View Full Version : New Forum Software

23rd December 2009, 06:45 AM
We live and breathe again................you will have noticed by now that we are using the latest vBulletin software suite :yes nod:
Things to notice is there is a fully operable CMS and Blog, this is new to me also and will require some research from my side anyway :blush: but, as we move on i'm sure the more techno folks will post up hints and tips for the rest of us.

The smilies appear to be scrunched up, this a is a known bug and is being worked on by vBulletin, i'm not a fan of the new ones from VB and will rectify that as time allows.

One very important thing to know is that when replying to posts now, in order to display the smilies you either need to double click the reply button or select the go advanced button in the reply box.

For all other feedback please create a new thread so i can keep them seperate.

I will be tweaking the colour scheme and you will be able to select it if you don't like the VB default

All comments welcome, hope you enjoy the new tools available

The Dogfather
23rd December 2009, 08:11 AM
Alan, I'm getting a 'you don't have permission' message when trying to view the home page

23rd December 2009, 08:22 AM
Alan, I'm getting a 'you don't have permission' message when trying to view the home pageTry clearing your browser cache and try again, although there isn't anything published there yet, you should still get to see the home page

23rd December 2009, 09:06 AM
Alan, I'm getting a 'you don't have permission' message when trying to view the home page


It's a bit white too is that because of all the snow perhaps? ;)

23rd December 2009, 09:09 AM
It's a bit white too is that because of all the snow perhaps? ;)I'm working on the new layout, you can check it out by selecting it from the drop down menu at the left foot of any page, it's called Old School NMS

23rd December 2009, 09:20 AM
I'm working on the new layout, you can check it out by selecting it from the drop down menu at the left foot of any page, it's called Old School NMS

I did that already but cant see any difference.:lol:

BUT its all working again so a big thanks for that and give yourself a pat on the back and I will buy you a beer too. (hows that?):yes nod:

23rd December 2009, 09:26 AM
I did that already but cant see any difference.:lol:Please tell me you're joking

The Dogfather
23rd December 2009, 09:34 AM
Alan, well done on getting this installed, I'm still unsure what I'm going to do with NM.

23rd December 2009, 09:36 AM
Please tell me you're joking

OK it has got the NMS bit at the top but thats about it (I think)

also when I go NMS.co.uk then click forum I get told 'bog off yer nae authoried' then need to click forum on that page to get in.

PS nae word for word :)

23rd December 2009, 09:55 AM
OK it has got the NMS bit at the top but thats about it (I think)Whew :Whistle: ok, the reworking of the colour scheme will take a while and will be an ongoing project, the aim is to try and get it to as near the old scheme as possible :thumbs up:

when I go NMS.co.uk then click forum I get told 'bog off yer nae authoried' then need to click forum on that page to get inI'll update the main web site to take folks directly to the actual forums and not the CMS home page until there is actual content on there. Edit, done

Also, try clearing your browser cache

23rd December 2009, 11:30 AM
Well done for getting the site upgraded - I'm sure it was not an easy task :eek:!
I noticed that each individual post is not date and time stamped on-screen so it is difficult to know which posts are recent when looking at a lengthy thread. Or am I missing something :confused:?

23rd December 2009, 11:40 AM
Well done for getting the site upgraded - I'm sure it was not an easy task :eek:!
I noticed that each individual post is not date and time stamped on-screen so it is difficult to know which posts are recent when looking at a lengthy thread. Or am I missing something :confused:?Not sure what you mean, the posted date and time is shown above your username in every post

23rd December 2009, 11:56 AM
Can someone with a decent monitor advise how defined the forums are?
The new layout does not give borders between each forum, more a shadowed effect from one to the next, my laptop screen is crap and i wondered if the forums were easy to see

23rd December 2009, 12:19 PM
More defined with the default skin, the NMS old skool skin isn't as defined but i prefer that lol

maybe easier to see if the forums were black like the background? Dunno how easy that would be to change.

23rd December 2009, 12:38 PM
Not sure what you mean, the posted date and time is shown above your username in every post

That's bizarre - I can't see this on my screen! Could be another "work PC" issue :rolleyes:.

23rd December 2009, 01:00 PM
well i like the way round the forms but dont like the whight back ground for the posts sore on the eyes:cool: wont want to look at it tomorow morning with a hang over :D:cool::cool:

Ally S
23rd December 2009, 02:05 PM
Nice one. It looks quite good.

One thing i've noticed is the Home button at the top goes to content.php which is a restricted page (maybe it should be index.php or /).

23rd December 2009, 03:09 PM
Nice one. It looks quite good.

One thing i've noticed is the Home button at the top goes to content.php which is a restricted page (maybe it should be index.php or /).Nope, it's right enough, i just haven't sussed out how to lay out the home page yet :blush:
I'll get there eventually

23rd December 2009, 06:56 PM
where do I find the option to view "todays posts" like we had on the old version.

Also can you explain what this blog and cms stuff is and what's the point to it.

(cms to me is customer management software):blush:

23rd December 2009, 06:58 PM
also any chance we can get the sponsor section moved to the bottom of the forum.?? It's just to busy with them at the top don't you think.?

MINI William
23rd December 2009, 09:14 PM
Alan well done. Don't know if I like it in all honesty think it's just a tad to busy IMHO :smilewinkgrin:

23rd December 2009, 09:21 PM
This is gonna take a LOT of getting used to... :confused:

the reply to is a tad annoying, however I understand the need to upgrade. The colours are hard to use, but as you say you are still trying to make it the way you want.. :yes nod:

23rd December 2009, 10:17 PM
Got to emit its bright, liked the old colours as it was more pleasing on the eye. Hope all goes well with getting it back to near the norm.

23rd December 2009, 11:14 PM
That's bizarre - I can't see this on my screen! Could be another "work PC" issue :rolleyes:.

Alan, no problems seeing the date/time stamp on my home pc. Maybe the new software needs a more current version of Internet Explorer?? Anyway, it looks a lot better than I first thought now that I can see everything :thumbs up:.

Fartin Martin
24th December 2009, 05:31 PM
Try clearing your browser cache and try again, although there isn't anything published there yet, you should still get to see the home page
how do I do this??is it Tools..then Browsing history etc??


24th December 2009, 08:28 PM
how do I do this??is it Tools..then Browsing history etc??

MartinAlmost, tools then properties and then clear the browsing history etc

24th December 2009, 08:29 PM
Got to emit its bright, liked the old colours as it was more pleasing on the eye. Hope all goes well with getting it back to near the norm. Is the brightness toned down enough????

24th December 2009, 11:07 PM
Loved the old colour scheme it was the type that you felt never burned your eye’s out.
But hey its Xmas and its not even close to annoying, now that Iceland advert with the Nolan now that’s another story. I’d move to Baku just to miss it, every blooming year.

28th December 2009, 10:06 AM
Well done for getting the site upgraded - I'm sure it was not an easy task :eek:!
I noticed that each individual post is not date and time stamped on-screen so it is difficult to know which posts are recent when looking at a lengthy thread. Or am I missing something :confused:?

I canny see the date / time either, there is nowt above my user name

28th December 2009, 10:15 AM
I canny see the date / time either, there is nowt above my user name

Think u need some
http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=tbn:zq2NsT0CjcDy3M::images.clipartof.com/small/22139-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Yellow-Emoticon-Face-With-Big-Glasses-Staring-With-An-Open-Mouth.jpg&h=94&w=96&usg=__90SVabD2SS4ZFbsX1B_mjanrYLo= (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.clipartof.com/small/22139-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Yellow-Emoticon-Face-With-Big-Glasses-Staring-With-An-Open-Mouth.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/22139.html&h=437&w=450&sz=71&tbnid=zq2NsT0CjcDy3M:&tbnh=123&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dglasses%2Bsmiley&hl=en&usg=__faIEXE5-e9x15N_NIc0t2skBDDs=&ei=B3k4S4HnKtOx4Qbxzf2pCA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&ved=0CAwQ9QEwAA) it says today at 9:06 AM:hand:

28th December 2009, 10:19 AM
Think u need some
http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=tbn:zq2NsT0CjcDy3M::images.clipartof.com/small/22139-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Yellow-Emoticon-Face-With-Big-Glasses-Staring-With-An-Open-Mouth.jpg&h=94&w=96&usg=__90SVabD2SS4ZFbsX1B_mjanrYLo= (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.clipartof.com/small/22139-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Yellow-Emoticon-Face-With-Big-Glasses-Staring-With-An-Open-Mouth.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/22139.html&h=437&w=450&sz=71&tbnid=zq2NsT0CjcDy3M:&tbnh=123&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dglasses%2Bsmiley&hl=en&usg=__faIEXE5-e9x15N_NIc0t2skBDDs=&ei=B3k4S4HnKtOx4Qbxzf2pCA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&ved=0CAwQ9QEwAA) it says today at 9:06 AM:hand:

Aye before you open the thread it shows to date & time but no sign of anything once you are in the thread

28th December 2009, 12:48 PM
well i can see it in the wee blue bar above your name and above every ones name

28th December 2009, 03:36 PM
Works fine here, Stoney - Today 11:48 AM

and me Today 02:36 PM

29th December 2009, 05:15 PM
Aye before you open the thread it shows to date & time but no sign of anything once you are in the thread

I think it might be something to do with the version of Internet Explorer you are using - I can see the date/time ok on my home pc but not on my work pc (which is not so up to date).

29th December 2009, 08:02 PM
i am also have problems on the laptop with the colour scheme.
at the moment i have old school nms selected but it is white and light blue were as on the pc upstairs it is the old style with snow falling.

also at the top it says bulletin and not nms

anyone any ideas?


29th December 2009, 08:04 PM
i am also have problems on the laptop with the colour scheme.
at the moment i have old school nms selected but it is white and light blue were as on the pc upstairs it is the old style with snow falling.

also at the top it says bulletin and not nms

anyone any ideas?

BrianAre you sure you are actually logged in? if so, then selecting the NMS scheme should do just that

Edit: I should also add that if you log out of NMS this will revert your next session to the default vBulletin scheme

29th December 2009, 08:07 PM
yes logged in as i am on the laptop this now.

i only have one option in the theme selector and that is old school nms

29th December 2009, 08:15 PM
have tried to log out and back in but cant get the scheme to change.

seems strange because the pc upstairs is fine.

both running firefox


29th December 2009, 08:20 PM
have tried to log out and back in but cant get the scheme to change.

seems strange because the pc upstairs is fine.

both running firefox

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/joec1/Untitled-1.gifTry deleting the browser cache and all NMS cookies

29th December 2009, 08:26 PM
still the same on the forum
although the home page has the old colours and snow but it tells me i do not have permission to access this page

The Dogfather
30th December 2009, 10:59 AM
Alan, I'm having the same issue at work as well

30th December 2009, 02:20 PM
Alan, I'm having the same issue at work as wellWhich issue?

The Dogfather
30th December 2009, 02:29 PM
The wrong colour scheme one, I've deleted the cache and logged out.

30th December 2009, 02:31 PM
The wrong colour scheme one, I've deleted the cache and logged out.Very strange, ok, if you can, click on the Home button on the top nav bar, then hover your mouse over the Home header opposite Sections and a wee pencil should appear, in there you should be able to select the NMS scheme.
Note, you cannot select the scheme from the footer on the home page

The Dogfather
30th December 2009, 03:26 PM
No pencil for me. I do get a message saying I don't have permissions to view that homepage though.

30th December 2009, 03:51 PM
Think I'm gonna have to call the NMS Helpdesk :confused: :thumbs up:

30th December 2009, 04:05 PM
I think it might be something to do with the version of Internet Explorer you are using - I can see the date/time ok on my home pc but not on my work pc (which is not so up to date).

Ah good man Delboy, you explanation would appear to be valid one :thumbs up:

The Dogfather
30th December 2009, 04:22 PM
I don't think its the IE version, I'm using IE8 and it doesn't work even when I use the compatibility setting

30th December 2009, 05:03 PM
Can someone send me an image so that i can request support from vBulletin on this

30th December 2009, 05:21 PM
i posted an image on the 4th page if that is any use

30th December 2009, 05:38 PM
i posted an image on the 4th page if that is any useI can't see photobucket images when i'm at work, can you e-mail it to me?

30th December 2009, 06:48 PM
Ok, according to vBulletin the issue of not seeing the post date and time is a known bug in IE6 and may happen in other browsers, this will be rectified with the next major update in early January, so, please bear with me until the next release of the siftware

30th December 2009, 07:13 PM
still the same on the forum
although the home page has the old colours and snow but it tells me i do not have permission to access this page

same for me

30th December 2009, 07:14 PM
also can you answer a previous question that i asked. Where to I find the link for "todays posts" can't find it some help would be great

30th December 2009, 07:30 PM
Gismo man, pm sent

30th December 2009, 07:47 PM
also can you answer a previous question that i asked. Where to I find the link for "todays posts" can't find it some help would be greatThis does not exist in the same manner as the previous software, however, i'm attempting to code it so i can create the link for everyone to use.
Give me a day or so to work it out

The Dogfather
30th December 2009, 08:20 PM
This has helped me decide on whether I'll be upgrading in the near future ;)

30th December 2009, 09:03 PM
This does not exist in the same manner as the previous software, however, i'm attempting to code it so i can create the link for everyone to use.
Give me a day or so to work it out

ok ta just thought it was me being stupid not finding it.

30th December 2009, 10:26 PM
This has helped me decide on whether I'll be upgrading in the near future ;)So, you'll be sticking with version 3 :thumbs up:
I'm thinking i'm gonna switch off the CMS until they get it fixed, too many bugs in it

30th December 2009, 11:28 PM
Ok, according to vBulletin the issue of not seeing the post date and time is a known bug in IE6 and may happen in other browsers, this will be rectified with the next major update in early January, so, please bear with me until the next release of the siftware

Well that explains it, and I'm not going crazy:hand: - thanks!

31st December 2009, 06:35 PM
I notice if I am viewing as a guest I can see the Home Page ok but not when I am logged in

If viewing as a guest I can read all the forum and threads. Was it not the case in the old version you had to be a member of the forum before you could read the threads.

31st December 2009, 06:38 PM
I notice if I am viewing as a guest I can see the Home Page ok but not when I am logged in

If viewing as a guest I can read all the forum and threads. Was it not the case in the old version you had to be a member of the forum before you could read the threads.In order to get full vBulletin support i have opened the forums to allow guests to view the forums

31st December 2009, 07:33 PM
ok ta just thought it was me being stupid not finding it.Ok Fi, this is now fixed and can be found under the quick links tab when you have selected Forums, please let me know it worked for you :thumbs up:

31st December 2009, 08:52 PM
Ok Fi, this is now fixed and can be found under the quick links tab when you have selected Forums, please let me know it worked for you :thumbs up:

Nope not working for me I only have four options under the quick links tab

31st December 2009, 09:31 PM
Nope not working for me I only have four options under the quick links tabClear your browser cache, or, log out and log in again, it works in IE8 perfectly on both of my forums

31st December 2009, 10:20 PM
Clear your browser cache, or, log out and log in again, it works in IE8 perfectly on both of my forums

already tried that still not working for me , I get the options to subscribe to a thread or view who is online, open contacts popup and view site leaders

31st December 2009, 10:24 PM
already tried that still not working for me , I get the options to subscribe to a thread or view who is online, open contacts popup and view site leadersWhich scheme are you using, VB Default or NMS Old School? i just added the code to the default one

31st December 2009, 10:39 PM
Which scheme are you using, VB Default or NMS Old School? i just added the code to the default one

I only have the option to view in old school nms

31st December 2009, 10:47 PM
I only have the option to view in old school nmsWhat browser are you using? i've tried it in IE6 to 8, chrome, FF and Safari and it woks in every one

31st December 2009, 10:50 PM
What browser are you using? i've tried it in IE6 to 8, chrome, FF and Safari and it woks in every one

Safari. Should have said after your last post that it was working ok now.

However I thought on this night with you being far from home I'd give you something to keep you busy.

31st December 2009, 10:56 PM
Also I tried to change my avatar and I got a data base error and it didn't change it

wanted to change it to this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y96/scottiecoop/AnimatedGifTools9.gif not sure though if it is within the limits allowed re size for the site

31st December 2009, 10:58 PM
Also I tried to change my avatar and I got a data base error and it didn't change itIt's a known bug and will hopefully be sorted with the next release in early Jan, however, try sending me the pic and i'll try uploading the avatar for you

31st December 2009, 10:59 PM
Safari. Should have said after your last post that it was working ok now.

However I thought on this night with you being far from home I'd give you something to keep you busy.Sheesh, wimmin, i'm knockin my pan in on hogmanay and i don't even get a thank you :moonie: :ragin: :smilewinkgrin:

31st December 2009, 10:59 PM
It's a known bug and will hopefully be sorted with the next release in early Jan, however, try sending me the pic and i'll try uploading the avatar for you

See above.^^^ it's animated is that allowed on the site??

31st December 2009, 11:02 PM
Also I tried to change my avatar and I got a data base error and it didn't change it

wanted to change it to this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y96/scottiecoop/AnimatedGifTools9.gif not sure though if it is within the limits allowed re size for the siteOk try again, your gif was too big, but, as a new year pressie to all registered users i've increased the size allowed, let me know if it doesn't work

31st December 2009, 11:09 PM
See above.^^^ it's animated is that allowed on the site??I did it for you, you must have been getting errors cause i got the database error report, anything else i can do for you while i'm here :thumbs up:

3rd January 2010, 08:29 AM
I changed the font size for the post reply boxes, works for the standard editor at the moment, makes it much easier to read for us auld yins :blush: :Whistle:

3rd January 2010, 09:56 AM
any luck with the colour scheme issue yet?

3rd January 2010, 10:35 AM
any luck with the colour scheme issue yet?I can't replicate your problem in any browser, can you confirm that you are logged in, have selected Old School NMS in the lower left drop down box?
If you have, then it's near impossible to not have the NMS colour scheme, what browser are you using

3rd January 2010, 01:42 PM
I can't replicate your problem in any browser, can you confirm that you are logged in, have selected Old School NMS in the lower left drop down box?
If you have, then it's near impossible to not have the NMS colour scheme, what browser are you using

What color should we be seeing. I have a white background and blue bar.

Still can not access the home page but maybe because you do not have anything posted on yet for me to have the permissions to view.

AndyP & Lenore
3rd January 2010, 01:59 PM
What color should we be seeing. I have a white background and blue bar.

Still can not access the home page but maybe because you do not have anything posted on yet for me to have the permissions to view.

Fi, this is a jpeg of what the screen looks like in "old School NMS" style.



3rd January 2010, 02:37 PM
ok so I am using safari cleared all my cache reset everything log out log in but still I do not get that scheme. Why.??? I am viewing in Old School NMS??

AndyP & Lenore
3rd January 2010, 02:43 PM
ok so I am using safari cleared all my cache reset everything log out log in but still I do not get that scheme. Why.??? I am viewing in Old School NMS??

Strange. Anyone else with a Mac having the same issue? My iPhone uses Safari and it has changed the display to Old School NMS and looks fine.


3rd January 2010, 03:01 PM
I get the white here on IE8 and it says oldschool but i dont see the above

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 03:25 PM
I get the default vbulletin (blue/white) scheme when viewing at home but I see the 'old'(purple) scheme at home

3rd January 2010, 03:27 PM
I take it thats at Work and Home, i take it the trying of a new drink Port is working out then :hand:

3rd January 2010, 03:33 PM
my phone is still showing the white background with blue bar cleared cookies cache logged out and then back in showing as oldschool nms in the lower left bottom blue bar.

3rd January 2010, 04:04 PM
I have cleared everything and when I log in everytime I have to select "old school nms" as it always defaults to the v bulletin blue and white.. :-( and that is on all my pc's

I have to say, I'm not finding this new version of vbulletin very user friendly, it may have more gimmicks, but it's not as easy to use from a user perspective.. I suppose we are stuck with it tho...

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 04:04 PM
I take it thats at Work and Home, i take it the trying of a new drink Port is working out then :hand:

Yes, oops.

Given that stuff up the hangover lasted two days :eek:

3rd January 2010, 04:30 PM
For the folks that are having the colour scheme issues, do you log off from NMS when you are finished or do you simply close the browser.

If you log off the colour scheme reverts to the default when you next log in.

Make sure you select remember me and don't log out, shut the browser down and start it again, now what do you see

3rd January 2010, 04:32 PM
I have cleared everything and when I log in everytime I have to select "old school nms" as it always defaults to the v bulletin blue and white.. :-( and that is on all my pc'sThis is a known issue, why do you log out when you're finished with NMS?

I have to say, I'm not finding this new version of vbulletin very user friendly, it may have more gimmicks, but it's not as easy to use from a user perspective.. I suppose we are stuck with it tho...What user friendly problems are you having?

3rd January 2010, 04:42 PM
For the folks that are having the colour scheme issues, do you log off from NMS when you are finished or do you simply close the browser.

If you log off the colour scheme reverts to the default when you next log in.

Make sure you select remember me and don't log out, shut the browser down and start it again, now what do you see

I have tried all the things you have suggested but i still have this


3rd January 2010, 04:58 PM
same for me nothing is working to change the colour scheme.

where else should I go to choose the style????

currently I am showing old school nms and English (us) using the bottom blue bar of the page to the left "quick style chooser" they are no other styles to choose from and no defaults.

3rd January 2010, 05:13 PM
i had old school on the pc upstairs yesterday , then i tried to see if i had something different to the laptop.
now i have the same bright white forum on both computers.
very annoying being so bright, is there no way to change the colour scheme other than the quick style (that doesnt do anything)

3rd January 2010, 05:31 PM
I have tried all the things you have suggested but i still have thisI don't understand what is going on, i've actually disabled the CMS function which adds the HOME tab on the Navbar, it should not appear and yet you can still see it

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 05:39 PM
Alan, is there something in the back end to refresh people profiles?

3rd January 2010, 05:42 PM
Alan, is there something in the back end to refresh people profiles?Sadly nope :sad:
I've tried every browser available and it works for me, except IE6 which is not suitable but no one is admitting to using it.
Fi for example uses Safari and when i use it i can switch from default to NMS Old School no problem.
So, i can only assume that it's the users PC causing the problem :sad: they simply are not managing to engage the style correctly

3rd January 2010, 05:45 PM
This is a known issue, why do you log out when you're finished with NMS?

What user friendly problems are you having?

I log out of nms everytime as I also have. habit as I logoff my sessions at work everytime I leave my desk....

the user friendly things are

1 reply to post takes you to quick reply where you have no smilies and you have to click go advanced every time to get a problem reply box.
2 no easy "todays posts" button to see what has happened today - especially handy for me as I logon at work on my phone to check things out, but don't have enough time to reply, but might do when I get home.
3 default view should be old school nms as I think everyone agrees it looks better than vbulletin default
4 I don't like the way it shows the new posts, If I look at a thread and post a reply, then do a refresh, it;s not easy to see if someone has replied to it. It used to shows as highlighted and was easy to work out that there was a new reply in there..

3rd January 2010, 05:53 PM
I log out of nms everytime as I also have. habit as I logoff my sessions at work everytime I leave my desk....Don't do it, just close the browser

the user friendly things are

1 reply to post takes you to quick reply where you have no smilies and you have to click go advanced every time to get a problem reply boxdouble click the reply button, this opens the advance reply feature.

2 no easy "todays posts" button to see what has happened today - especially handy for me as I logon at work on my phone to check things out, but don't have enough time to reply, but might do when I get homeThis is now "fixed" select FORUMS and then quick links and it's right there.

3 default view should be old school nms as I think everyone agrees it looks better than vbulletin defaultYou can't delete the default view, i can over write it but, that means users cannot choose which one they want, not everyone likes the same so i gave the option

4 I don't like the way it shows the new posts, If I look at a thread and post a reply, then do a refresh, it;s not easy to see if someone has replied to it. It used to shows as highlighted and was easy to work out that there was a new reply in there..Not sure what you mean here, but, if you reply to a thread your answer is displayed and if someone else ahs that will be easily visible as well

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 05:54 PM
Alan, I have just logged in using firefox, on that browser I get the vbulletin default scheme yet on Safari its the NMS scheme.

3rd January 2010, 05:55 PM
Alan, I have just logged in using firefox, on that browser I get the vbulletin default scheme yet on Safari its the NMS scheme.First time log in on any new browser is the default vBulletin, from there you change it to old school nms and it should stay there presuming you don't log out when you are finished

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 05:57 PM
Well that's buggered it!

I logged out of safari and back in and I'm now into the vbulletin scheme on that as well.

Alan, try logging out yourself then back in I bet you get the vB scheme as well.

3rd January 2010, 05:58 PM
Not sure what you mean here, but, if you reply to a thread your answer is displayed and if someone else ahs that will be easily visible as well

If I look at new posts, I can't tell from the list if the thread has been updated as it's not highlighted like it used to be. The icons on the left show either as red/orange or blueish, but that doesn't seem to mean anything.

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 06:01 PM
Alan, can you create a duplicate NMS scheme so that people can actually switch between them, this might force through the new scheme. At the moment you have to have the old nms scheme but its actually the vb one

If you want I'll take a look at the back end but that's up to you.

3rd January 2010, 06:02 PM
Well that's buggered it!

I logged out of safari and back in and I'm now into the vbulletin scheme on that as well.

Alan, try logging out yourself then back in I bet you get the vB scheme as well.Nope, i log out and it stays in NMS mode even when logged off, then i log back in and i'm still in NMS mode

3rd January 2010, 06:05 PM
Alan, can you create a duplicate NMS scheme so that people can actually switch between them, this might force through the new scheme. At the moment you have to have the old nms scheme but its actually the vb oneI created another NMS type scheme called Test, folks, try that

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 06:05 PM
how many colour scheme do you have available to you?

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 06:06 PM
Yes, that worked :D

3rd January 2010, 06:07 PM
how many colour scheme do you have available to you?Total of 3, vBulletin default, Old School NMS and the latest one called Test based on the NMS one

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 06:08 PM
Both browsers now work and when I select the old school one it doesn't revert back to the vb scheme either

The Dogfather
3rd January 2010, 06:09 PM
I think you need at least two to force through a change, the physical act of switching forces it through.

Question is what does a newbie see when they join?

3rd January 2010, 06:12 PM
If I look at new posts, I can't tell from the list if the thread has been updated as it's not highlighted like it used to be. The icons on the left show either as red/orange or blueish, but that doesn't seem to mean anything.If there is a new post there is a small blue circular icon and if you hover your cursor over it it says go to first new post

3rd January 2010, 06:13 PM
If there is a new post there is a small blue circular icon and if you hover your cursor over it it says go to first new post

ah ok, will try that

3rd January 2010, 08:28 PM
ok that test worked.....looking more like it's old self.

3rd January 2010, 08:57 PM
test worked for me

3rd January 2010, 10:13 PM
And me .
Perfect I can view without sunglasses again

3rd January 2010, 10:25 PM
Alan are we getting the wee mini logos on each forum that indicates when a thread has a new post you know the mini changes colour rather just the wee thought bubble thing you have the now.

4th January 2010, 04:03 AM
test worked for me

And me .
Perfect I can view without sunglasses againI'd prefer it that you selected Old School NMS, can you try that

4th January 2010, 04:03 AM
Alan are we getting the wee mini logos on each forum that indicates when a thread has a new post you know the mini changes colour rather just the wee thought bubble thing you have the now.In time and when i get some i'll look into replacing the icons again

4th January 2010, 09:07 AM
works in old school nms

4th January 2010, 09:22 AM
works in old school nmsWhew :D

4th January 2010, 10:07 AM
and for me, thanks

4th January 2010, 09:26 PM
Just change it back to old school nms.

Mac with Safari

5th January 2010, 10:49 AM
1 thing i have noticed you can now view the treds and new posts with out having to be sign in to the form you never used to be able to do this in the old ones !!!!!

you can not post but you can see every one that has posted just a note thats all

5th January 2010, 02:07 PM
1 thing i have noticed you can now view the treds and new posts with out having to be sign in to the form you never used to be able to do this in the old ones !!!!!

you can not post but you can see every one that has posted just a note thats allThis actually promotes folk to the site, rather that they can't be bothered to sign up just to see what is going on, now they can see what is going on and sign up because they want to.
Actually works better this way and keeps more members

5th January 2010, 02:37 PM
It was just some thing I noticed that's all

When u put it like that it's a good idea :-)

5th January 2010, 02:54 PM
It was just some thing I noticed that's all

When u put it like that it's a good idea :-)Hope so, we need to get some more members joining

MINI William
10th January 2010, 08:45 PM
One little problem ive noticed is that if I sign on at either work or on Megans pc and click remember me it dosent.When ever I go into a thread or go to post it just signs me out :argh::argh:.Its fine at home or on my Iphone but not at work or megans :ragin:

10th January 2010, 09:02 PM
One little problem ive noticed is that if I sign on at either work or on Megans pc and click remember me it dosent.When ever I go into a thread or go to post it just signs me out :argh::argh:.Its fine at home or on my Iphone but not at work or megans :ragin:IE 6 has this problem, what browser are you using?

10th January 2010, 10:20 PM
I notice search only seems to work for posts created after the new software... is there anyway to search back to the older posts?

MINI William
10th January 2010, 11:56 PM
IE 6 has this problem, what browser are you using?

At work it's either 6 or 7. At Megans it's aol V9

11th January 2010, 05:22 AM
I notice search only seems to work for posts created after the new software... is there anyway to search back to the older posts?Click on advanced search, insert the details you want, then scroll down the page and select "a year ago" in the first drop down box and then "and older" in the next, try that.
You gotta remember that the vBulletin search feature has always been absolutely rubbish and much complained about by board owners

11th January 2010, 11:17 AM
Click on advanced search, insert the details you want, then scroll down the page and select "a year ago" in the first drop down box and then "and older" in the next, try that.
You gotta remember that the vBulletin search feature has always been absolutely rubbish and much complained about by board owners

Still doesn't work for me, just returns no results or only finds the posts this side of the upgrade.

12th January 2010, 02:40 PM
Finally back in the land of the living! Mad password reset issue, who knows which point on the compass the sun rises? As the software doesn't think I'm right!

Anyway, thanks Alan for getting me sorted!

12th January 2010, 02:44 PM
Finally back in the land of the living! Mad password reset issue, who knows which point on the compass the sun rises? As the software doesn't think I'm right!

Anyway, thanks Alan for getting me sorted!Nice one, use the well known saying the sun rises in the **** and sets in the west :lol:

12th January 2010, 03:13 PM
That's what I entered and it said I was wrong! tried caps, non caps, everything!