View Full Version : Mad quad

Ally S
13th August 2009, 09:59 AM


13th August 2009, 10:31 AM
And I thought rage buggies were crazy!

13th August 2009, 10:37 AM
Speaking of which, i was looking for a RL quad for myself for a bit of banter.

seen this Turbo'd 500cc thing @ 10k!! so i bought a MINI instead lol

13th August 2009, 11:11 AM
I like :cool:

13th August 2009, 12:34 PM
Ally have you seen the guy on the what I can only describe as a skidoo on wheels…two at the front and one at the back wheels. He has passed me a few times on the south side and has never had a helmet on yet…….

Looks Mad all the same.........

Ally S
13th August 2009, 01:06 PM
Ally have you seen the guy on the what I can only describe as a skidoo on wheels…two at the front and one at the back wheels. He has passed me a few times on the south side and has never had a helmet on yet…….

Looks Mad all the same.........

nope, but there was a quad behind me on the motorway recently.

At the superbikes I seen a guy who had converted one of those handicap scooters so that it had a quad rear end!