View Full Version : Tidy GP

6th June 2009, 11:19 PM
Just found this GP on autotrader,only 1755 miles, i have being drooling over it :lol::lol:

i then decided out of interest to see how much insurance would be for one, tesco were quoting me 1030 which i thought was not too bad, mmmm very tempting :yes nod::yes nod:

Ally S
6th June 2009, 11:32 PM
1700 miles! surely the purpose of buying a car is to drive it! especially one as nice as that

6th June 2009, 11:34 PM
i know i presume that its an ex demonstrator that no1 has bought, one thing for sure if i was gonna buy it, it would be getting driven haha :thumbs up:

6th June 2009, 11:47 PM
Very nice, I would love one of these. That pic of the interior the seat looks a bit more wear and tear for a car of that sort of mileage, just in my opinion.

6th June 2009, 11:59 PM
That Car was a complete write off a few months back! Don't do it!!! Hence the low mielage, definately one to steer well clear of. Imo anyway!

I can prove this to you if needbe lol

7th June 2009, 11:41 AM
cheers for that wont be looking at it any longer haha just as well you told me ryan :thumbs up:

7th June 2009, 12:13 PM
That Car was a complete write off a few months back! Don't do it!!! Hence the low mielage, definately one to steer well clear of. Imo anyway!

I can prove this to you if needbe lol

got pics of it ??? :confused: just out of intrest to see what they call a write off that can be fixed

i would never knowing bye a repaird car i seen a back street garage do all sorts :shut up:

7th June 2009, 03:27 PM
Im surer there was a post in another mini site about this car or a similar one where the guy bought it and then to find out it was a write off and now he has lost all the money he forked out for it... :eek:

Keep your eyes open out there folks :yes nod:

7th June 2009, 08:49 PM
Slightly :off topic: but I could never understand why they call them the ultimate MINI but never put in the JCW seats, or even the xenon lamps :confused:

Very nice though, although maybe not that example....I think I'd consider one :Whistle:

7th June 2009, 09:05 PM
got pics of it ??? :confused: just out of intrest to see what they call a write off that can be fixed

i would never knowing bye a repaird car i seen a back street garage do all sorts :shut up:

Meant to be chassis damage. All the bodyparts were on ebay at the end of last week. Bit of a dodgy car.

It has been sold several times. Supposed to be in police hold now, yet there is bits from it on ebay:confused:

7th June 2009, 11:49 PM
got pics of it ??? :confused: just out of intrest to see what they call a write off that can be fixed

i would never knowing bye a repaird car i seen a back street garage do all sorts :shut up:

Sorry No pics, just on the mini2 GP register ;)
