View Full Version : Superbikes in George Square this afternoon/evening?

1st July 2009, 03:44 PM
anyone going? i'm heading in after work :thumbs up:

1st July 2009, 04:11 PM
If Laura's courtesy car isn't a bucket of sh*t, i might steal it and come over for a look/listen. I'll text you if i do.

1st July 2009, 05:00 PM
would love to, but ain't gonna make it in time... I was working in Glasgow today, but got called back to the office early or I would have been able to pop by after work.. ;)

1st July 2009, 05:20 PM
think im might go for a wee looky!

got tickets for sat and sun :D:D

Big Gordy
2nd July 2009, 08:29 AM
I forgot it was the superbikes this weekend :eek:
Going on holiday Saturday:ragin: Could have left on Monday too if I'd remembered......doh:argh:

2nd July 2009, 08:56 AM
was alright i suppose but it was well dragged out. someone dropped their bike but i cant remember who it was! i knew they wouldnt bring out their proper race bikes but some of them were just stickered up road bikes with not even an exhaust!! i went to hear a bit of noise!! luckly morrisions leon and a few of the knockhill cars had a bit of noise to them! morgan plus 8 :shut up:

plenty of females too which was nice :p

Ally S
6th July 2009, 01:05 PM
plenty of females too which was nice :p

rizla tent was nice and the two girls with the cropped orange shirts were nice

6th July 2009, 04:45 PM
rizla tent was nice and the two girls with the cropped orange shirts were nice


7th July 2009, 01:55 AM
some pics....








7th July 2009, 10:21 PM
Where was the talent?! Does anybody else feel REALLY old looking at the 2 pics of those promotion girls? :Whistle:

Surely they're only about 15/16 :hand:

I hope you saw/mollested others Chris :thud::laugh:

8th July 2009, 09:56 AM
Where was the talent?! Does anybody else feel REALLY old looking at the 2 pics of those promotion girls? :Whistle:

Surely they're only about 15/16 :hand:

I hope you saw/mollested others Chris :thud::laugh:

the bottom girl is scottish rider sammi tasker, shes 15/16, not bad on a bike!!

the other girl had nicer mates :D

there was the rockettes and some girl band

plus the girls in orange :thumbs up:

9th July 2009, 08:32 PM
Where was the talent?! Does anybody else feel REALLY old looking at the 2 pics of those promotion girls? :Whistle:

Surely they're only about 15/16 :hand:

Only one of them (the first one) is a promo girl, the second one is Sammi Tasker


and she is only 15 :lol:

Here's one of the other promo girls for you.....


9th July 2009, 11:12 PM
I take it the super bikes were actually there......and not just young chicks? :lol:

10th July 2009, 09:05 AM
I take it the super bikes were actually there......and not just young chicks? :lol:

there was no superbikes there, just stickered up road bikes, some even had exhausts :laugh:

11th July 2009, 01:59 AM
there was no superbikes there, just stickered up road bikes, some even had exhausts :laugh:

I think Sammi was the only one on a race bike, didn't stop one of the BSB riders binning it :lol: