View Full Version : Swine Flu

29th September 2009, 12:20 AM
Today I got an email about this so called pandemic which included links to a video and other bits and pieces. I was wondering if the admins would have any objection to me putting the contents of it on the site so that other people have the opportunity to read, listen and make up their own minds on the subject.
Its one of these emails that demands that the individual thinks out of the box. Personally it resonates with the words of a very wise academic that I encountered in my uni days many years back.

Would anyone have any objection to me putting it up for general reading?

29th September 2009, 09:04 AM
Would anyone have any objection to me putting it up for general reading?GO right ahead Sheilz :thumbs up:

29th September 2009, 01:42 PM
Ok thanks. Will do

29th September 2009, 01:53 PM
Its a bit long but some interesting and thought provoking stuff in it. Have had to chop some of it:

We have all heard of the new swine flu right?

Well there is a lot of information for good reason that the
governments around the world are not telling you. They are
really doing an awesome job right now at running fear campaigns
to have everyone in the community running scared about H1N1.

Before you decide to get your shots voluntarily please take your
time to way up the facts that could ultimately lead to protecting
your health rather than just rushing into vaccination because
your Government says it's the right thing to do.

Did you know that the Australian Government has completed a deal
with CSL to buy 21 million vaccinations for the Australian people
and they start Australia's single biggest immunization program
ever on the 30th September 2009? - see

Did you know that the Irish Government is making it Mandatory?
- there is a huge list of articles on the right hand side of this
article - all on the H1N1 along with further info and videos
you can watch.

Did you know that the UK Government is planning mass

Did you know that a Baxter International research facility in
Austria sent a quantity of the H3N2 viral material to 18 European
Laboratories? Watch this -

Here is information about the law suit filed against Baxter &

Did you know that 4.9 Billion Vaccines have been made for the
H1N1 flu and they are about to be administered around the globe
voluntarily to begin and eventually planned to be mandatory? Mass
Vaccination Documents Leaked
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=L9DBt&m=1fOygivp_bKErv&b=Oo4zldLAnVhP6MC12Z_KGw - Part 1
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=L9DBt&m=1fOygivp_bKErv&b=IWSPlE3Ohe62xQaJFenf9g -
and you need to know about it to assist you with the decisions
you make for you and your family and to take action.

If what you have read and watched has you wanting to take action
and you live in Australia then Michael Bending of Alliance for
Health Freedom Australia has a petition against mandatory swine
flu vaccination on his site, he is aiming for 100,000 signatures
and has only just posted it so there are less than 1000 so far.

He needs as many health-wise people to sign this petition and
send the message to Rudd and Roxson that mandatory vaccinations

The link is:

Read the letter on the right hand side along with review the
links in the letter. You can also send a copy of the letter to
your local member if you live in Australia.

If you are not from Australia, research this more in your local
country and make a stand now!

Please take action with your research today - time is ticking

Please take it upon yourself to research the internet in your
own country. Please google any of the following; "H1N1
Vaccination" "H1N1 vaccine" "H1N1" "H1N1 Update"
"H1N1 Forced Vaccinations" to get you started.

Please pass this message on to as many as possible before it is
too late.

Thank you for reading and researching this very important topic.

29th September 2009, 01:58 PM
Bits I chopped out gave rough figures for global figures for deaths from normal flu which clearly indicates that Swine Flu is nowhere near pandemic proportions. It worried me that some of Baxters vaccine has been imported into this country despite the European body for clearing vaccines etc as suitable for use amongst the general population not having given their brand the go ahead. I read that in today's Guardian.

29th September 2009, 02:29 PM
Bits I chopped out gave rough figures for global figures for deaths from normal flu which clearly indicates that Swine Flu is nowhere near pandemic proportions.

If you look at the WHO stages for a virus spread/pandemic - we are clearly in one. It doesn’t actually take much to be in a pandemic. You simple need to virus to spread across continents and from person to person. Then you've got yourself a pandemic. So the issue is, are the WHO a little to brash is calling this a world wide crisis, and should they review their stages.

The other over-hyping hasn't come from the Government, I believe everything they have done so far has been valid for the scale of the so called crisis. It's the bl00dy media that's the problem - it just did not warrant the coverage it got in the early days! :frown:

The reality is that Swine Flu is less dangerous than normal flue so the majority of us have absolutely nothing to worry about. Should the UK start offering vaccines (or even force them upon us) I will reject. Not because the vaccine is not proven or singed off by the correct bodies - but because I don't feel the need to pump my body full of chemicals that others could get better use of. I'm in my young 20's and fit and healthy and have no reason to believe I couldn’t fight off a mild flu virus. :yes nod:

The other twist – perhaps it’s the pharmaceutical companies driving the vaccine out to make money. Well perhaps, but we need something to kick start the economy so why not? We don’t really want the banks making all the money again, so lets have another industry having a bash at it! :hand: :popcorn:

29th September 2009, 04:53 PM
H1N1 is a lab made virus 2parts pig 1 part human 1 part bird

29th September 2009, 06:37 PM
I think there's some pretty dodgy stuff goes on in the world that we really dont know about. I find the idea of forcing people to take a vacine they neither wish nor need abhorent. Why are so many govts so hell bent on making it compulsory? Whose interests are being served?
Building homes, schools, roads, hospitals and such like kick starts the economy dont think increasing the profits of a company based in Austria is going to do that for the UK economy.

30th September 2009, 04:42 PM
Cut and paste job from press release today:

I find it hugely concerning that parents are being duped into allowing their children to be used as guinea pigs. Baxters is the same company who allowed vaccines to be contaminated with bird flu. Also involved in the scandal in which haemophiliacs were contaminated by HIV. The fact that Baxters vaccine hasn't even been pased by Euro body is scandalous.

Sorry folks got a bee in my bonnet about this one. They can go on and on about the figures of new flu cases but are these any worse to those in any winter?

The first children in Britain have started receiving a swine flu vaccine as part of a major new trial.
Researchers are hoping to use around 1,000 youngsters over the next fortnight to see which of two different drugs perform the best.
The children, aged between six months and 12 years, are being recruited at five test venues in Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter and London.
One vaccine being used - Pandremix, made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - has been approved by European regulators.
Another made by Baxter is still being considered by the European Medicines Agency but could get approval this week.
Head researcher Professor Andrew Pollard, from the University of Oxford, said: "We are doing this trial to compare head-to-head the two vaccines which are going to be used in the UK against swine flu to see which one works best in children and which one is best tolerated.
"We are sort of in a race against time because we know the flu season is already started. We hope to immunise the children over the next 10 days or so."
The most recent data from the Government showed the number of swine flu cases across the country almost doubled in a week, from an estimated 5,000 to 9,000, prompting speculation a second wave of infections could be on its way.
The Government is hoping to start vaccinating millions of people in high-risk groups, such as those with asthma and diabetes, and health workers, next month.
Across the UK, 82 deaths have been linked to the virus, with 70 in England, nine in Scotland, one in Wales and two in Northern Ireland.

3rd October 2009, 09:20 AM
Watch this youtube film .Thimersol (mercury based preservitive)