View Full Version : Bunch of Dutch Mini's spotted in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland.

27th May 2009, 08:43 PM
I saw 3 or 4 Mini's today as i walked out the door of B&Q's in Kirkcaldy.

It was the Red Clubman that caught my eye...it was lowered and really pimped....then I spotted the other Mini's and the "NL" on the reg plate.

Came home after work and logged on to New Mini Club (http://www.newminiclub.nl)....I'm a member over there.

Turns out that it was in fact some of their members...and The Blue Lobster was one of the guys on the Mini Run.

TBL....has been here on NMS a few times as some of you may remember.

I tried to catch them....but I lost them...

Keep you eyes out for them!


27th May 2009, 09:00 PM
Sounds like some people paying a wee trip to Scotland after MINI United..

I suppose if you travel all that distance it would be rude not too.. considering how beautiful Scotland is.. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

27th May 2009, 09:54 PM
:off topic:

Hello Mark, long time no hear!

27th May 2009, 10:04 PM
Well Mark, I guess this is the Red Clubman you are talking about from Birdog's MINI United Pics


28th May 2009, 12:09 AM
Yes...this was indeed the car....

Some of the guys on NewMiniclub.nl sent me the same pic...

It does look better in the "flesh"



28th May 2009, 12:11 AM
Sounds like some people paying a wee trip to Scotland after MINI United..

I suppose if you travel all that distance it would be rude not too.. considering how beautiful Scotland is.. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

I agree...but Kirkcaldy????:eek:


28th May 2009, 11:39 AM
These cars were in staying at my hotel. I was laughing as I thought the graphics company had made a mistake saying that Mini united was in Scotland.

Ally S
1st June 2009, 10:33 PM
Ah ha. I seen some dutch minis on Saturday heading south past Balloch.

Marcel Always Open
2nd June 2009, 07:47 AM
Hi i just registered here.
Here's one of those crazy dutch guys, owning the purple convertible MCS. We did a tour after Mini United to Scotland , first following the East Coast, a one day trip to Edinborough, and ending at the Isle of Skye, before returning back south. We visited a number of castles, distileries but main goal were the back roads of Scotland!

After a short stop at Donington Formula 1 museum, we returned to Netherlands last Sunday!
We were with 4 MINIs and 7 persons.

Actually the text reads >> Mixedminiclub.nl >> Mini United >> Scotland >>
(text all in the MINI Challenge style)
Below you'll find some pictures..

2nd June 2009, 08:01 AM
:welcome: Marcel, always nice to attract some overseas visitors, epic journey you had :thumbs up:

2nd June 2009, 09:38 AM
Hi i just registered here.
Here's one of those crazy dutch guys, owning the purple convertible MCS. We did a tour after Mini United to Scotland , first following the East Coast, a one day trip to Edinborough, and ending at the Isle of Skye, before returning back south. We visited a number of castles, distileries but main goal were the back roads of Scotland!

After a short stop at Donington Formula 1 museum, we returned to Netherlands last Sunday!
We were with 4 MINIs and 7 persons.

Actually the text reads >> Mixedminiclub.nl >> Mini United >> Scotland >>
(text all in the MINI Challenge style)
Below you'll find some pictures..

What did you think of our epic roads.

2nd June 2009, 10:09 AM
:welcome: Marcel, I remember your Cabrio from Mini United, especially because of the chickens on the rear seats... I hope you guys had a great time over here in Scotland, looks like you guys had a GREAT mini adventure :thumbs up: :clap:

2nd June 2009, 01:41 PM
Hello and:welcome:

I was keeping a look out for you all last week incase you paid a visit to Glasgow and the West

2nd June 2009, 09:12 PM
Pity these guys could not have been up for the Twilight Run........hope you enjoyed our roads.....:thumbs up:

Marcel Always Open
2nd June 2009, 09:28 PM
Absolutely, the roads in Scotland are fantastic! How I like any countryside with long winding roads. Unfortunately, since we do have a handicap in the sense of left-hand drive, we won't drive as fast as the local people (since you have less overview on the road when driving LHD). Try passing a camper or tractor sitting on the wrong side of the road. :eek:

However I must say that there are a lot of loose pebbles on the English and Scottish roads leading to cracks and butts in the windshield.

By the way we drove about 4000 kilometers in 10 days !

I will wrapup my Picaso photoalbum later this week with the holiday pictures of both Mini United and the Scotland tour...
