lady" wasn't ok after all. :sad:

sorry to hear that shielz. Speedy recovery.

Surely your son could take dougal out for a spin to keep the tyres turning over the next couple of weeks. :yes nod:

A. :D

15th January 2010, 10:19 AM
What have I missed here then ??

Sorry to hear about your ankle, get yer feet up & enjoy your wee 'break'

15th January 2010, 10:49 AM
Hey Sheilz, sorry to hear about your accident. Was it the WHSmith in St. Nicks? If it was, those stairs are horrendous!!!

15th January 2010, 11:37 AM
Get well soon Shielz :thumbs up: oh and I'm sure Dougall will understand :D

15th January 2010, 01:55 PM
Thank you everyone! Feels weird being encased in fibreglass. Part of me is going woop woop at the thought of a few weeks off work but the other bit tells me that there is reports and stuff that I can, should and will do from the sofa and of course my immediate boss is adamant that I have to attend a court case later in the month even if my leg is in plaster though not sure where that stands if the Doc signs me off - moment on self certificate. Can't even get peace to be legitimately off work!! In a way its just as well that it needed a plaster cast as I think my boss would be less sympathetic towards the support bandage for the popped ligament even though that's probably caused more pain than the fracture itself.

Munro will have to take Dougall out today so he will get a wee bit of exercise. Unfortunately the boys won't take Dougall out for a longer spin. According to the two older ones their cars are much better than mine :frown::frown::frown: and Nik celebrated his first year of driving by sending his licence back to the DVLA having gathered six plus points so defo no Dougall for him. Even if he stil had his licence, hell would freeze over before he'd get to drive him (Sorry Nik amn't saying anything behind your back that I haven't said to your face :computer:)

It was the internal stairs in WH Smith. its next door to where I work. From what I can gather there's quite a few people who've had near misses on it. I intend having a few :computer: with them.

I can't help feeling though that I tempted fate. On Monday had conversation with reporter regarding the court case mentioned. Kind of thing we just dread and so'd been kidding her about not being available for the 26th coz I'd have a broken leg or something.

15th January 2010, 04:29 PM
And yes I'm bored, but photoshop had to be installed sometime back onto the fixed machine :smilewinkgrin:

If he could only send a card he would......


15th January 2010, 05:00 PM
well on a plus note just think how little miles you will put on Dougall over the next few weeks.

15th January 2010, 05:24 PM
And yes I'm bored, but photoshop had to be installed sometime back onto the fixed machine :smilewinkgrin:

If he could only send a card he would......


I see i'm not the only one who turns to PS when bored!!!

Have to say thats pretty funny too!

15th January 2010, 05:42 PM
I see i'm not the only one who turns to PS when bored!!!

Have to say thats pretty funny too!

LOL I thought so too.

Have been busy contacting WH Smith and spoke to Asst Manager. Polite but don't think that's going anywhere. Spoke to a colleague in EH so a safety officer attending to it on Monday. Would appear to be too many people identifying problems with these steps suggesting there is something about them that needs changing. Could perhaps prevent a genuinely old lady getting much worse injuries.

28th January 2010, 06:07 PM
.......is now off road for another four weeks :sad: One cast off, another one on :frown: There was me plotting and scheming to get behind the wheel over the weekend. Felt my jaw hitting the deck when the doc said I was looking at a two month healing process. On a positive note I'll at least save a fortune on fuel :thumbs up:

28th January 2010, 06:08 PM
.......is now off road for another four weeks :sad: One cast off, another one on :frown: There was me plotting and scheming to get behind the wheel over the weekend. Felt my jaw hitting the deck when the doc said I was looking at a two month healing process. On a positive note I'll at least save a fortune on fuel :thumbs up:

So sorry to hear that, get well soon.

28th January 2010, 06:17 PM
thats a shame ope you get better soon

28th January 2010, 06:29 PM

Munro thought he'd cheer me up by forwarding me this photo he'd sneaked back in August when I'd left him to make sure Hamish was properly dried after his bath! Sick git! O poor Hamish I niver kent he'd hingit him by the neck :ragin:No wonder the poor soul can't whistle anymore. He just rasps like a geriatric asthmatic.:sad:

Twisted, twisted individual. :knife:

22nd March 2010, 10:44 PM
Today Dougall took a mind of his own and deposited me at the office a week earlier than he was meant to to even though I'd told him to head for the beach. Traitor :argh: Amidst much sobbing, weeping, wailing and hair pulling on my part, he cleared off to the car park and left me with no more ado but to enter the place of torture. To add insult to injury the little beggar was sporting a little black and yellow packet on his windscreen when I tracked him down :ragin::ragin:

Naughty Dougall :sad: