View Full Version : Who wants a good laugh!!!

6th July 2009, 03:35 PM
Right now I did'nt find this funny, but you lot probably will... :rolleyes:

So here goes :- Friday morning I go and get myself a Courier (local newspaper) open up the first page, 1st thing I spot on page 3 is a picture of Billy Connolly, so read the article, basically saying that he is coming to Perth for one night in September nd that the tickets will be going on sale the following morning at 9am then on phone lines at 10am, so I thought f**king brilliant that'll do me I'll head up to Perth to get some, coz I have ALWAYS wanted to see him LIVE.

I turn up @ 7.45 to join an ever expanding queue, a guy two ahead of me has a paper and it says that Billy is coming to play in Dundee as well!!! and tickets are goin on sale at the same time as the Perth ones... (Gits) never mind I'm here now, so anyway it's coming up to 9.45 now and I realise my parking tickets going to expire shortly so quickly leave the queue to go put more money in machine and get a ticket again costing me a small fortune, race back to my place in the queue ....11am and closing in on the front door and am thinking yes nearly there now.

11.15 and Im next in the queue to get into the building to get some tickets, five minutes go by and the staff come out with signs saying that the tickets are all sold out!!! There was still a HUGE queue behind me halfway around the building as well.

The ba***ard two in front of me had went and got the last 6 tickets!!! :ragin:

F**king been in that queue for 3 1/2 hrs to walk away with nothing!! and having spent a wee fortune on tickets to park my car... and by this time desperate for a pee and starving due to not having any breakfast before coming here...

I was not a happy bunny :argh:

There you go folks, thats how I spent my saturday morning...

I'm sure some of you will find this very funny, and will have had a good laugh :frown:

6th July 2009, 04:20 PM
I'm sure some of you will find this very funny, and will have had a good laugh :frown:Not saying what side i'm on :D

6th July 2009, 04:23 PM
Could you not have got them online on horsecross.co.uk or ticketmaster?

6th July 2009, 04:39 PM
That sucks.

I'd be suitably raging if i was you!

6th July 2009, 05:18 PM
Not saying what side i'm on :D

I'm pretty damn sure I know which side your on :moonie:

Could you not have got them online on horsecross.co.uk or ticketmaster?

Nope coz they were only going to sell any left over tickets online from today... bastids :ragin:

Ally S
6th July 2009, 09:37 PM
nah that sucks man, bet the guy in front was laughing though

6th July 2009, 09:45 PM
not great man - looking at getting tickets for glasgow or edinburgh.. :smilewinkgrin:

AndyP & Lenore
6th July 2009, 09:58 PM
We're away to Orlando for most of the dates. Back in time for the SECC dates and they are all sold out.:sad:

We saw him in the mid 90's in Kelso when he was doing his World Tour Of Scotland. Absolute class, haven't laughed so much in all my life.:thumbs up:


7th July 2009, 09:34 AM
Tickets were apparently up on ebay by 10.30 at STUPID prices. Thats what P*SSES me off most about this whole thing is that the majority of these tickets seem to have been bought by people so they can make a huge fast buck by charging extortionate prices for what were originally bought for £32 and are not really wanting to see him themselves but just want to rip those people off who do want to see him but dont have tickets, I for one will NEVER buy tickets from these kind of people and I dont think anyone else should either coz it just encourages these low life people to keep doing it.


It makes me sick that people can and DO get away with doing this rubbish!!! :ragin:

AndyP & Lenore
7th July 2009, 10:14 AM
Zimbo, Usher Hall in Edinburgh too far for you? If not, get booking. BBC clicky linky (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/8137062.stm)

A.:thumbs up: