View Full Version : iPhone vs BlackBerry

AndyP & Lenore
13th November 2009, 12:32 AM
Lenore got a blackberry yesterday. She unpacked it, stuck the battery in and gave it to me to set up - wimen:rolleyes:. Battery had half a charge. Between lenore and I we spent about 5 hours yesterday and pretty much all day today putting contacts in, syncing with iTunes and surfing and so on and by tonight guess how much battery was left.... Half a charge! My iPhone drops half a charge if I look at it the wrong way. Between the time lenore got her blackberry and tonight I've had to charge my iPhone twice!

So, my point is, if bb can do it, why can't apple?

A. :frown:

The Dogfather
13th November 2009, 08:45 AM
Blackberry's have smaller non touchscreens and most are 2G. What model is it I'll be able to tell you exactly what its spec is and why the battery lasts. They all use the same size battery though.

Any handset with a large touch screen has a poor battery life e.g. the Blackberry Storm.

By the way my old BB always showed half charge after only an hour so it could be that it was nearly full.

The Dogfather
13th November 2009, 08:50 AM
Andy, if you're having problems with battery life on the iphone then check your installed apps some of these run in the bcakground and consume large amounts of charge

13th November 2009, 08:52 AM
my HTC has a good battery life I do not miss my iphone.

13th November 2009, 09:02 AM
my HTC has a good battery life I do not miss my iphone.

Hold the phone !!!! (pardon the pun ;))

I remember someone saying that their iphone was the best phone she had ever had and she would never change it ? ? :confused:

you got an HTC Hero now ?

The Dogfather
13th November 2009, 09:11 AM
I could have an iphone on loan (3GS 32Gb) but I'm sticking with my Moto dext

13th November 2009, 09:22 AM
I found it was the other way around. I'd charge my iphone every 2nd night, but my BB 8900 needs a charge every night, even if i only use it for the odd text and call, and don't sit listening to music all day with my headphones in.

Also, i really need to send mine back, not had it 6 months yet and the trackball is gubbed. I'd rather have an iphone back

13th November 2009, 10:21 AM
The iPhone does eat up battery life quickly but it also charges quickly too. Couldn't do without my iPhone now.

13th November 2009, 10:24 AM
I too have an ipone and its great, battery life is excellent:yes nod:

13th November 2009, 10:27 AM
I too have an ipone and its great, battery life is excellent:yes nod:

Think it depends on what your doing though john. I find gaming eats it up much quicker, where as just surfing is not too bad. Watching movies seems to drain it quickly too. It also would appear that running on 3g drains it quicker than wifi.

13th November 2009, 11:31 AM
My work bb, which is an absolute brick, lasts nearly a week on 1 charge and I use it a reasonable amount (couple of hours a day), but I do get the power saving mode to tuen it off every night.

AndyP & Lenore
13th November 2009, 06:39 PM
Hmmm... Paul, cheers for the tip on the apps. I'll need to check that as I really struggle to get 1 day out of it these days. charged at midnight and I've hardly used it today and it has less than half charge left. Surfed for maybe 5 mins, 1 call if 3 mins and about 10 texts. Summit wrong there surely. :frown:

Lenore got the bb 9700 bold. Split new out. Really nice phone but despite the battery gripe and no signal at home I love my iPhone.


AndyP & Lenore
13th November 2009, 07:20 PM
Does anyone know how I find out what apps are running in the background? Can't exactly hit CTRL-ALT-DEL. :frown:

A. :D

13th November 2009, 07:23 PM
Hold the phone !!!! (pardon the pun ;))

I remember someone saying that their iphone was the best phone she had ever had and she would never change it ? ? :confused:

you got an HTC Hero now ?

you obviously missed my thread when I talked about getting the Hero.:frown::frown:

Do try and keep up young man:hand::hand::p:p

13th November 2009, 07:26 PM
young man:hand::hand::p:p


13th November 2009, 07:31 PM

well he's a load bit younger than me

now I'm not to sure what age you are so I just call you old boy :pbut have an idea you might be a good but younger than me also.:blush:

13th November 2009, 07:33 PM
well he's a load bit younger than me

now I'm not to sure what age you are so I just call you old boy :pbut have an idea you might be a good but younger than me also.:blush:

Must be my mature (old Git) attitude. I think Craig and I are similar ages, i'm 36. Craig's defo not as old as he looks.;)

13th November 2009, 07:44 PM
there was a poll some time ago with age brackets I was in the elite section of genuine old codgers.;)

13th November 2009, 07:52 PM
Must be my mature (old Git) attitude. I think Craig and I are similar ages, i'm 36. Craig's defo not as old as he looks.;)

there was a poll some time ago with age brackets I was in the elite section of genuine old codgers.;)

well, we are bang on the same age Greig. ;) and as for looking my age - who the hell cares...!! :moonie::lol:


how do you find the Hero? Still completely torn as to what to do phone wise... I really want an iphone, but don't want to have the power issues that Andy is having. :frown: I am in and out of the office all day and really need a phone to go for a couple of days before needing charged, or at least have an idea when it's going to loose charge. ;)

I have lived without the iphone for long enough, so not sure I need it now and if I get a diff touch screen phone and pay less, then I may get the best of both worlds.. ;)

anyway, give me your thoughts fi.... or pop round and I can have a play of your phone.. :lol:

13th November 2009, 08:21 PM
well, we are bang on the same age Greig. ;) and as for looking my age - who the hell cares...!! :moonie::lol:


how do you find the Hero? Still completely torn as to what to do phone wise... I really want an iphone, but don't want to have the power issues that Andy is having. :frown: I am in and out of the office all day and really need a phone to go for a couple of days before needing charged, or at least have an idea when it's going to loose charge. ;)

I have lived without the iphone for long enough, so not sure I need it now and if I get a diff touch screen phone and pay less, then I may get the best of both worlds.. ;)

anyway, give me your thoughts fi.... or pop round and I can have a play of your phone.. :lol:

you can have a shot of it for a couple of days if you want??

14th November 2009, 11:18 AM
you can have a shot of it for a couple of days if you want??

oh , not that sounds good... Is it unlocked as I am on vodafone... ;)

I'll maybe give you a call tomorrow. :thumbs up:

14th November 2009, 12:39 PM
My Blackberry 8900 lasts over 3-4 days on a charge.

and i have the auto switch on/off set up, so i think that might help it

14th November 2009, 02:52 PM
oh , not that sounds good... Is it unlocked as I am on vodafone... ;)

I'll maybe give you a call tomorrow. :thumbs up:

no idea I am on Orange

AndyP & Lenore
15th November 2009, 12:34 AM
Well, left the phone charging all night and switched 3G off and location services off and the battery level hasn't changed from full all day. So, it may be that I need to leave 3G off until it's needed. I've still been getting my emails through and calls and texts etc., so I'm guessing I don't need 3G in order to receive emails, so that's fine. And if I need to surf or use maps or anything I can easily switch 3G back on.

Be interesting to see how long the battery lasts from this charge.


The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 10:39 AM
if you are in an area with intermittent 3G then the phone will constantly search for a 3G signal when its not there. This searching will hammer the battery.

AndyP & Lenore
15th November 2009, 10:58 AM
if you are in an area with intermittent 3G then the phone will constantly search for a 3G signal when its not there. This searching will hammer the battery.

Ah, that makes sense. 'Cos that's exactly the kind of area I am in. In the back of the house I occasionally get a 3G signal, but the rest of the house I hardly even get any signal at all - an issue I'm trying to get o2 to recognise but they are being pretty stubborn at the moment. So I guess all this searching is not helping then.:frown:


15th November 2009, 11:04 AM
3g I can't even get a phone signal.

AndyP & Lenore
15th November 2009, 11:08 AM
3g I can't even get a phone signal.

Out on Arran?


The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 04:08 PM
In that case Grieg you need a Blackberry :D as they'll connect to your wireless router and take calls as though it was on the network. Its called UMA or unique phone on Orange, other networks may have their own name for it.

15th November 2009, 05:42 PM
looks like I am going Orange when I get my new phone in March as I am fed up with the shocking vodafone signal in what is supposed to be Central Scotland. :thumbs up: Their signal (including 3G) seems to be the best in my area and where I work (which is most important) :yes nod:

now just to make my mind up whether to go for a smart phone or an iphone.. :rolleyes::lol:

The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 06:20 PM
Craig, I know we have a new coverage checker online. Its probably worth mentioning that both O2 and Voda have better in building coverage because of the frequency they use.

15th November 2009, 09:19 PM
Craig, I know we have a new coverage checker online. Its probably worth mentioning that both O2 and Voda have better in building coverage because of the frequency they use.

well, vodafone in my area is pants. I can go from 1 bar to 4 to nothing in about 6 feet. :rolleyes: and no chance of 3g.. :frown: maybe I should be looking at O2 then. :yes nod:

The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 09:30 PM
Try asking someone on Orange who works at you're place. The handset itself plays a big part in this as well though.

However, we do have the best 3G coverage of any network (93% vs 85% O2) but if you work in a stone/concrete building the signal can sometimes fall off, in houses its usually fine unless you have a granite castle :D

15th November 2009, 09:33 PM
Try asking someone on Orange who works at you're place. The handset itself plays a big part in this as well though.

However, we do have the best 3G coverage of any network (93% vs 85% O2) but if you work in a stone/concrete building the signal can sometimes fall off, in houses its usually fine unless you have a granite castle :D

will do Paul - I know I can get "special" deals on orange so I'm kinda leaving that way... ;) plus I still have a contract with them so maybe get a better deal also. :yes nod:

The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 09:34 PM
I'd recommend having a look at the dext.

15th November 2009, 09:42 PM
I'd recommend having a look at the dext.

aye I notice you selling one.... ;)

The Dogfather
15th November 2009, 09:50 PM
No man, I'd recommend getting one on a contract.

AndyP & Lenore
16th November 2009, 01:38 AM
In that case Grieg you need a Blackberry :D as they'll connect to your wireless router and take calls as though it was on the network. Its called UMA or unique phone on Orange, other networks may have their own name for it.

Really!!! I wonder if o2 do that.... If they do, I could just switch wifi on and get good coverage at home too.:confused:

Off to do some looking into this.:thumbs up:


AndyP & Lenore
16th November 2009, 02:11 AM
Aw shoot. Looks like iPhone's have to be cracked to allow voip calls. Back to the drawing board on the rubbish signal at home.


The Dogfather
16th November 2009, 07:20 AM
Can't Lenore's Blackberry connect?

AndyP & Lenore
16th November 2009, 12:11 PM
Can't Lenore's Blackberry connect?

Not tried, but she doesn't need to. Its me that can't get a signal at home on my iPhone.:frown:


AndyP & Lenore
23rd November 2009, 01:43 AM
Well I've got the rubbish battery length problem sorted. I now charge the iPhone overnight so it gets a good long charge. I used to charge it until the indicator said it was full - usually about 45 mins. I've also switched 3G and location services off and only switch them in when I really need them - as it turns out that's not very often. I now get roughly 3 days out if a full charge. Much more useable.

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and tips.

A. :D