View Full Version : Arbroath Seafront Spectacular 24/07/10

dark knight
11th November 2009, 08:47 PM
Okay I know it's still ages away but I thought I would start a thread to see if we could get enough mini's to come to the event, hopefully if enough people are interested we could maybe get a convoy through the town into the event :D

I'm going to be there on the day doing a thai boxing demo so the more mini's there the merrier


1. Dark Knight
2. Fester
3. Stoney
4. Duncan Stewart
5. Burple
6. JC Parts Dept

7. Fairy??
8. GCA3N??
9. Forbes??
10. Craig??
12. Crombers??

11th November 2009, 10:10 PM
this might fall into my holidays, but if not, I should be there. I'll let you know. :yes nod:

11th November 2009, 10:43 PM
Yep count me in, got to support the local events.


12th November 2009, 09:31 AM
put me down the now

Duncan Stewart
15th November 2009, 09:43 PM
Count me in :thumbs up:

16th November 2009, 01:23 AM
A possible for me.

16th November 2009, 09:48 AM
Will try and make this one :thumbs up:

19th November 2009, 02:46 PM
Count me in too..

More than willing to arrange the convoy from Dundee through to arbroath as before too! :D:cool::thumbs up:

19th November 2009, 03:31 PM
place my name doon aswell :thumbs up:

19th November 2009, 04:33 PM
I really enjoyed my two visits to Arbroath & that probably had a good bit to do with the large NMS attendance on both occassions. In saying that both days were el scorchio & the kippers are just 'ace'. Pity this day has fallen off radar within NMS but I suppose we have a lot more in our calendar now with the increased numbers of NMS events.

Need to check my shifts to see if I could manage along.

dark knight
20th November 2009, 06:36 PM
I really enjoyed my two visits to Arbroath & that probably had a good bit to do with the large NMS attendance on both occassions. In saying that both days were el scorchio & the kippers are just 'ace'. Pity this day has fallen off radar within NMS but I suppose we have a lot more in our calendar now with the increased numbers of NMS events

I remeber the first couple of times all the nms crew had the convoy from mcd's carpark through the town wish we could do that again :D. Hopefully get the event back on the radar and get a good turn out from nms members :thumbs up:

9th January 2010, 12:45 PM
Put me down for a maybe I'm due to be off and all being well back on the mainland by then. Cheers

9th January 2010, 02:59 PM
Since Greig is going you can add me as a maybe. Will confirm in 6months

9th January 2010, 03:33 PM
This is the day we come back from Inverness on holiday so we could maybe make it on the way back down the road (with a bit of a detour). Put us down as a maybe and I'll try and convince Jude.:thumbs up:

9th January 2010, 07:11 PM
Since Greig is going you can add me as a maybe. Will confirm in 6months

Haha, love it

9th January 2010, 07:12 PM
Haha, love it
Translated as "I will come along aswell"

9th January 2010, 07:12 PM
Maybe.... this aint as good as it used to be though

9th January 2010, 07:13 PM
It will be if there is plenty of us

9th January 2010, 07:55 PM
Haha, love it

Since Greig is going you can add me as a maybe. Will confirm in 6months

Translated as "I will come along aswell"

oh we're all on top form today. Like Ben says its personnel that makes these things good.

9th January 2010, 08:05 PM
A few is always a good turnout, but this is still miles off

6th April 2010, 10:01 PM
i would like to join in that run if thts possible?

26th May 2010, 09:00 AM
put my name down for this

26th May 2010, 10:08 AM
Would NMS be interested in a mahoosive mini plot at Arbroath?
The MiniClan, Scottishmini, Amoc, Esmoc & NMS all together?

All clubs enter there own entrants just on site as one large group.

26th May 2010, 10:24 AM
Would NMS be interested in a mahoosive mini plot at Arbroath?
The MiniClan, Scottishmini, Amoc, Esmoc & NMS all together?

All clubs enter there own entrants just on site as one large group.

Sounds like a good idea, what time of year were you thinking.

26th May 2010, 11:14 AM
I think Stevie means at the Arbroath meet Greig you handsome but daft person :lol:

they working you too hard again :thud: ;)

26th May 2010, 11:56 AM
I think Stevie means at the Arbroath meet Greig ya dafty :lol:

they working you too hard again :thud: ;)

You know I am having a senior moment, more like a senior day today. Didn't get to bed till 11.30 then up at 5am so i'll say that's my excuse(not over worked). Can't even blame it on the ihone tiny screen which quite often is to blame for the daft comments. This was on the pc offshore.

Sent form iphone via tapatalk.......:lol: aye right:laugh:

26th May 2010, 12:00 PM
I think Stevie means at the Arbroath meet Greig you handsome but daft person :lol:

they working you too hard again :thud: ;)

gee ta craig......

power to the mods.

Can I expect revenge or a telling off now:lol:

26th May 2010, 05:50 PM
Will be back from Southern Ireland by then so unless weather is awful I'll be there.

19th June 2010, 07:59 PM
i am going to have to pull out of this one as its my big sisters birthday BBQ

4th July 2010, 09:11 PM
This is soon.... any updates?

Time etc?

If people are traveling through Dundee, i can meet up with you guys :thumbs up:

5th July 2010, 10:25 PM
I'm going to have to pull out of this one, I'll still be there but with the Strathmore Vintage Vehicle Club with an MGB and a Fire Engine!!!

5th July 2010, 10:36 PM
if this is still on I could be talked in to going.

any details????

6th July 2010, 06:15 AM
I'll also have to pull out appologies, i have a very good reason though, my half brother who I have not seen for 16/17 years is coming to stay that weekend as well as it being my wee girls birthday party too, sorry.

6th July 2010, 09:00 PM
if this is still on I could be talked in to going.

any details????

As Fiona asks anymore details on this:idunno:

Could also meet up with folk in Dundee if it is to happen - Burple? David @ JCs?....

7th July 2010, 10:28 PM
What all happens at this meet? i will join in aswell. i come from the montrose way so if anyone from aberdeen or down this way would want to meet up and head down to meet the dundee folk?

8th July 2010, 12:12 AM
As Fiona asks anymore details on this:idunno:

Could also meet up with folk in Dundee if it is to happen - Burple? David @ JCs?....

If Details are passed on, i can say yes lol

I will happily meet you Andrew, then if need, meet up with Ewan at his as he is on way towards Arbroath

8th July 2010, 07:49 AM
well guys and girls just checked and dark knight has not logged on since march but there is allways my picnic run on the sunday if you fancy :thumbs up:

8th July 2010, 10:06 AM
it just takes one phone call to the event organisers and they will be willing to assist.
All they need to know is that you will be attending, no passes needed.

As previous post there will be a large Mini group of mixed clubs, you are all more than welcome to join the fray!


Now you can't miss the Knights of Monymusk & the Kolonel Schnapps Oompah Band.......that would be criminal!

dark knight
12th July 2010, 02:03 PM
Hi folks , Sorry for not being around lately. Been busy with work etc...

For those of you coming - the show starts at 11am so you should aim to be parked up by 10:45 at the latest.

Mini clubs attending so far are The Clan, NMS, Scottish Mini, AMOC, and Caledonian Mini Club.
Other Clubs include - Tayside Classics, Glenisla Car Club, Perth & District Classic Wheels, All Car Club and the MX5 Club
Also on display will be an 1992 F1, Formula 3000 and Formula Ford and a GT Car. The 3000 will be "performing" in the Arena.

No need for passes if you can all arrive together?

18th July 2010, 10:20 PM
hi guys, iv not been to this before and not attented any meets with the mini guys before. so if you could maybe give me a bit of guidance on what to do their, what we have to do their or how to get in. or maybe i could meet up with someone that is from the montrose area that i could run down with so i wont get confused lol any comments would be gratefull. also can we leave at any time? as i will be on call with my work so i could be leaving at anytime.

cheers guys.

19th July 2010, 12:30 PM
well i will be going down from stoney so i could easily meet you in montrose for a convoy down.

19th July 2010, 03:16 PM
Afternoon! :cool:

What time are the Clan etc planning on arriving? are you all regroupuing in Arbroath before going into the show? any idea what time you'll be passing through Dundee?

I'm 99% sure I'll be heading along.. so how about if anyone wants to met for a wee convoy to Arbroath, we meet in Sainsbury's car park (At the Claypotts junction in Dundee -DD4 8XD for satnav ;)) about 9.45 to leave to head along to Arbroath at 10?

I'm going for my freshly smoked Smokie!! oh yes!

Sounds like another cracking day!

it just takes one phone call to the event organisers and they will be willing to assist.
All they need to know is that you will be attending, no passes needed.

As previous post there will be a large Mini group of mixed clubs, you are all more than welcome to join the fray!


Now you can't miss the Knights of Monymusk & the Kolonel Schnapps Oompah Band.......that would be criminal!

19th July 2010, 07:45 PM
Meeting Point:
Govan Asda 8.00am
Stirling Services 8.30am
Arbroath 10.30am

Show starts at 11am

We could nip in at Sainsburys @ about 10 - 10.10am.
Just think it would be good to get everyone together instead of the stand off at the O.K. Corral.

Fingers crossed the suns shining!

19th July 2010, 08:26 PM
Where is the meeting place in Arbroath? Anyone else from Aberdeen? What time are you leaving Stonie Stewart? We could 'collect' mini-one on our way through Montrose. Yes? Coast road's the best esp if its a nice day. Anyone?

19th July 2010, 08:27 PM
Err that last post should've included me and Catriona will be along.

19th July 2010, 09:01 PM
Google Map Link - Victoria Park (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mr&sll=56.559955,-2.562561&sspn=0.013787,0.036006&ie=UTF8&ll=56.561232,-2.563848&spn=0.006893,0.018003&t=h&z=16)

The site is Victoria Park.
Kings Drive is actually closed, the entrance is the road leading from Cliffburn Road.

19th July 2010, 09:49 PM
Hey All

Me + my man are heading down to this too, we stay on the coast road just near Inverbervie just south of Stonehaven so if there are folk headin down from Aberdeen, we could meet ya
what time will u be heading down? we could meet u somewhere on the dualler or in montrose if thats easier?

19th July 2010, 10:05 PM
Yea that sounds good like. what time you thinking bot leaving aberdeen sheilz?

19th July 2010, 11:39 PM
WAs thinking that I might leave Aberdeen about 9am which gives loads of time to get to a meet up point with all the other minis. I'm assuming that there is a meet up point somewhere in Arbroath before the cars enter the park otherwise wont it be a bit random arriving in dribs and drabs?
Will go down the coast road so would be passing Fay's place about halfpast or thereabouts and could meet MiniOne at somerfield carpark in Montrose before heading to Arbroath.

Ultimately leaving time depends on whether there is a meet up point before going to the Victoria Park as has been done in previous years.

20th July 2010, 08:53 AM
Sounds good Sheilz - will be in the lay-by just after Inverbervie on the left at half 9 :cool::thumbs up:

20th July 2010, 10:44 AM
Meeting Point:
Govan Asda 8.00am
Stirling Services 8.30am
Arbroath 10.30am

Show starts at 11am

We could nip in at Sainsburys @ about 10 - 10.10am.
Just think it would be good to get everyone together instead of the stand off at the O.K. Corral.

Fingers crossed the suns shining!

Yeah, sounds good to me!
The only potential thing to stop me being there at Sainsburys is the other half is flying out to Oz the day before. if she gets where she's going and calls me Sat morning, I might not make Sainsburys. if I'm not there.. then don't wait. I'll text Livi if I can't make it on time, so at least someone will know :thumbs up:
I'll def show up at some point during the day tho!

20th July 2010, 12:29 PM
Sounds good Sheilz - will be in the lay-by just after Inverbervie on the left at half 9 :cool::thumbs up:

is it ok to meet you in that lay-by aswell? dont have a clue far im going!!

20th July 2010, 01:18 PM
Yup no worries sav1903 - do u know which lay-by I mean

Duncan Stewart
20th July 2010, 07:36 PM
Sorry not going to make it :sad:

Have a good time at the show :thumbs up:

20th July 2010, 08:15 PM
Im rota'd to be working this sat :frown: i dont finish until half 12pm

People are welcome in for a coffee and a chat (or toilet) before leaving if required :thumbs up:

20th July 2010, 08:30 PM
can't make it now as Allans leg is in plaster from hip to ankle:argh::argh: I tell you if there is a guy out there that can break bones and tear ligaments on a regular basis then it's Allan.:ragin::ragin:

20th July 2010, 10:05 PM
Yup no worries sav1903 - do u know which lay-by I mean

yeah the south side of bervie just after the opening for gourdon?

20th July 2010, 10:11 PM
What time you guys planning on being in montrose to meet up with yous? aslo il be on call with my work so can i just leave at any time?

21st July 2010, 12:25 AM
Hi Folks
I'm still around on here. Glad to see we are having a visit from NMS again. Can't believe this is year seven!! Back in 2004 we had 64 new Minis - a record still to beat!!!
I'll be in the main arena prompting the commentator for most of the time but I'll try and escape to say hello to you all at some point during the day.

Thanks again for you support over the years

See you on sunny saturday!


21st July 2010, 03:49 PM
Please remove my name as a potential attendee, I'm off doing other stuff

22nd July 2010, 12:15 AM
Ok Fay and Stewart. Should be in Montrose by ten.

22nd July 2010, 10:22 PM
i wont manage to attend the show, my mini is in the garage with a seized caliper and new pads. :(

22nd July 2010, 11:45 PM
Sorry to hear about your mini Minione. Hope it gets better soon.

Where exactly in Arbroath are all the minis meeting up?

23rd July 2010, 09:43 AM
Sorry as expected I won't make it as I won't be home til tomorrow night .... Enjoy everyone !!! ;)

23rd July 2010, 02:29 PM
Hope the weather is nice tomorrow!
Sheilz + Stewart, see ya in the lay-by tomorrow at half 9 - its a MINI date! :thumbs up::yes nod:

23rd July 2010, 04:08 PM

But still wanting to know where all the minis are meeting up. MacD? Industrial site? Leisure Park? or is everyone just heading to THE park? Is there a code I need to break somewhere to get hold of this information (its Friday and all patience evaporated)

23rd July 2010, 04:11 PM
I'm guessing that it's 10.30 at the Park? I'm also guessing it'll be the far (Cliffs?) end of the park to go in as well?
Nobody's mentioned any other stopping point in Arbroath..


But still wanting to know where all the minis are meeting up. MacD? Industrial site? Leisure Park? or is everyone just heading to THE park? Is there a code I need to break somewhere to get hold of this information (its Friday and all patience evaporated)

23rd July 2010, 07:44 PM
been off work the last two days with man flu:sad:

so i will decide when i get up the morn if im going

23rd July 2010, 08:08 PM
aslo il be on call with my work so can i just leave at any time?

As he asked can you leave the set-a-side parking area at any time? And is it straight to the park for 10:30?

24th July 2010, 12:13 AM
As he asked can you leave the set-a-side parking area at any time? And is it straight to the park for 10:30?

In previous years its been possible to leave when you want.

24th July 2010, 12:18 AM
I'm guessing that it's 10.30 at the Park? I'm also guessing it'll be the far (Cliffs?) end of the park to go in as well?
Nobody's mentioned any other stopping point in Arbroath..

Then perhaps it would make sense for the minis to all line up on the road above the park so that they can all go in together? Seems a bit disorganised this year for sure.

If us Northerners - ha ha all two, poss three of us - get there first will wait at the top of the wee road for the rest of you. If this is a shambles am nae going back (jeez what a moody b*tch!)

24th July 2010, 08:32 AM
Stewart are u coming to meet us this morn?

24th July 2010, 08:37 AM
Feeling alot better than the last two days so will still be meeting you at that lay-by.

24th July 2010, 08:42 AM
Ok cya both there

24th July 2010, 09:27 AM
Seems a bit disorganised this year for sure.

If this is a shambles am nae going back (jeez what a moody b*tch!)

This would have been my first and thinking its just as easy to park in the main parking as I dont know whats going on!!

24th July 2010, 02:33 PM
i have to say this is not like a nms run !!!!!!!!!!!!! they normaly run a lot smother and better put to gather

24th July 2010, 07:50 PM
The day itself was pretty good. Nice weather and fine blethers with Fay, Ewan, Mr Saville and their respective passengers. As representation from NMS it was pretty embarrassing as the miniclan were out in force and we ended up looking like the waifs and strays tagging on. Bit of an *rse of lining us up for eventually Shoppie had to ask the two GPs to move as the gyroscope thingy mannie was complaining that their presence was detering his would-be customers. They left pretty soon after leaving just myself and Ewan. The day itself must have been a mammoth task to organise and that was done very well, it was us mini owners who were disorganised but from the very poor turn out seems that this one has died a death on the NMS calender.

24th July 2010, 10:27 PM
Sheilz got to agree with you the whole Car Club bit seemed to be a bit disorganized, not the fault of any car club. I was behind you lot we had the MG for raffle we had the big yellow flags. When we arrived our allocated space (yes apparently there was a plan) was approx 500yrds out to sea!!!! Was about to head over and say hi to the small NMS contingent when I noticed the GP's leave bit dissapointing to leave so early as the day certainly got better in the afternoon. When I noticed the small NMS turnout I wondered why as the runs are normally well supported, my conclusion and I may add only mine is that the NMS members do not like staic shows and would prefer to be out on the open road. Pity cos as Sheilz said was a good day.

Thats my rant over:ragin:


24th July 2010, 11:16 PM
I prefer the static shows and for that matter eating meats the best rather than running about the roads been on most of the run and routes in the past and no longer see the point of going on the runs anymore that i've been on that and it hurts my mini with stone chips etc etc.

I would have attended this one if Allan was able, but tbh unless there was a greater number of newMINIS attendees I don't think it is worth bothering going.
these events are better the more numbers there are and if folk can't be bothered or have other things on that's life everything is a option and not a must so you just have to roll with it.

25th July 2010, 01:12 AM
I prefer the static shows and for that matter eating meats the best rather than running about the roads been on most of the run and routes in the past and no longer see the point of going on the runs anymore that i've been on that and it hurts my mini with stone chips etc etc..

Fi - I can't believe what I just read! How can you be 'MINI Obsessed' and not want to do runs etc? I find that a bit sad. I'm supposed to be a sensible old fart and here I am, just about to get to my kip and really looking forward to Stoney's Picnic Run later today.

I went to Arbroath the first year, and while it was OK and NMS had a massive turn-out (about 24 cars?), I found it very limiting once we were parked up and basically stuck there, then the weather turned nasty which didn't help. I enjoyed some of the events that were on, but once was enough for me. The very reason G3 ELF and me haven't been back there is because we actually prefer 'running about the roads' rather than being stuck in a field. Stone chips? I'd much rather get a chip while I was out using my MINI as God intended than get it dinged, 'sticky-fingered' or scratched in a car park... Maybe that's why there was such a low turn-out from NMS - we were all out enjoying our cars ON THE ROAD. 'MINI' and 'Static' are contradictory.

25th July 2010, 09:30 AM
I 100% agree elfman minis are for using and the mini runs are always brilliant. If it were not for my location I'd be on everyone I was home for.

25th July 2010, 12:14 PM
I really enjoy the Highland tour because as you drive it gets better and better with the roads and scenery and when you pull in for a stop it’s always great to have a chat. After all those miles I only got the one chip and it was on my screen and was my fault for pulling out to soon after a certain Yellow Clubman at the ski centre:argh:. But it’s free to fix just not got round to it and very small.

The Oban run was a very relaxing run I don’t think we overtook once on it, just out enjoying the scenery and roads.

But have to say it’s the runs and the people on them that have made the Mini experience for me. I Know I appreciate the car more after taking it on a run after months and months of Glasgow driving.