View Full Version : stoney's new year run 31/1/10

12th December 2009, 04:49 PM
ok this time the run will go ahead ;)

as it says it the title the date has been set for the 31st of jan 2010

this will be run along gritted roads due to the weater at the time of year

the start time will be 10:30am @ Chatelherault Country Park‎ (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ie=UTF8&q=+park+hamilton&hl=en&sll=55.795116,-4.101409&sspn=0.077130,0.220349&latlng=55762978,-4009597,9358069758722525842&ei=_nkcSb-YAYKmogPCi93nBw&sig2=Z4eg-L7uWzIAf75T3wa5Og&cd=2)

now i have put up a poll do we want the same route or are we going for a new one vote now poll closes on x mas day :thumbs up: so if its a new run i can do it betwen xmas and new year :thumbs up:

1 Mr & Mrs Stoney food orderd
2 Elfman food orderd
3 David & Fiona food orderd
4 wee fossy (mum & dad) food orderd
5 duncan food orderd
7 Greg food orderd
8 craig food orderd

lunch menu
http://bent-brae.com/Lunchm.html (http://bent-brae.com/Lunchm.html)

run notes
http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/run...ear_run_09.pdf (http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/run_notes/2009/stoney_new_year_run_09.pdf)

ok i know the dates are wrong but its the same route and so on

15th December 2009, 04:41 PM
Put me down for the run please Rob.

Not too fussed where it goes - Round our way, I'll probably bounce off the ******* road anyway!

15th December 2009, 11:15 PM
thats you on the list will be a small run if its just the 2 of us ;):thumbs up:

also can we sticky it please :thumbs up:

15th December 2009, 11:58 PM
can you add us as well cheers David & Fiona

AndyP & Lenore
15th December 2009, 11:58 PM
also can we sticky it please :thumbs up:

Done.:thumbs up:

16th December 2009, 06:44 PM
can you add us as well cheers David & Fiona

thats you added as well :thumbs up:

16th December 2009, 06:45 PM
Done.:thumbs up:

Thanx :thumbs up:

18th December 2009, 10:10 AM
I'll be working again :frown:

18th December 2009, 11:09 AM
Rob, can't commit to this at the mo due to poss changes in my job. Will let you know when I do tho.. :thumbs up:

20th December 2009, 08:08 PM
Rob, put us down please. seems ages since we have been on a run.

21st December 2009, 10:04 AM
Rob, put us down please. seems ages since we have been on a run.

thats you addaed :thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
21st December 2009, 08:40 PM
Add me and Helen please :D

25th December 2009, 03:06 PM
I'll fire along too if thats alright?

Hopefully have the wheels refurbed by then.

Haven't been on a lot recently, had a lot going on at work but hoping to get along to as many meets/runs as poss in 2010.

Have a merry christmas everyone, and all the best for the new year.



25th December 2009, 07:59 PM
thats you guys added

6th January 2010, 06:51 PM
Stoney I might be up for this just working out if I can get get over, when and where does the run finish need to be in Ardrossan for 5.30pm. for the last ferry

6th January 2010, 06:53 PM
do i have to bring a mini :)?

6th January 2010, 07:12 PM
Stoney I might be up for this just working out if I can get get over, when and where does the run finish need to be in Ardrossan for 5.30pm. for the last ferry

think last year we finished in strathaven if i keep the same route will look it up and post a link

finish will be around 3:30-4 ish its a short route due to it beeing the winter

6th January 2010, 07:13 PM
do i have to bring a mini :)?

well yes it a MINI RUN :argh:

but as its you you can bring anything you want :thumbs up::hand: you are more than welcome to come along :thumbs up:

6th January 2010, 07:20 PM
here are last years i think the run will be the same just need to go round and check it out due to the snow but hopefull it will away bye then


6th January 2010, 08:11 PM
think last year we finished in strathaven if i keep the same route will look it up and post a link

finish will be around 3:30-4 ish its a short route due to it beeing the winter

Might try and make this. It would mean coming over on the saturday night. Maybe see if Del's up for the run too.

6th January 2010, 08:37 PM
Rob, we should make this weather and work permitting. :thumbs up:

might even manage to get the car cleaned by then.. :laugh:

6th January 2010, 08:52 PM
Rob, we should make this weather and work permitting. :thumbs up:

might even manage to get the car cleaned by then.. :laugh:

Ah... that's just cos I'm goin.....come on be honest.:lol:

6th January 2010, 09:01 PM
Ah... that's just cos I'm goin.....come on be honest.:lol:

:lol: I'm only going to make sure you dinnae get in any fights.. :laugh:

I'm always happy to see anyone on the runs... :thumbs up:

6th January 2010, 09:07 PM
:lol: I'm only going to make sure you dinnae get in any fights.. :laugh:

I'm always happy to see anyone on the runs... :thumbs up:

i don't know . You sh*g one sheep,.......

6th January 2010, 09:10 PM
i don't know . You sh*g one sheep,.......


7th January 2010, 08:15 AM
no prob guys will add you to the list

7th January 2010, 10:22 AM
well yes it a MINI RUN :argh:

but as its you you can bring anything you want :thumbs up::hand: you are more than welcome to come along :thumbs up:

sweet there is a track day in early february that i'm trying to do if the car has been fixed by then, the cars in manchester just now.

7th January 2010, 05:46 PM
Cannae dae it soz.....off to Manchester on the 31st!

20th January 2010, 07:19 PM
ok guys and girls i need you all to give me your food order please

menu is here THERE IS 1 DIFFRENCE the price is up by a whole 50p yes thats right a wooping 50p :lol:


also the run will be the same route as last year :thumbs up:

will put notes on first post along with the menu link :thumbs up:

thanx in advance stoney

21st January 2010, 03:14 PM
Still the best value food anywhere........ imho..... Even a pensioner can afford these prices. :bigwave:
Mom = Potato skins, Roast, Apple pie
Dad = Soup, Fish, Apple pie


22nd January 2010, 09:13 AM
Still the best value food anywhere........ imho..... Even a pensioner can afford these prices. :bigwave:
Mom = Potato skins, Roast, Apple pie
Dad = Soup, Fish, Apple pie


no prob it is realy good value and not to bad of food

22nd January 2010, 09:32 AM
Rob, forgot to speak to Jude last night about food. I'll get the order today mate. :thumbs up:

22nd January 2010, 09:33 AM
brill ta

22nd January 2010, 08:44 PM
hi there stoney i will have potato skins , breaded haddock with chips then gateau
fiona will have breaded mushrooms,spag bol, then apple pie

Duncan Stewart
22nd January 2010, 09:32 PM
Great value :thumbs up:

Cheesy garlic bread, Jumbo sausage, beans & chips, then Apple pie for me
Soup, Roast ham salad with chips, Gateau for Helen (is it possible to have no lettuce in the salad please?)


22nd January 2010, 11:45 PM
hi there stoney i will have potato skins , breaded haddock with chips then gateau
fiona will have breaded mushrooms,spag bol, then apple pie

Great value :thumbs up:

Cheesy garlic bread, Jumbo sausage, beans & chips, then Apple pie for me
Soup, Roast ham salad with chips, Gateau for Helen (is it possible to have no lettuce in the salad please?)


brill thanx guys

and dont see that being a prob will put it on the order

23rd January 2010, 11:39 AM

Craig - Potato Skins, Roast, Apple Pie
Jude - Potato Skins, Roast, Apple Pie

:thumbs up:

23rd January 2010, 12:18 PM
Rob I cannot commit to this yet as I am not sure if the window will be fixed yet, will I put my order in even though i might not be there.?

23rd January 2010, 04:36 PM
Rob I cannot commit to this yet as I am not sure if the window will be fixed yet, will I put my order in even though i might not be there.?

you can if you want to greg as long as i have it bye thursday as droping the list in on fri thats the most important

23rd January 2010, 04:48 PM
you can if you want to greg as long as i have it bye thursday as droping the list in on fri thats the most important

Will say one way or other by then, cheers

27th January 2010, 12:59 AM
Rob, sorry I'm late! Soup, Haddock and Chips and a Cup of Tea please! Don't know where the time goes these days...

27th January 2010, 01:11 AM
Rob I cannot commit to this yet. So rather than that just gonna leave it. Won't really know till Friday and that's too late for you. Appologies mate. If there is anyway that I can go would letting you know on Friday be any good?

27th January 2010, 08:58 AM
Rob I cannot commit to this yet. So rather than that just gonna leave it. Won't really know till Friday and that's too late for you. Appologies mate. If there is anyway that I can go would letting you know on Friday be any good?

greg as long as you let me know on fri its fine i can allways put an extra meal on it no prob

27th January 2010, 09:54 AM
greg as long as you let me know on fri its fine i can allways put an extra meal on it no prob

Cheers mate. Will give u a defo yes or no on Friday. Obviously it's a tad harder than most getting to runs just now. Trying to sort out accomodation. Baby sitters etc and the likes.

27th January 2010, 07:09 PM
Hey rob, right managed to get this sorted. It will just be me on the run. As long as were back in Strathhaven for 4pm then that will get back for my boat in time. So food wise, cheese burger and apple pie please rob. See you folks Sunday.

28th January 2010, 09:14 AM
Hey rob, right managed to get this sorted. It will just be me on the run. As long as were back in Strathhaven for 4pm then that will get back for my boat in time. So food wise, cheese burger and apple pie please rob. See you folks Sunday.

no prob thats fine shouldbe no prob to be in shrathaven at 4 as its only 50m in the afternoon

28th January 2010, 09:54 AM
Fab rob. Ment to say, trying to sort out kim coming too if she does would that be an issue food wise. Cheers rob.

28th January 2010, 02:04 PM
Fab rob. Ment to say, trying to sort out kim coming too if she does would that be an issue food wise. Cheers rob.

dont see it being a prob mate im shur they can do an extra one

30th January 2010, 12:52 PM
Rob, did you see my order for the food OK? just noticed I'm not marked down as 'ordered'. Cheers!

30th January 2010, 12:56 PM
Rob, did you see my order for the food OK? just noticed I'm not marked down as 'ordered'. Cheers!

yep got it may man thanx just forgot to update first page

30th January 2010, 06:01 PM
I know its short notice but i have to pull out of this run, my business partner can't cover me tomorrow so unfortunately i'm having to work my 12th day in a row.

Apologies Stoney.


30th January 2010, 06:46 PM
I know its short notice but i have to pull out of this run, my business partner can't cover me tomorrow so unfortunately i'm having to work my 12th day in a row.

Apologies Stoney.


no prob i know what it like

31st January 2010, 06:27 PM
well thats us home safe and sound even been and give the car a quick spray down at the jet wash

thanx to all that came the day

david and fiona thanx for turning up shame you could not come on the run hope you get your wheel/tyer fixed soon

so only ended up beeing 6 of us 3 cooper s 3 cooper s works (1 specail one as well ;))

31st January 2010, 06:39 PM
so only ended up beeing 6 of us 3 cooper s 3 cooper s works (1 specail one as well ;))

Is it you that is special? Photos if you would

31st January 2010, 07:07 PM
Absolutely cracking day out! ! :clap:

Thanks to Rob and Christine for organising, it amazes me how much I enjoy a run with so few cars. ;)

Thanks to Mum for the Tea and Tea Loaf mmmmmmmmm :yes nod:

Never got a chance to give the car a wash when I got home, It'll have to wait till next weekend... :thud: :clap:

31st January 2010, 07:19 PM
Is it you that is special? Photos if you would

i for got my camrea so will need to hope other peeps post some :thumbs up:

Absolutely cracking day out! ! :clap:

Thanks to Rob and Christine for organising, it amazes me how much I enjoy a run with so few cars. ;)

Thanks to Mum for the Tea and Tea Loaf mmmmmmmmm :yes nod:

Never got a chance to give the car a wash when I got home, It'll have to wait till next weekend... :thud: :clap:

i know i am the same but its good just to have a small bunch as its a lot less stress full and with it beein all s it looked mint :smilewinkgrin:

31st January 2010, 07:26 PM

glad you all enjoyed the run the smaller the numbers the better I like it. Big is not always best.:smilewinkgrin::thumbs up:

31st January 2010, 07:57 PM
Thanks to Rob and Christine for a great run. Roads manky, cars well manky, just shows you there's more fun than 'good clean fun' - get down and dirty with NMS! Cheers to Sioban and Malcolm for the Tea and cake - hits the spot every time. And for the folks who couldn't make it today - you not only missed a good run, but also a close look at a rare MINI... well done Ma and Pa - it's a wee cracker! (well two wee crackers if you count Siobhan!). Hope you have many happy (s)miles in it. Today's run re-kindled my faith in my car and probably saved me £8.5K trading up to a JCW - proves that you have to use your car for fun and not just trundling back and forth to work or you'll forget how good it is - BUT it might still be up for JCW Big Brakes and a Milltek exhaust before the Oxford Run! Watch this space...

Hope everybody got home safely - I followed Stoney to the Jet Wash (that one IS better, Rob), so my car's nearly white again. Today a certain car was THE MANKIEST EVER - no clues, wait for the foties! Lunch was brilliant value again - top marks to the ladies at the Poacher's - with friendly service as usual, you can't beat it. Really glad I went today, despite coughing my face off from time to time - took my mind off feeling lousy for a few hours. See Y'all soon. By the way, Greg - Pete Sampras won!!!

31st January 2010, 08:27 PM
Great run Rob and Christine, done at a very sensible pace to match the conditions. Will try and post up some "dirty" pictures later on. Thanks for all the positive comments on the car, much appreciated.

Duncan Stewart
31st January 2010, 09:34 PM
Thanks to Rob & Christine for another fab run :thumbs up:
Superb lunch, great weather, lovely scenery
Glad Euan had refound his faith in his Mini :smilewinkgrin:
Thanks to Sioban and Malcolm for the tea, cake & biscuits. Congrats on your new Mini - a stunning machine.
And thanks to Craig for fitting a nice straight NMS sticker on my Mini :clap:


31st January 2010, 09:37 PM
Rushing out to "bible class" , usual Sunday night, but here's a few dirty photos.

Who would drive a car as dirty as this...BS would be proud


Mom doing the usual, feeding the masses


Duncan's new car


small but select band

31st January 2010, 09:40 PM
LIke your new car enjoy the W50

31st January 2010, 09:43 PM
Jude's no happy that the Hat she bought specially for the run hasnt been photo'd properly. She has been upstaged by a WC50 ! :lol:

31st January 2010, 09:48 PM
Is it you that is special? Photos if you would
can you see the special one now :lol:

Jude's no happy that the Hat she bought specially for the run hasnt been photo'd properly. She has been upstaged by a WC50 ! :lol:
poor jude mon the WC50

31st January 2010, 11:22 PM
Well guys not long in, managed to get home and not find out the tennis score....somehow, so thanks all for not letting on.

Anyway Robs run. I have to start by saying when I turned up this morning seeing only 7 cars, then David and Fiona pulling out I was really disappointed and thought that having only six runners would have spoiled it. I could not have been more wrong. I'll be honest the small amount actually made it really nice and it was easier to get to chat with everyone. The run itself was brilliant and even although some of the roads were precarious at best it was done at a perfect pace, well done Rob. (well apart from one we stretch. lol) anyway thanks rob for organising it, really enjoyed it from start to finish, looking forward to your next two.

Obviously have to mention mum and dad's new car, and what a car, I had the privilege (well actually maybe disadvantage) of driving with it in my rear view mirror, but after it becoming somewhat hypnotic I had to let someone else take a shot. A trully special special car. And in case anyone asks I have already had first dibs on it, so hands off.

Hope you get your car sorted David/Fiona I was really gutted for you.

By the way Stoney I think you membership for the manky club will be torn up, I never even bothered washing mine on the way home and you did, tut, tut. Joking aside how dirty were they.

Anyway really enjoyed everyone's company can't wait till the next one. Obviously need to get my door sorted before the next run, nudge nudge wink wink (ask Craig.)

Only got one or two pics so will post them shortly.

31st January 2010, 11:30 PM
Wow wait a mo is that one of those Numbered limited edition Mini’s? Where did that pop up from what happened to the White Works I’ve got saved to the pc? Looked great fun.

Dear lord I’m no having that up my rear on the Highland Tour…………..I Call Last car place! :hand:

31st January 2010, 11:32 PM
Anyway really enjoyed everyone's company can't wait till the next one. Obviously need to get my door sorted before the next run, nudge nudge wink wink (ask Craig.)

Only got one or two pics so will post them shortly.

:thud: Jude was still going on about that when we got home... I gave her such a row about it at the time... :argh: hope it is OK, let me know if it's not ;)

31st January 2010, 11:33 PM
Wow wait a mo is that one of those Numbered limited edition Mini’s? Where did that pop up from what happened to the White Works I’ve got saved to the pc?

Dear lord I’m no having that up my rear on the Highland Tour…………..I Call Last car place! :hand:

No 193 of the special editions. it is sooooo nice in the flesh... You will be wishing you made the effor to come along today :lol:

31st January 2010, 11:36 PM
:thud: Jude was still going on about that when we got home... I gave her such a row about it at the time... :argh: hope it is OK, let me know if it's not ;)

Hey dude, it's fine, (well actually not checked) but listen **** happens it was a wee accident so I'm totally cool. After how much you have helped me last year dinnae fret.

31st January 2010, 11:40 PM
Hey dude, it's fine, (well actually not checked) but listen **** happens it was a wee accident so I'm totally cool. After how much you have helped me last year dinnae fret.

group hug :lol: Thanks for being cool with it.... Jude is currently sleeping in the garage as punishment... :clap:

31st January 2010, 11:43 PM
No 193 of the special editions. it is sooooo nice in the flesh... You will be wishing you made the effor to come along today :lol:

Bloody right!

I’ve got myself down for three runs so far but had the Windscreen go bang and a few other unplanned expenditures pop up. Plus you guys don’t need a lonely Cooper slowing you up. Even Duncan is now a S Member.

31st January 2010, 11:45 PM
Well guys not long in, managed to get home and not find out the tennis score....somehow, so thanks all for not letting on.

Anyway Robs run. I have to start by saying when I turned up this morning seeing only 7 cars, then David and Fiona pulling out I was really disappointed and thought that having only six runners would have spoiled it. I could not have been more wrong. I'll be honest the small amount actually made it really nice and it was easier to get to chat with everyone. The run itself was brilliant and even although some of the roads were precarious at best it was done at a perfect pace, well done Rob. (well apart from one we stretch. lol) anyway thanks rob for organising it, really enjoyed it from start to finish, looking forward to your next two.

Obviously have to mention mum and dad's new car, and what a car, I had the privilege (well actually maybe disadvantage) of driving with it in my rear view mirror, but after it becoming somewhat hypnotic I had to let someone else take a shot. A trully special special car. And in case anyone asks I have already had first dibs on it, so hands off.

Hope you get your car sorted David/Fiona I was really gutted for you.

By the way Stoney I think you membership for the manky club will be torn up, I never even bothered washing mine on the way home and you did, tut, tut. Joking aside how dirty were they.

Anyway really enjoyed everyone's company can't wait till the next one. Obviously need to get my door sorted before the next run, nudge nudge wink wink (ask Craig.)

Only got one or two pics so will post them shortly.

thanx for comin glad you had a good time i know its a long trip just for a run :thumbs up:

sorry about your door

the mank was bad think this run takes over from gismo's manky thrash think we should change the name to the new year manky thrash :cool:

31st January 2010, 11:46 PM
Bloody right!

I’ve got myself down for three runs so far but had the Windscreen go bang and a few other unplanned expenditures pop up. Plus you guys don’t need a lonely Cooper slowing you up. Even Duncan is now a S Member.

as long as its a mini then you are more than welcome on any of my runs you dont need an s to keep up we hardly tuched the speed limits the day not that we ever go over them

31st January 2010, 11:50 PM
thanx for comin glad you had a good time i know its a long trip just for a run :thumbs up:

sorry about your door

the mank was bad think this run takes over from gismo's manky thrash think we should change the name to the
new year manky thrash :cool:

Sounds like a good idea dude. Yeh it was a long way but really well worth it. Hopefully will be back on mainland b4 my next run in June. Gonna get some pis up 2moro. Too tired tonight.

1st February 2010, 12:46 AM
Sorry we could not do the run today to risky with a bulge in the the tyre should have the new tyre on later in the week.Glad we came for the lunch as i hate to miss out on a good feed.It was great to see everybody again +2 new minis on their first run malcolms ltd edition jcw and duncans mini cooper s.:thumbs up::hand:

1st February 2010, 10:28 AM
Not many pics folks, but here are 2 or 3.




I asked Elfman to turn his car for the first pic he told me, in a friendly way to F&$K off. :lol:

Oh and while I remember thanks to sioban for her assume tea and cake, mmmmm, :drool: can we get the recipe posted please.

1st February 2010, 10:34 AM
By the way, Greg - Pete Sampras won!!!

I got to within 10 minutes of the house and my wee one said, dad did you want to know who one the tennis.....NNNNoOOOOOOOOO,(with fingers in ears) i shouted. :lol:

1st February 2010, 10:37 AM
Oh my god at Mum and Dads new car.
V jelous.

I really think you should book that into me to get the full treatment. I might even pay YOU so that I can do it.

1st February 2010, 11:04 AM
Ian, might even take you up on that, as it is a very dark green.... and you know my "love" for dark cars!!
By the way, I have a case of a very special 12 year old that you may wish to taste :beer:

1st February 2010, 11:18 AM
P.M sent to you Malcolm

1st February 2010, 12:40 PM
By the way, I have a case of a very special 12 year old that you may wish to taste :beer:

Just make sure he doesn't 'taste' it all BEFORE you let him at the car! :hand:
Just reading that again Malcolm - I hope to God you're talking about Whisky... :blush:

By the way Stoney, I think I MIGHT have touched the Speed Limit a couple of times - on my way past it :frown:
Only joking Officer! :thumbs up::smilewinkgrin:

1st February 2010, 01:20 PM
Just make sure he doesn't 'taste' it all BEFORE you let him at the car! :hand:
Just reading that again Malcolm - I hope to God you're talking about Whisky... :blush:

By the way Stoney, I think I MIGHT have touched the Speed Limit a couple of times - on my way past it :frown:
Only joking Officer! :thumbs up::smilewinkgrin:


1st February 2010, 02:19 PM
just reading that again malcolm - i hope to god you're talking about whisky... :blush:


2nd February 2010, 11:20 AM

:thud:MR DAVIES you should be ashamed of yourself... :frown:

Mom doing the usual, feeding the masses


Mom and Dad big congratulations on the new car, Dad I thought I caught you drooling a little bit when I saw you by this car at Silverstone :laugh: I cant wait to see it in the flesh soon.

2nd February 2010, 11:38 AM
:thud:MR DAVIES you should be ashamed of yourself... :frown:

That was before the run started.

2nd February 2010, 11:49 AM
i know his car was dirter than mine i think he is going to join the manky club

2nd February 2010, 12:01 PM
And it's still not been washed :thud:

2nd February 2010, 12:50 PM
And it's still not been washed :thud:

Shocker :thud:

2nd February 2010, 01:44 PM
I'm intirgued about 'Heather'. Was she a smokescreen for the limited edition one? Is this one also called 'Heather' and please can you put up some more pics and some info about him/her spec and stuff. Not nosey or anything :Whistle:but would love to know the story from white clubbie to LD. Looks mean :cool: :thumbs up: but I'd also like to see it clean :thumbs up:(move over Rabbie)

Some pretty filthy cars there. Who's is the mega mega muckit one? That's out manked everyone :smilewinkgrin:

2nd February 2010, 01:46 PM
Don't know who you could mean Sheilz :Whistle:

2nd February 2010, 01:50 PM
Bloody right!

I’ve got myself down for three runs so far but had the Windscreen go bang and a few other unplanned expenditures pop up. Plus you guys don’t need a lonely Cooper slowing you up. Even Duncan is now a S Member.

Don't feel like that Stewart :hand:. B*ggarall wrong with a cooper, coopers are ace. And besides you wont be at the back yourself, Dougall will keep you company. We can be the vanguard , most fitting role for Dougall at least ;):thumbs up:

2nd February 2010, 04:58 PM
Bloody right!

I’ve got myself down for three runs so far but had the Windscreen go bang and a few other unplanned expenditures pop up. Plus you guys don’t need a lonely Cooper slowing you up. Even Duncan is now a S Member.

Coopers are not lonely & they do not slow others up..........................fact :thumbs up:

2nd February 2010, 05:01 PM
Coopers are not lonely & they do not slow others up..........................fact :thumbs up:

that depends on who is behind the wheel ................................fact

2nd June 2010, 06:05 AM
Apologies for the delay, but, pictures added to the gallery section of the main website

2nd June 2010, 07:26 AM
Apologies for the delay, but, pictures added to the gallery section of the main website

i was like WTF when i seen some one had posted in here :lol: but ta boss

2nd June 2010, 03:54 PM
i was like WTF when i seen some one had posted in here :lol: but ta bossBetter late than never :Whistle: