View Full Version : Charity Treasure Hunt - Sun 23rd August

20th August 2009, 11:25 AM
Is anybody going to the Peter Vardy Treasure Hunt on Sunday? We can't make it because we are down in London, but it sounds like it might be a fun day out. Entry fee is £10 per car and there is a £250 prize. All proceeds to charity.

Starts at 12.00 at the showroom, then there's a treasure hunt and then it's back to the showroom for some entertainment.

I believe everyone is welcome, the more the merrier. Probably would help them if they knew in advance who was coming, (0131 669 0900) but they would be happy for anyone to turn up on the day.

AndyP & Lenore
20th August 2009, 11:41 AM
Despite buying just under a quarter of a million pounds worth of cars from them over the past 5 years - albeit when they were Dunedin - and making enquiries over the past couple of years on 2 new MINI's, a X3, and a couple of 1 series's, they must have accidentally missed me off their invite list.:frown:


20th August 2009, 11:56 AM
Despite buying just under a quarter of a million pounds worth of car from them over the past 5 years.


Can't believe you've had 3 mini's off them:Whistle:

20th August 2009, 12:22 PM
I got a phone call asking me if I wished to attend but I said no

20th August 2009, 12:51 PM
...a quarter of a million pounds worth of car from them...

:eek: :thud:

WHAT!!! just ONE car at a cost of £250,000???? That must be one hell of a MINI!!


20th August 2009, 04:17 PM
:eek: :thud:

WHAT!!! just ONE car at a cost of £250,000???? That must be one hell of a MINI!!


It was one well specced mowta :rolleyes: , every box ticked :Whistle:

Just as an aside, ((('shiver'))) I wonder how much of this £250K was lost in depreciation :thud:

AndyP & Lenore
20th August 2009, 04:18 PM
Just got our e-mail invite in, must of heard Andy moaning.;)


20th August 2009, 04:37 PM
Just got our e-mail invite in, must of heard Andy moaning.;)


Maybe they just kept it back to wind him up :yes nod:

20th August 2009, 05:15 PM
i wont be there i am off on a dealer MINI RUN with russ swift for mini 50th

AndyP & Lenore
20th August 2009, 06:21 PM
:eek: :thud:

WHAT!!! just ONE car at a cost of £250,000???? That must be one hell of a MINI!!



Edited my post to add in the plural.

It was several MINI's and a very expensive X5.:eek:


20th August 2009, 08:47 PM
Your minis from them must have cost about £65k each then.

24th August 2009, 10:23 PM
Did anybody go on this outing?