View Full Version : East Fortune Airshow

23rd July 2009, 10:35 PM
anyone else going this saturday. The Avro Vulcan will be there:cool:

23rd July 2009, 11:55 PM
Hope they have the Avro flying. Not going or anything but it looks like a good day out. Flew for the first time this year and loved it. I like all the WWII stuff always have,

24th July 2009, 02:05 PM
Just along the road from me, but i'm playing in the pipeband at The Gathering in Edinburgh. Think my brother may have done some "air frame" work on that Vulcan

24th July 2009, 03:17 PM
will they have any spitfires etc? I love all the old WWII planes too.

My grandfather was a mechanic in the RAF during the war and was fixing spitfires. He said at some points they were so hard up for tools they sometimes had to use their knife n forks they ate with on the planes. Oh and also that they used to go round and raid the american base for equipment and supplies cos they americans had everything they could want.

He gave me his mechanics book before he passed away. All hand written notes on how to fix the planes during their training... was interesting to go through.

He was always going to take me to places where they burried them into the hills after the war but we never managed to get it done.

24th July 2009, 08:35 PM
Is this on 2moro?? (saturday)
Might pop down for a wee looksy.

Ian:thumbs up:

24th July 2009, 08:48 PM
yip tomorrow the air display is on between 1pm and 5pm I think.

24th July 2009, 10:14 PM
here is a list of what will be up in the air.

The blades are good to watch

Confirmed for Airshow 2009*:

Avro Vulcan (new!)
Gnat Pair (new!)
King Air (new!)
Hawk (new!)
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (Spitfire, Hurricane, Dakota)
RAF Chinook
The Blades
Team Guinot Wingwalkers
Sea Hawk
Bulldog & SE5a
Swift Glider Combo
Lynx Helo
Pitts Special

25th July 2009, 05:21 AM
All of them are cool, the king air really doesn't fit in for my money...it's a really common aircraft that you see at just about any decent sized airfield. I even know of one training organisation that uses king airs for it's multi engine work! I'd be very interested to see the WWII planes, especially the spitfire and mustang.

Shame I can't go, guess I'll have to stick to dodging F-16s in the skies over Arizona ;)

26th July 2009, 10:43 PM
some pictures that Allan took yesterday please click HERE (http://Scottiedoop.jalbum.net/National%20Museum%20Of%20Flight%20Airshow%202009/) enjoy:cool:

27th July 2009, 12:18 AM
The Big AVRO Vulcan I take it was G-VLCN (XH558) looks stunning. :thumbs up:

27th July 2009, 09:04 AM
Great pics, stunning Vulcan :thumbs up: