View Full Version : Diving Footballers

28th August 2009, 10:21 PM
Once again the game sunk to a new level when that diving cheat, Eduardo from Arsenal gained his side a penalty in the recent champions league qualifyer against Celtic.
I'm no Celtic fan, but, having played football professionally i can't believe how the game is sinking to the level of cheating going on.

Hopefully Uefa will take action and penalise the team and not the player and it's high time that managers made comments to stamp it out like Craig levein has done for Dundee Utd.

Sadly the fans approve and applaud when their own team gain an advantage unfairly so it's little wonder the game is riddled with cheats.

If a governing body could be used to investigate games and then penalise clubs points then maybe the managers would take more action instead of thanking their stars for cheating and getting goals and decisions.

And breathe :D

28th August 2009, 10:31 PM
they seem to want to make an example out of him, which is a good thing.

Was interesting listening to Ewan and Roughy tonight

28th August 2009, 10:37 PM
Uefa have charged Eduardo with "deceiving the referee" and he might face up to a 2-match ban. Wenger is defending him though - that's even worse I think! Don't know how you can defend that - wonder what he'll say if Man Utd get a penalty tomorrow from someone diving?

By the way, who did you play for?

28th August 2009, 10:39 PM
This sort of thing makes me enjoy footy a lot less than I would otherwise.

Commentators etc. don't help when they use terminology like "won a penalty". Or, the striker was "entitled to go down" in the box.

That's not what fitba is all about!

Scottie is right, make a high-profile example of someone which will hopefully begin to sort it out.

Imagine how awful it would be if a World Cup was won through absolute dishonesty!

Big Gordy
28th August 2009, 10:44 PM
Imagine how awful it would be if a World Cup was won through absolute dishonesty!

We're not including Maradonas 'hand of god' goal are we:Whistle:

The Dogfather
28th August 2009, 11:40 PM
Agree with the points made, its also done a great disservice to his teammates as well, Arsenal would have won without cheating but thats all thats being discussed.

28th August 2009, 11:47 PM
Scottie is right, make a high-profile example of someone which will hopefully begin to sort it outHappy enough for an example to be made of the cheating player, but, the team must be made to suffer, that way the individual will have not only the manager to deal with but his team mates as well.
If it was me, i'd dock points from teams and let the club deal with the player as it see's fit.

Typical greetin face Wenger would defend his player, the whole world is against him, but, i can easily count at least 5 of his so called superstars that cheat on a regular basis and if he can't see it then he's a worse manager than i thought :ragin:

I love football and the fact it isn't stop started to allow decisions to be made from the stand, but, the cheats of todays game are ruining it such that it's inevitable that it will come into force sooner rather than later.

I played for the mighty Brechin :D had trials at QPR and but for a torn cartlidge the week before a trial with Glasgow Rangers, who knows what would have happened

28th August 2009, 11:48 PM
Agree with the points made, its also done a great disservice to his teammates as wellThing is Eduardo isn't the worst Arsenal offender :computer:

The Dogfather
29th August 2009, 02:49 AM
Worse offender - Drogba

29th August 2009, 08:10 AM
I've never seen a player the size of Drogba go down so quick, he is a disgrace. In saying that, Ashley Young did exactly the same thing in the Europa league qualifier this week and won a penalty and nobody has said anything about it (mainly I think as he then took the worst penalty since Peter Nicholas blasted the top of Hampden in the cup final in 88 I think)

As far as i can make out what Wenger said (granted, wasn't really listening) it was more that UEFA were making decisions and overruling the referee afterwards by using video evidence and that they would now be challenging everything.

In some ways, I think this is a good move as it should stop players play acting so much. However it is a dangerous thing as you may end up getting teams complaining after games and you get into the situation with F1 last season where you were never really sure if the result was going to stand until the stewards had all gone home.

Mixed feelings on this one, but someone needs to sort out the diving.

The Dogfather
29th August 2009, 08:21 AM
I don't think the results would ever change but player being punished retrospectively for cheating has to be a good thing.

Most blatant cheating, Drogba going down after a challenge but doing so just off the pitch. The game carries on, he realises so he rolls on to the pitch and the game stops. Minutes later he's racing around like nothing happened.

29th August 2009, 01:01 PM
Top post boss, annoying little diving fecker that he was but over both games , what a gulf in class/technical ability :yes nod:

Europa anyone ............ :hand:

29th August 2009, 01:12 PM
Drogba will play eight games this season if it becomes the norm :D Celtic used to have Petrov for this kind of thing, free kicks with dive was his weapon of choice;)

Drogba could have went down for a pen there and fought to stay up.:thumbs up:

29th August 2009, 02:04 PM
IMHO until commentators stop saying "he played for the fowl" or "he played for the penalty", say it the way it is, he cheated. That would certainly be a start.

30th August 2009, 02:03 AM
Happy enough for an example to be made of the cheating player, but, the team must be made to suffer, that way the individual will have not only the manager to deal with but his team mates as well.
If it was me, i'd dock points from teams and let the club deal with the player as it see's fit.

Typical greetin face Wenger would defend his player, the whole world is against him, but, i can easily count at least 5 of his so called superstars that cheat on a regular basis and if he can't see it then he's a worse manager than i thought :ragin:

I love football and the fact it isn't stop started to allow decisions to be made from the stand, but, the cheats of todays game are ruining it such that it's inevitable that it will come into force sooner rather than later.

I played for the mighty Brechin :D had trials at QPR and but for a torn cartlidge the week before a trial with Glasgow Rangers, who knows what would have happened

sorry for going slightly off topic but i know a guy called sinclair marr who played for brechin sure he played left back or midfield, just wondered if you knew him,

anyway back to topic ye i couldnt believe how the ref actually missed it though he had the perfect angle to see it but anyway uefa has acted and will be giving out a nice little ban to eduardo so justice has being done slightly,

i noticed arsene wenger was throwing another wobbly after the man u game saturday tea time, he was trying to accuse rooney of diving and more infuriated was the fact that his team had goal dissallowed in last minute then he got sent off happy days what a week :D:lol:

30th August 2009, 02:36 PM
i noticed arsene wenger was throwing another wobbly after the man u game saturday tea time, he was trying to accuse rooney of diving and more infuriated was the fact that his team had goal dissallowed in last minute then he got sent off happy days what a week :D:lol:I watched the game and i actually felt sorry for Wenger this time around.
Yes he kicked the water bottle down the pitch a wee bit, but, the ref in this case was a complete idiot, sending Wenger off the pitch with about 5 seconds to go only added to the frustration of the game for the players.

Sorry, i don't recognise that Brechin players name, and we are going back to the late 70's :blush: :Whistle:

30th August 2009, 09:07 PM
I watched the game and i actually felt sorry for Wenger this time around.
Yes he kicked the water bottle down the pitch a wee bit, but, the ref in this case was a complete idiot, sending Wenger off the pitch with about 5 seconds to go only added to the frustration of the game for the players.

Sorry, i don't recognise that Brechin players name, and we are going back to the late 70's :blush: :Whistle:

totally agree there was no need to send him off for the last how many seconds was left was a bit daft have to say, thing is he will get a hefty swearing from the F.A. and probs a big fine, not being a good week for him :lol:

ah that may be before he was there just thought i would ask though :lol: