View Full Version : Arbroath Seafront Spectacular 2009 - Sat 25th July *MEET!*

10th July 2009, 10:38 AM
Ok guys.. there seems out have been a bit of interest in this event again this year, always a cracking day out!
So.. I'll take the plunge and see if we can't get a few NMS cars on show for the day.

Meeting point for a convoy to the show will be at the Dundee Cineworld (formerly UGC Cinema) up near Camperdown park. at (**Time to be arranged**) There's a Mcdonalds there for coffee and *cof* "comfort" breaks too. ;)

The plan is to depart from there, have a wee convoy down through The back of Dundee, and if there's time on the day, have a nice scenic detour through some twisties on the back roads into Arbroath :thumbs up::D. If there's not time on the day, we can just blast along the A92 into Arbroath.

So come on, if you're free on sat 25th July and fancy a nice day out at the seaside (and maybe even some freshly smoked Arbroath Smokies!), get your names down and join in! :thumbs up::cool:

p.s... can some nice friendly mod please make this a sticky? ta! :thumbs up:

1. Burple
2. The Gismo Man (maybe)
3. MrMischief (maybe)

10th July 2009, 03:41 PM
You have two different dates on the post?

10th July 2009, 04:21 PM
It's on 25th ;)

10th July 2009, 04:26 PM
You have two different dates on the post?

Oops.. well spotted.. yip.. it's the 25th. :thumbs up:

10th July 2009, 11:27 PM
Well done for organising this Ewan. I won't be able to make it I don't think as this is the middle weekend of our 2 weeks away and we will be travelling between accomodation. But never say never... :thumbs up:

10th July 2009, 11:31 PM
I will be there with the Clan, taking the Paul Smith not the 'S'

There is going to be a big 50 going on.

Moan the mini's

10th July 2009, 11:40 PM
I might make this, but, don't want to be hemmed in cause i can't stay all day and it will be in the classic, so, put me down as a maybe.
I'd join you in Dundee for the blast through

13th July 2009, 08:41 PM
I'm up for it.

14th July 2009, 07:12 PM
Will have to miss it for the first time.:ragin:
Playing with Pipeband at the Castle :D usual story, can't do everything.

19th July 2009, 11:39 AM
Thought we'd be at this for definite, but our house moving date is looming closer so depends on how well prepared we are...put us down as a maybe too :thumbs up:

20th July 2009, 11:20 AM
Hmm.. looks like there's not gonna be a lot of people around for this one after all... :sad:

24th July 2009, 11:01 AM
Ah well.. definite lack of interest for this one after all then :frown:

I'm gonna cancel the run through since there's only me definitely going! lol
I'll be there for a bit at least tho. Been a bit busy this week or I would have arranged to try and meet up with the Clan on their way through.

Next year maybe? :thumbs up:

24th July 2009, 07:48 PM
I was up for it, there seems to be a lack of interest in static events but no problems getting numbers for a blast around the countryside pity :frown:

24th July 2009, 08:16 PM
That's a pity - I've not been online much but had hoped to see a few names down for this.

I was gonna work tomorrow morning & join the run through at the very least...have fun Ewan & take plenty pics :thumbs up:

24th July 2009, 08:19 PM
i was going to head up after i finished at half 12

but then it is also weather depending :rolleyes: