View Full Version : See, you've got to pace yourself!!!!!!

20th July 2009, 04:44 PM

Motorway crash involving 259 cars in Germany....................

See, you've got to pace yourself....all it take is one to go tit's and well the Germans know the rest...........:D

Seriously though that’s some pile up, wish all the injured all the best.

Ally S
20th July 2009, 08:01 PM
yeah thats mental - imagine trying to sort all that out

20th July 2009, 08:15 PM
Very nasty, probably more the fact they drive too close, rather than just out right speed.

20th July 2009, 10:27 PM
Bloody hell!! :eek: :eek:

That's mental! :frown:

21st July 2009, 01:14 PM
Jings :eek:

21st July 2009, 05:31 PM
now thats a lot of scrap cars

21st July 2009, 06:18 PM
I feel for the poor police officer.

Right I’ll just get my pen and note pad out, I’ll work backwards I think…….

“Ok if you could just tell us exactly what happened when your car hit the other 258 cars on the Motorway”