View Full Version : The problem with Mini2

12th May 2004, 05:20 AM
Too many anal Americans.

FFS the majority of them are sooo up their arses, no sense of irony and take offense to almost anyhting, I posted a link to my panel filter for sale in a thread to drum up interest where someone was saying they bought a replacement filter and someone complained. I find it at times to be an extremely unfiendly site and some of "their" posts to be so obtuse. I have owned 2 Minis and only got rid of my last one due to its incompatability with my crap knee so there fore have no desire to flame the car etc.

Rant over, ahh nice people of Scotland

12th May 2004, 06:23 AM
i actually agree. Sometimes i deliberately go on their to instigate but most of em know what i'm like now. lol. There are lots of nice people on there, but a few of the more well known folk seem to have a clicque thing going on.

12th May 2004, 06:48 AM
I never go there anymore. It smells!

12th May 2004, 04:21 PM
cant remember the last time i went to mini2 never mind posted anything there. Its too dammm big to keep up with whats going on most of the time

12th May 2004, 04:22 PM
I only go there to use the arcade :D

Duncan Stewart
12th May 2004, 04:49 PM
I only use it for theads refered to from here (like cullen run, round Britian run, etc).

12th May 2004, 05:25 PM
I can see where your coming from - I usually only follow links from here or dip in and out of the Faults/ Maintenance Forums - occassionally I might have a read through the General Discussion forum - How Paul/Aiden et al manage to keep a sane head reading the number of repeated threads is beyond me!8)

Another gripe I have is when you start a genuine UK thread for a product that you can only get in the UK only for it to be taken over by the US contingent discussing products we can't get over here and before you know it no-one from the UK reads the thread so you don't get an answer! And when you comment that can UK people only post replies you are seen as the bad guy!:(

13th May 2004, 07:27 AM
I'm a regular of MINI2-Sorry some of you feel about the Website in that way.
Hope I am welcomed on here as I have been welcomed on there?

13th May 2004, 08:13 AM
I still use MINI2, although must admit that I prefer NMS now, mainly because Its more relative to me and I can put faces to the names now. :)
MINI2 is a victim of its own success to a certain extent and thats why it gets so many repeated posts. Stll wouldn't like to be without it though!

Just my opinion for what its worth...

13th May 2004, 08:20 AM
i guess its due to mini2 i found you folks. other than that i only really use the faults and fixes. i find the "im faster, got a bigger exhaust, better upgrade a bit childish." And im afraid i agree with the american statement, heads so far lodged up their alimentary canal they have not seem daylight for years :D:D:D

Willie M
13th May 2004, 03:40 PM
Still use MINI2 a fair wee bit, mainly searches on specific things. Other than that it's pretty much UK events, etc. You certainly couldn't keep up with all the new threads and posts :eek:
I still think it's a great site and have met a lot of nice folks through it this last couple of years.

Would agree that there is an element of 'clique-ism' around some parts of the site but I guess that's inevitable, due to it's size and popularity.

Oh, and Interceptor. You will be made more than welcome around these parts :cool: I can assure you that the warm welcome and friendly banter you experienced on the Scottish leg of the Round Britain Run is but a sample of what you can expect round here. :approve: We're measuring you up for your straight jacket as I type ;):D

13th May 2004, 10:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by Willie M
Oh, and Interceptor. You will be made more than welcome around these parts :cool: I can assure you that the warm welcome and friendly banter you experienced on the Scottish leg of the Round Britain Run is but a sample of what you can expect round here. :approve: We're measuring you up for your straight jacket as I type ;):D

Thats good to hear :)

13th May 2004, 11:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

i actually agree. Sometimes i deliberately go on their to instigate but most of em know what i'm like now. lol. There are lots of nice people on there, but a few of the more well known folk seem to have a clicque thing going on.

I find mini2 VERY clicque ... probs why i dont post much there

13th May 2004, 11:23 PM
I am a member of the LexusOwnersclub a member of the Volkswagen Touareg club.
I also have a Lexus RX300 and since monday the 10th a Touareg 5litre V10 tdi.

these how they rank.

1st. NMS
2nd. Lexus Owners Club
3rd. Mini2.
4th. Touareg club.

This is a good site.. Thanks.

23rd May 2004, 04:27 AM
I think MIni2 has reached 'saturation point' and a lot of the members are "Minied Out"
Nothing much new happening just anal bantering between cliques. You most probable know my views on certain Mini2ers by now.

redpoint rallying
24th May 2004, 07:08 AM
Yes I think you are right about MINI2. Its a well intentioned site but is showing signs of imploding, which would be a bit of a shame. At the risk of offending anyone...just how interesting is a thread stating 'Ive just ordered my MINI' or 'My MINI arrives in 3 months' I dont begin to assume that my rallying threads scratch everyones itch but if I see another MINI2 thread debating the pros and cons of bonnet stripes........well you get my drift. Good that its there all the same if only to be amused at just how serious some of the contributers are. Lets not let NMS go this way.
Anyway, I'm thinking of putting bonnet stripes down next doors cat.....
