View Full Version : flooding.

20th November 2009, 11:55 AM
Well I don'd know what it's like everywhere else but it was pretty bad in Lochranza yesterday. I was due to go along to the wee ones school for the PTA meeting. I got a phone call from Kim's aunt who also lives local, to say that the flooding was so bad lochranza was impassible.

I though typical woman (sorry to all you good woman drivers in NMS) I'll get along there I mean how bad can it be....

Unfortunately the missus 4x4 was on vapours so I decided to take the mini. I was driving through what was about 6-12 inches of water thinking this is not good then all of a sudden woosh it was about 2 foot of rushing water, it came up over the bonnet, I though oh dear what an ar$e I feel now. I kept up the revs and pushed through, some how I managed to get through it the only problem was I needed to come back later. I thought long and hard and decided I am not leaving my car here without a fight.

When I came back I decided that a bit of speed would be needed to help. Again the car was swamped. I also never noticed the 3 folks attempting to wade thigh high through it, or atleast it was thigh high before the wave from my car hit them. :blush: they were not amused. I kept going and got through.

So this morning looked out and noticed the car had no front number plate. It had been torn off last night.:frown: Went to look for it now the waters have subsided and low and behold I found in in the bottom of a fast flowing stream/river, 200 yards from the floods.

My dear beloved wife volunteered to get it (yeh right) so she waded in to the icy waters and got it for me, I so should have taken pics, she was not amused.

Anyway had to drill new holes for the plate to screw in to as the old ones are wrecked and got it back on.

News is though that more rain is on it's way, so think I might listen to Kim's Aunt in the future:blush:.

20th November 2009, 11:59 AM
:moonie::moonie::moonie::moonie::moonie: - imagine no listening to us women ...

20th November 2009, 12:25 PM
The road down from us, between us and the main road is pretty badly flooded, pushing on towards a foot deep at the worst area’s.

Some old man in a micra had got stuck in it last night when I was on my way home. Ze Audi rolled through it no bother, just kept the revs low in first, and crawled through easily. I wasn’t stopping to help him though, case I got stuck too. Hope he got home ok…

Quattro FTW.

20th November 2009, 01:04 PM
All hail the mighty Quattro :D (quote Ashes to Ashes)

20th November 2009, 01:45 PM
sorry but this wee old woman has to ask what do you think keeping the revs high will achieve?? when wading through deep water?

are you sure the water was 2ft standing??

20th November 2009, 02:01 PM
Think you were lucky Greig to get through that amount of water (twice :eek:) and only lose your front number plate. Glad it didn't stall on you half way through...

20th November 2009, 02:15 PM
I was always told by my step father (mechanic) keep speeds low so as to avoid tidal wave but keep revs high so that engine doesnt cut out.

20th November 2009, 03:34 PM
sorry but this wee old woman has to ask what do you think keeping the revs high will achieve?? when wading through deep water?

are you sure the water was 2ft standing??

Until I saw the 3 folks trying to wade through it I would have thought it was about 12'' or so when i saw them with it up above their knee's then it could not have been far off the 2ft mark.

Also I was always told keep the revs high so you don't stall, which I nearly done twice.

Think you were lucky Greig to get through that amount of water (twice :eek:) and only lose your front number plate. Glad it didn't stall on you half way through...

It was one of those why did I do that senarios, I was daft and your right I was lucky to get away with it with only losing the plate.

I was always told by my step father (mechanic) keep speeds low so as to avoid tidal wave but keep revs high so that engine doesnt cut out.

Yeh revs up that's what I was told too, went slow the first time, but was mincing it going back through so tried it quicker to be honest both worked ok appart from the wave generated. won't be doing it again in a hurry defo the worst I have ever tried to go through.

20th November 2009, 04:26 PM
the wading depth of the Touareg is 580mm which is just under the 2ft taking the mini through that depth you have been more than lucky getting away with it.
with the water coming up and over the bonnet have you checked your air filter. Think you need to fit the mini with a snorkle.:p for next time. Did any water come in the car.

Revving the engine is meant to push the water out of the exhaust but when wading in deep water I'm not 100% convinced it makes that much difference.

20th November 2009, 04:51 PM
If you went through 2ft of standing water i can't believe your engine didnae sook up any water and seize the engine :eek: lucky lucky man ;)

20th November 2009, 04:53 PM
the wading depth of the Touareg is 580mm which is just under the 2ft taking the mini through that depth you have been more than lucky getting away with it.
with the water coming up and over the bonnet have you checked your air filter. Think you need to fit the mini with a snorkle.:p for next time. Did any water come in the car.

Revving the engine is meant to push the water out of the exhaust but when wading in deep water I'm not 100% convinced it makes that much difference.

I don't think I really made it clear in my origonal story, I wasn't lucky I was BL***DY lucky. Checked everything today appart from the number plate and my car being filthy with all the silt I seem to have got away with it. I am not sure how it went through the only thing was it was only at it's deepest for about 20-30 feet then it got shallow again (ie approx 12'') There doesn't seem to be any water in the doors etc although the sills were filthy. Like I say I have always been told to keep the revs up not sure why just always done it like that.

21st November 2009, 12:33 AM
Glad your wee car made it. I'd a similar experience with Dougall a few weeks back when Grampian was hit with very heavy rain. On rough single track road nowhere to turn and came across some seriously deep flooding. Water was rolling over the bonnet and have to say I was feart that it was going to kill the engine. Can't believe how lucky I was and like yourself had to negotiate the damned thing on the way back too.
I was anticipating some flooding today on my way down to Coldstream but thankfully the roads were fine on the east coast. Notice the Tweed had burst its banks on the outskirts of Coldstream, polis had the road blocked off.

21st November 2009, 01:19 AM
Glad your wee car made it.

Cheers it sure was a close one.

Big Gordy
21st November 2009, 11:26 AM
Seeing as we're on about deep water here's a few pictures of Ross playing in the water at a nearby quarry.....




The landy has a 2" lift kit on it and the water still came half way up the doors at the deepest bit:rolleyes: Good job he had his wellies on:D

21st November 2009, 11:36 AM
Wasn't as bad as that :lol:

I'll tell you what that looks like alot of fun though.

Big Gordy
21st November 2009, 12:44 PM
It is:thumbs up: as long as you don't mind getting your feet wet:Whistle:

21st November 2009, 04:14 PM
I think I’d have an old defender like the pictures above just to run about the Island. Glad your car made it. Don’t fancy water over the bonnet all :frown: and that’s the weather station just beebed out a warning there in the house. Fast pressure drops sends it off and it has a range of about 40 miles.