View Full Version : Rumour has it.....

Big Gordy
18th September 2009, 04:10 PM
....that James Toseland has been given the heave-ho from next years Tech 3 squad:frown:
Spies has implemented his option to come to GP's:Whistle:

18th September 2009, 04:28 PM
....that James Toseland has been given the heave-how from next years Tech 3 squad:frown:
Spies has implemented his option to come to GP's:Whistle:Not rumpur, it's fact :rolleyes:

18th September 2009, 06:54 PM
No bloody wonder...he has been rather poor. I had big hopes for JT, but he's just not delivered. :frown:

Upsetting, as it look like we'll have to wait at least 3/4 years for another rider in MotoGP - Bradley Smith looks to have potential :yes nod:

18th September 2009, 07:29 PM
Not rumpur, it's fact :rolleyes:

Its not WHAT? :confused:

...is this lingo a cross between Montroseian and Floridian? :lol:

18th September 2009, 07:31 PM
Yup JT is a good rider in the right place, but I think he just cant cut it with the big boys... :hand:

The Bull
18th September 2009, 10:08 PM
The Yamaha is the best bike in the paddock. He had a great chance to show his skills but he wasn't quite good enough. All american line up at Tech Trois next year.

I'm actually glad Colin Edwards kept his ride over JT. If they had got rid of CE and kept JT it would have been a shocker considering the comparative results over the last 2 seasons.

I guess Randy De Puniet will be staying at LCR then? I think he quite fancied that Tech3 ride.

There's an interesting quote from Chris Vermuelen on Crash.net with regards to MotoGP.

"Until there are some rule changes the only way to win [in MotoGP] is on a factory Honda or Yamaha. Even Casey [Stoner] has found that this season," declared the #7.

Personally I'd like to see how Marco Melandri goes next year on the Gresini Honda, he did not bad on last years Kawasaki this year.

19th September 2009, 10:13 AM
Where do you think Ellias will get a seat? Surely someone must snap him up after his perforamce over the last few races!

The Bull
21st September 2009, 12:51 PM
I don't. Guys like Elias and De Angelis have blotted their copy book in my opinion by only performing when their job is on the line.

Close the door on your way out!

21st September 2009, 01:23 PM
Yup JT is a good rider in the right place, but I think he just cant cut it with the big boys... :hand:

Hit the nail on the head there!!! He's awesome on a Superbike no doubt, but i feel his results should have been MUCH better this year. Theres no doubt he's trying really hard, he just hasnt 'clicked' with the Yam.
Its true though, to Win in MotoGP you have to be on a Factory bike, plus have more talent AND be faster than Rossi, Pedrobot, Lorenzo and Casey. :moonie: ;)
Marco should go good next year, but like i said, it wont be Championship Winning stuff.
It'll be goods to see Spies in MotoGP next year too, it may even motivate Edwards to get better results??

I wonder how Stacey will get on when he comes back?? Do you think he'll be as fast as before or is that it for him?? :confused:

Big Gordy
21st September 2009, 01:37 PM
He may come back completely re-juvinated you never now:Whistle: They have about the same length of time off over the winter do they not and I don't think they're that slow when they come back:p
I just wish it was a level playing field that's all:ragin: I mean Pedrosa weighs about 6 stone soaking wet its no wonder he gets flying starts:eek: The sooner they weight the bike AND the rider to get a minimum weight the better IMO:idea: Its going like F1:frown: All the riders are going to be ex horse jockeys.....tiny and weigh 6 stone:yawn:

21st September 2009, 02:21 PM
Yeah, kinda agree, however i was meaning his 'illness'

I wonder if its 'cured' or if it'll still hamper him.
I said on another Forum last year that while Rossi is still on the scene, Stoner wont win another Title. ;)

I for one would LOVE to see the electronics be banished, then we'd see PURE rider Talent win races, not some electronics company!!!! :moonie:
Hayden was saying it in a interview in Motorcycle Racer magazine "Electronics suck, it's more fun to ride the bike without them and i hope they outlaw them!!"
Theres no denying its alot more fun watching them without alot of electronics, christ, remember the sideways action of the 990's???!!!:thud:
MotoGP for me is THE best, most exciting Motor Racing Sport we have, if it were to go down the route of F1 then theres no doubt it'll become 'boring'

I simply cant agree that riders coming through the ranks, with all these electronics 'benefiting' them, just simply dont have the raw talent of Rossi, Hayden etc etc who grew up without them (or with ALOT less) and for me is 'masking' the true potential of just how good these riders really are.
For me (and i'm not just saying this because i'm a Rossi fan) but put any rider on the same bike as Rossi with or without electronics and he'll come out on top time and time again, as he is proving at the moment.

S'pose its like 6 and two 3's, electronics hinder some while for some they can help them excel :Whistle: in a Sport where they wouldnt have done so well before the electronics Era.

The Bull
21st September 2009, 03:01 PM
I just wish it was a level playing field that's all:ragin: I mean Pedrosa weighs about 6 stone soaking wet its no wonder he gets flying starts:eek: The sooner they weight the bike AND the rider to get a minimum weight the better IMO:idea: Its going like F1:frown: All the riders are going to be ex horse jockeys.....tiny and weigh 6 stone:yawn:

You've got a point there but being a superlight rider like Dani and Loris has it's downside when trying to manouvre the bike. It's much easier for the taller riders to get the bike over and back again.

Big Gordy
21st September 2009, 03:30 PM
But these new 800 weigh little more than the 250's these wee guys came from:eek: The 'new' generation 800 is all about corner speed:yes nod:
I remember Micheal Rutter a couple of seasons back, in BSB, saying he struggled getting his head around the fact that on the Ducati the crew were telling him just to whack the throttle wide open when coming out of the corners and trust the electronics to do the rest:eek: His brain was over-riding those instructions:lol:

Big Gordy
21st September 2009, 03:32 PM
Yeah, kinda agree, however i was meaning his 'illness'

They've not been saying much have they:confused: Hope he has managed to shake, whatever it was, off as when he's on his game he is fast:clap:

21st September 2009, 04:56 PM
I remember Micheal Rutter a couple of seasons back, in BSB, saying he struggled getting his head around the fact that on the Ducati the crew were telling him just to whack the throttle wide open when coming out of the corners and trust the electronics to do the rest:eek: His brain was over-riding those instructions:lol:

Yip, its the same kinda thing with the new riders that have came through to MotoGP from the 250's. Its all about corner speed with the 800's, it'll be the same with Moto2 aswell. I used to love the different styles you used to see on the 990's, the way they used to stand on the pegs nearly in every corner and lever the thing onto its side just to get it to turn!!!! :eek: You hardly see that now with the smaller bikes. I think thats where Hayden has struggled since the 800's came along. Hes ALWAYS rode the BIG bikes and was always loose on them. You just cant do that on the smaller 800's.
I remember reading somewhere about a journalist who was watching Stoner at a Track where he could clearly see that his throttle was WIDE OPEN way BEFORE the apex!!!!!:eek: He could hear the traction control rattling away like a machine gun!! For said journalist to be surprised/shocked at this, shows just how much they must put trust into the electronics!!! Any bike rider on here will tell you how hard that must be, to actually tell your brain that its OK to whack the throttle wide open while your knees on the deck and you've got 260bhp going through a contact patch no bigger than the palm of your hand!!! :eek:

I'm not a huge fan of Stoner, but i do honestly hope he comes back stronger than before because the battles he used to have with Rossi were amazing:thumbs up:

21st September 2009, 04:58 PM
They've not been saying much have they:confused: Hope he has managed to shake, whatever it was, off as when he's on his game he is fast:clap:

There were rumours going around saying that he had fell out with his team boss for some reason or another and that was why he's taking time off?? Both have obviously denied the rumour though. We'll just need to see where he's at when he does come back :thumbs up: Theres no doubting that when he's on it, he's fast!!! :thumbs up:

21st September 2009, 05:06 PM
You've got a point there but being a superlight rider like Dani and Loris has it's downside when trying to manouvre the bike. It's much easier for the taller riders to get the bike over and back again.

I wouldnt say its got much to do with height/being taller etc, Dani is testament to that!! Its more to do with strength. Remember when Dani was on the 990's, it was his physical strength that let him down in the braking zones and in the corners. Look at Loris, he's never been short on strength, really strong little barsteward!!!
But on the 800's, they're alot lighter obviously so cornering and braking isnt so taxing on little frames like Dani's.

The Bull
21st September 2009, 11:55 PM
Yeah, when I said "taller" I did really mean "bigger".