View Full Version : MP3 or Ipod

Neil and Lorna
29th August 2009, 11:08 AM
Ok peeps need a bit of help here.:eek:

With the prospect of having all our music on 1 device which will plug into both cars through the aux input.:D I've started ripping all our music to our laptop.:eek:

I've put some of the music onto a USB pen and tried it in the MINI. The BMW hasn't got a USB input so will probably looking at a MP3 player or Ipod.

To be quite honest the sample tracks I've tried just don't seem to sound as good as the original CD, there seem to us anyway, to be a lacking in dynamic range to the music. Anybody else think this as well after changing over ?
All tracks have been ripped as WMA bit rate 192Mbs.

Which is better WMA or MP3 ?
Would an Ipod / MP3 player give better sound than the USB?

Thanks in advance for any help.:thumbs up:

Neil and Lorna.:D

29th August 2009, 11:21 AM
a ipod should give better sound the are coverted to ACC i have a 120gb i pod clasic and find it to be very good when pluged in to my car mp3 is also good i used to use mp3 disks in my car before i got my ipod

but i know fi thinks the sound is worse of the i pod than a cd

29th August 2009, 11:22 AM
I notice no difference in sound between the usb and the ipod in our mini.

I'm using them vis the Parott 9200 which had the Digital Class-D 20W built-in amplifier. Which enhances the sound quality. Still prefer a CD.

29th August 2009, 11:50 AM
saw in a mag last month, external hard dist in the bootspace cubby holes.
They are really small nowadays.

you can fill a hard disk with thousands of mp3s and play till your hearts content.

think it was around £150 for kit and easy to fit.

29th August 2009, 03:15 PM
If you're speakers are lacking in any way this will only make the ripped music worse as it struggles to play out the sound range.

My iPod worked fine in the M3 as did the USB stick and MP3 CD's, not much difference between them.

Choice of MP3 player is personal, but, iPod all the way for me and certainly wouldn't listen to WMA files, way too big and use too much compression and usually always need a codec to play them which again loses some quality of the tune.

Rip to MP3 and use the max it can go to, 320 :thumbs up:

29th August 2009, 04:36 PM
I would stick with Ipod.

Some of my friends had Creative MP3 players and have changed to Ipods. Actually everyone I can think of has a Ipod of some sort.

The Sony MP3 players used to also be quite good but not seen any of the latest ones